

单词 letters
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Italic〕italic Abbr. ital.Of or being a style of printing type patterned on a Renaissance script with the letters slanting to the right: italic 缩写 ital.斜体的:文艺复兴时的手写体,其字母都倾向右边的印刷体,或形成一套这种印刷体的:美国传统〔PRIVATE〕private conversations and letters 私人对话和信件朗文写作活用〔absence〕a bundle of letters which had arrived for me in my absence.我不在期间寄给我的一大堆信件柯林斯高阶〔adventure〕a bold adventure into the world of letters 勇闯文学领域的第一步英汉大词典〔art〕art and letters 文艺(艺术与文学)文馨英汉〔background〕red letters printed on a white background 印在白底上的红字韦氏高阶〔by〕letters by the thousands.数以千计的信件美国传统〔catch〕to catch the post(= post letters before the box is emptied) (寄信)赶上邮局的收信时刻牛津高阶〔charge〕letters pervaded with gloom; 充满阴郁气息的信件;美国传统〔congratulation〕letters of congratulation 祝贺信朗文当代〔credential〕credential letters 信任状 (或国书)英汉大词典〔cross〕to cross your t's(= the letters in writing) 写 t 上面的一横牛津高阶〔dispatch〕to dispatch letters (或telegrams,invitations)发送信件(或电报、邀请信)21世纪英汉〔exchange〕to exchange letters with a foreign friend与外国友人通信21世纪英汉〔expurgated〕an expurgated edition of his letters 他书信的删节版本韦氏高阶〔fan〕fan mail(= letters from fans to the person they admire) 狂热仰慕者的来信牛津高阶〔hate〕hate mail(= letters containing cruel comments) 诋毁信件牛津高阶〔home〕one's letters home 写给家里的信(比较:one's home letters家里写来的信) 英汉大词典〔inedited〕inedited letters 未发表的书信英汉大词典〔inundate〕inundate sb. with letters of protest 潮水般地向某人投寄抗议信英汉大词典〔inundate〕to be inundated with letters of protest抗议信铺天盖地而来21世纪英汉〔inundation〕an inundation of fan letters 迷友信函的涌至文馨英汉〔jumble〕a random jumble of letters and numbers一堆杂乱无章的字母和数字外研社新世纪〔letter〕letters to the editor 致编辑的信韦氏高阶〔letter〕the letters of the alphabet.字母表中的字母柯林斯高阶〔letter〕words such as 'debt' and 'half', which contain silent letters 含有不发音字母的词,如 debt 和 half牛津搭配〔loop〕letters formed with lots of loops 带有许多圆圈字形的字母韦氏高阶〔lower case〕lower-case letters 小写字母牛津高阶〔lowercase〕lowercase letters 小写字母韦氏高阶〔manual〕the manual sorting of letters 手工分拣信件剑桥高阶〔multiplex〕brief and scattered letters of the multiplex correspondence 庞杂函件中四散的短简英汉大词典〔number〕the numbers and letters on a license plate 牌照上的数字和字母韦氏高阶〔obsessed〕letters from all these really obsessed people所有这些痴迷者的来信外研社新世纪〔one-to-one〕a one-to-one correspondence between letters and sounds 字母与读音之间完全对应的关系朗文当代〔pencilled〕folded notepaper with the pencilled block letters on the outside.表面用铅笔写着正体大写字母的折起来的信纸柯林斯高阶〔postmark〕postmark letters 在一封封信上盖邮戳英汉大词典〔problem〕the magazine's problem page(= containing letters about readers' pro blems and advice about how to solve them) 这本杂志的解疑专栏牛津高阶〔push〕sit for hours pushing out letters 长时间坐着写一封又一封信 英汉大词典〔random〕a random sequence of letters 随意排列的字母顺序韦氏高阶〔reader〕readers' letters 读者来信牛津高阶〔register〕letters written in a formal register 用正式语言风格书写的信朗文当代〔ribbon〕a bundle of letters tied with pale blue ribbon 一捆用淡蓝色丝带捆好的信朗文当代〔ribbon〕a bundle of old and faded letters tied up in black ribbon 一捆用黑丝带扎好的年久退色的信件 英汉大词典〔rigmarole〕the whole rigmarole of filling out application forms, getting people to write letters of recommendation, and taking several tests 填写报名单找人写推荐信以及接受几次测验这一整套的繁琐程序英汉大词典〔screen〕screen the newspapers and letters 审查报纸和信件英汉大词典〔shower〕a shower of letters (presents) 一大批信件(礼物) 英汉大词典〔silence〕long silences between letters 通信的长期中断英汉大词典〔skywrite〕skywrite in long, slim letters 在空中写出瘦长型字母英汉大词典〔stream〕a constant stream of letters 源源不断的信件牛津搭配〔tape〕a bundle of letters tied with tape 用带子扎在一起的一捆信件英汉大词典〔tear-stained〕tear-stained letters 被泪沾湿的信件剑桥高阶〔thereupon〕a large notice with black letters printed thereupon 印有黑体字的大幅告示牛津高阶〔transpose〕transpose letters to change the spelling 把字母换位以改变拼法英汉大词典〔unanswered〕unanswered letters 未答复的信件牛津高阶〔unanswered〕unanswered letters 未获答复的信文馨英汉〔uncounted〕an uncounted stack of letters 一堆未数过的信英汉大词典〔upon〕thousands upon thousands of letters 成千上万封信件牛津高阶〔upper case〕upper-case letters 大写字母牛津高阶guidelines for writing effective sales letters (= to possible customers) 撰写有效销售信函指南牛津商务second-class letters 第二类信件牛津商务




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