

单词 issued by
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Fannie Mae〕A security issued by the Federal National Mortgage Association and secured by a pool of federally insured and conventional mortgages.美国联邦抵押债券:一种由联邦国家抵押协会所发行的债券,并且由联邦保证并协议的共同抵押品所担保美国传统〔Freddie Mac〕A security issued by the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation and secured by a pool of conventional home mortgages.美国联邦住房贷款有限公司:联邦企业以各家抵押品为基金架构安全系统,由传统的家庭抵押品而成立的共同基金为支出美国传统〔GI〕Issued by an official U.S. military supply department.美军补给处提供的:由美国官方军事补给部门提供的美国传统〔Ginnie Mae〕A security issued by the Government National Mortgage Association and secured by mortgages serviced by certain federal agencies.政府国民抵押债券:由美国政府国民抵押贷款协会所核发的债券,并由某些联邦专业行政机构提供的抵押服务所保障美国传统〔Government Issue〕Something, such as military equipment, that is issued by a government.政府提供的一些东西,如军事装备美国传统〔MEANING〕The statement issued by the authorities was meaningless. 当局发表的声明毫无意义。朗文写作活用〔REGRET/NOT REGRET〕A news release issued by the singer's publicist said he had ‘regretfully’ severed all ties to the band because of ‘creative differences’. 该歌手的宣传员在一份新闻稿上说,由于“创作理念的差异”,他只得“遗憾地”与乐队断绝一切关系。朗文写作活用〔answer〕The prisoner answered to the description issued by the police.此囚徒与警方所作的描述相符。21世纪英汉〔bankcard〕A card issued by a bank especially to identify the holder, used for receiving credit or for operating an automated teller machine.银行信用卡,提款卡:银行发给存款人的卡,尤指标明持卡人身份,用于赊购货物或用于操纵自动取款机美国传统〔bench warrant〕A warrant issued by a judge or court ordering the apprehension of an offender.法院拘票,逮捕令:由法官或法庭发出的命令逮捕罪犯的逮捕状美国传统〔bill of lading〕A document issued by a carrier to a shipper, listing and acknowledging receipt of goods for transport and specifying terms of delivery.提货单:运货人向发货人出具的文件,列明并告知收到所运货物,并详细说明交货日期美国传统〔bond〕A certificate of debt issued by a government or corporation guaranteeing payment of the original investment plus interest by a specified future date.债券:由政府或公司发行的,保证到一将来明确的日期归还本金和利息的债务凭证美国传统〔bull〕An official document issued by the pope and sealed with a bulla.训令,法令:用印玺封住的由教皇颁发的官方文件美国传统〔cease and desist order〕A cease and desist order was issued by the state.国家发布了制止令。韦氏高阶〔checkbook〕A book containing blank checks issued by a bank.空白支票簿:银行签发的空白支票簿美国传统〔commission〕Abbr. Com.,com.,comm.An official document issued by a government, conferring on the recipient the rank of a commissioned officer in the armed forces.缩写 Com.,com.,comm.委任状:由政府发布的官方文件,在武装部队内对领受者授予在编官员的军衔美国传统〔communique〕A communique was issued by NATO Defence Ministers.北约各国的国防部长发表了一份公报。朗文当代〔communique〕The announcement was made in a communiqué issued by the Defence Minister.这项通告发布在国防部长发表的公报中。牛津搭配〔court order〕An order issued by a court that requires a person to do or refrain from doing something.法院指令,庭谕:由法院所发出的要求某人做或不做某事的命令美国传统〔debenture〕An unsecured bond issued by a civil or governmental corporation or agency and backed only by the credit standing of the issuer.公司债券:由国家或政府的公司或机构发行的无担保的债券,以发行者的信誉做保障美国传统〔directive〕An order or instruction, especially one issued by a central authority.指示,命令:命令或指示,尤指由中央权威机构发出美国传统〔edict〕A decree or proclamation issued by an authority and having the force of law.法令:官方颁布的具有法律效力的法令或布告美国传统〔fatwa〕A legal opinion or ruling issued by an Islamic scholar.宣告:回教学者发出的法律意见或判决美国传统〔food stamp〕A stamp or coupon, issued by the government to persons with low incomes, that can be redeemed for food at stores.食物券:由政府发放给低收入者的票或券,可以在商店中换取食物美国传统〔industrial〕A stock or bond issued by an industrial enterprise.工业股票或股票:工业企业发行的股票或债券美国传统〔letter of credit〕A letter issued by a bank authorizing the bearer to draw a stated amount of money from the issuing bank, its branches, or other associated banks or agencies.