

单词 last lap
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FINISH〕The election campaign is now on its last lap. 竞选活动已经到了最后阶段。朗文写作活用〔NEAR〕On the last lap of the race, Gemma started to catch up, and it looked as though she could still win. 跑最后一圈的时候,杰玛开始追上了,看来她还有可能胜出。朗文写作活用〔cheer〕The crowd cheered the runners on as they started on the last lap of the race.赛跑运动员开始跑最后一圈时,观众向他们欢呼打气。英汉大词典〔dispute〕On the last lap three runners were disputing the lead.在最后一圈,三名赛跑者在争夺领先地位。牛津高阶〔forge〕On the last lap, he forged into the lead.最后一圈的时候,他突然加速冲到了最前面。韦氏高阶〔lap〕He overtook the other runners on the last lap.他在最后一圈时赶上并超过了其他参赛者。英汉大词典〔lap〕The last lap of their journey was by ship.他们旅程的最后一段是坐船。朗文当代〔lap〕This is the last lap of my term.这是我任期的最后一个阶段。英汉大词典〔lap〕We've nearly finished. We're on the last lap.我们接近完工了,正在处理最后的一部份工作。牛津高阶〔leading〕She started the last lap just behind the leading group.她开始跑最后一圈时紧跟在领先的一组人后面。牛津高阶〔pick ... up on〕At the last lap John held him,and then began to pick up on him.在最后一圈约翰追上了他,并开始超过他。21世纪英汉〔power〕She powered through the last lap of the race.她飞一般地跑完了赛程的最后一圈。麦克米伦高阶〔pull〕During the last lap of the race one of the runners began to pull ahead.跑到最后一圈时,一位选手开始领先。剑桥高阶〔puncture〕He punctured a tyre in the last lap.最后一圈时,他的轮胎扎破了一个。柯林斯高阶〔puncture〕He punctured a tyre in the last lap.最后一圈时, 他的轮胎扎破了一个。外研社新世纪〔saved themselves〕The runners saved their energy for the last lap. = The runners saved themselves for the last lap.运动员为最后一圈保存体力。韦氏高阶〔spurt〕The runners spurted forward in the last lap of the race.在最后一圈赛跑中选手们向前冲刺。英汉大词典〔stick〕Moore stuck close to the race leader until the last lap.穆尔紧跟着领跑者,直到最后一圈。麦克米伦高阶〔straight〕I went to overtake him on the back straight on the last lap.最后一圈时我在非终点直道上超过了他。柯林斯高阶〔turn〕He put on an impressive turn of speed in the last lap.他在最后一圈猛然加速。牛津高阶During the last lap of the race one of the runners began to pull ahead.在比赛最后一圈,一个赛跑选手开始领先。剑桥国际He overtook the other runners on the last lap. 他在最后一圈时超过了其他的赛跑选手。译典通The last lap of our journey is from New York to Boston. 我们的最后一段旅程是从纽约到波士顿。译典通The champion held (on to) the lead until the last lap. [T; I + on to] 这位冠军选手一直保持着领先,直到最后一圈。剑桥国际




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