信用证:由银行发行的证书,授权持有者可从开证行、其支行或其他有关银行或机构提取定量的钱美国传统〔letters patent〕A document issued by a government to a patentee granting an exclusive right to the enjoyment or possession of an invention.专利许可证:由政府颁发给某一专利申请人的文件,授予他某一发明的独家享用或所有权美国传统〔library〕A series or set of books issued by a publisher.丛书:出版商出版的一系列或一套图书美国传统〔mandamus〕A writ issued by a superior court ordering a public official or body or a lower court to perform a specified duty.书面训令:高级法院指令某官员或机构或某下级法院去履行某项特定义务的书面文件美国传统〔mandate〕An order issued by a superior court or an official to a lower court.上级法院给某官员或某下级法院发出的指令美国传统〔menu-driven〕Of or relating to a type of GUI in which commands are issued by making selections from onscreen menus.选单接口:属于或关于通过从屏幕菜单中进行选择而发出指令的一种类型的使用者图形接口的美国传统〔money〕The official currency, coins, and negotiable paper notes issued by a government.通货:由政府发行的官方货币、铸币和可转让纸币美国传统〔municipal bond〕An often tax-exempt bond issued by a city, county, state, or other government for the financing of public projects.地方债券:一种通常由城市、地区、州或者其他政府机构为公共事业筹措资金而发行的免税债券美国传统〔obligation〕We invest in US Treasury bills, notes, bonds, and other obligations issued by the US Treasury.我们投资美国短期国库券、期票、公债和由美国财政部发行的其他债券。外研社新世纪〔organ〕An instrument or a means of communication, especially a periodical issued by a political party, business firm, or other group.喉舌,报刊:通讯的机构或形式,尤指由政党、商业、公司或其它组织定期发行的美国传统〔passport〕An official permit issued by a foreign country allowing one to transport goods or to travel through that country.过境通行证:由外国颁发的允许某人经过该国运输货物或旅行的官方通行证美国传统〔postage stamp〕A small, usually adhesive label issued by a government and sold in various denominations to be affixed to items of mail as evidence of the payment of postage.邮票:由政府发行并以各种面值出售的通常带有粘性的小标签,用来贴在邮件上以表明邮资已付美国传统〔pragmatic sanction〕An edict or a decree issued by a sovereign that becomes part of the fundamental law of the land.国事诏书:由君主颁发并成为国家基本国土法律之一部分的诏书或政令美国传统〔protest〕A formal declaration of disapproval or objection issued by a concerned person, group, or organization.抗议:由有关人员,团体或组织发布的表示不赞成或反对的正式声明美国传统〔public utility〕Often public utilities Stock shares issued by a company providing essential public services. 常作 public utilities 公共事业股:提供重要公益服务的公司所发行的股票美国传统〔self-regulation〕They favour the self-regulation of the industry, and strict codes of conduct have already been issued by the Advertising Association.他们倾向于行业的自我监管,而广告联合会已经颁布了严格的行为规范。剑桥高阶〔statement〕A joint statement was issued by both parties in the merger.合并双方发表了联合声明。麦克米伦高阶〔treasury〕A security, such as a note, issued by the U.S. Treasury.国库券:由美国财政部发行的证券,如期票美国传统〔writ of election〕A writ issued by a governor or other executive authority requiring that an election be held, especially a special election to fill a vacancy.大选令:由政府或其他执行机关颁发的要求举行选举的令状,尤指为填补空缺而举行的特殊选举美国传统〔writ of prohibition〕An order issued by a higher court commanding a lower court to cease from proceeding in some matter not within its jurisdiction.禁止令:由高一级的法院签发的命令,命令下级法院中止未判决的诉讼案的进行美国传统〔writ〕Law A written order issued by a court, commanding the party to whom it is addressed to perform or cease performing a specified act.【法律】 令状:由法院发布的书面命令,要求接受令状的团体做或不做令状指定的行为美国传统Fungibles have been issued by several multinational companies to raise funds from different markets at the same time.几家跨国公司已发行了一些股票,目的是同时在不同市场上筹集资金。牛津商务The order was issued by the court last May.这个指令是去年五月由法院发出的。牛津商务They favour the self-regulation of the industry, and strict codes of conduct have already been issued by the Advertising Association.他们赞成广告业的自我调整,而广告联合会已经发布了严格的行为规范。剑桥国际Treasury notes (= notes issued by the US government) (美国政府发行的)国库券牛津商务




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