

单词 languish
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bottom〕They still languish in the bottom half of the Third Division.他们在丙级联赛后半段的排名依然靠后。外研社新世纪〔dust up〕Suits languishing in wardrobes are being dusted up.重新穿上尘封在衣柜里的套装。外研社新世纪〔languish for〕She is languishing for her hushand abroad.她苦苦思念在国外的丈夫。21世纪英汉〔languish in〕The old man languished in his grief after the death of his wife.妻子去世后,老人因悲伤而憔悴。21世纪英汉〔languish of〕The soldier is lying on the bed, languishing of wounds.士兵躺在床上,伤痛难熬。21世纪英汉〔languish over〕John has been languishing over a promotion for many years.约翰为提升而苦恼已有多年了。21世纪英汉〔languishing〕He suffered from a languishing illness.他患了缠绵的疾病。文馨英汉〔languishing〕She has got a pair of languishing eyes.她有一双含情脉脉的眼睛。英汉大词典〔languish〕After languishing in obscurity for many years, her early novels have recently been rediscovered.她的早期小说在沉寂多年后最近被重新发掘出来。剑桥高阶〔languish〕Conversation languished.谈话冷了下来。英汉大词典〔languish〕He languished after his dog died.他狗死之后,人憔悴了。牛津同义词〔languish〕He languished for his wife and children on the other side of the world.他苦苦地思念在地球另一边的妻儿。英汉大词典〔languish〕He languished in jail for twenty years.他在监狱里苦苦熬了二十年。外研社新世纪〔languish〕He has been languishing in jail for the past 20 years.过去的20年中他一直在监狱里苦熬。剑桥高阶〔languish〕I sigh'd for fame, I languished for renown.我追求声名, 却为荣誉所累。外研社新世纪〔languish〕J. S. Bach's music languished in almost complete obscurity for a century.巴赫的音乐在一个世纪里几乎不被人知。外研社新世纪〔languish〕New products languish on the drawing board.新产品停留在设计阶段无人理睬。外研社新世纪〔languish〕New products languish on the drawing board.新产品在计划阶段即告失败。柯林斯高阶〔languish〕No one knows for certain how many refugees wander the world today, or languish in camps without a permanent place of settlement.无人清楚如今有多少难民在到处流浪,或有多少人流离失所,在难民营里受苦。柯林斯高阶〔languish〕Oil prices continue to languish at $10.79 a barrel.石油价格依然停留在每桶10.79美元。麦克米伦高阶〔languish〕Our project languished during the holidays.我们的计划在假期间推动得松懈了。牛津同义词〔languish〕Our vigilance never languished.我们的警惕性从来没有放松过。21世纪英汉〔languish〕Pollard continues to languish in prison.波拉德继续受牢狱之苦。柯林斯高阶〔languish〕Shaw languished in jail for fifteen years.肖身陷囹圄十五年。朗文当代〔languish〕She languished in obscurity for many years until the success of her novel made her famous.她多年来默默无闻,直到她的小说畅销才出了名。韦氏高阶〔languish〕She continues to languish in a foreign prison.她继续被囚禁在一所外国的监狱里。牛津高阶〔languish〕Still in 1959 there were thousands of people languishing in camps in Europe.到1959年, 仍有数千人在欧洲的难民营里受苦。外研社新世纪〔languish〕The bill languished in the Senate for months.这一议案在参议院被搁置了数月。韦氏高阶〔languish〕The bill has languished in House committee for two years.议案在议院小组委员会中已被搁置两年。英汉大词典〔languish〕The case languished for four years.这个案件四年里毫无进展。外研社新世纪〔languish〕The children are languishing in orphanages waiting for adoption.孩子们在孤儿院苦等着被收养。麦克米伦高阶〔languish〕The economy will continue to languish until the public regains confidence.经济状况将继续低迷, 直到公众恢复信心为止。外研社新世纪〔languish〕The flowers languished from lack of water.花儿因缺水而枯萎。英汉大词典〔languish〕The girl languished at him with her staring eyes.女孩目不转睛呆呆地望着他。21世纪英汉〔languish〕The housing market continues to languish.住房市场继续疲软。朗文当代〔languish〕The leaves languished from lack of water.树叶因缺水而枯萎。21世纪英汉〔languish〕The mother languished for the sight of her daughter.母亲苦苦地渴望见到女儿。21世纪英汉〔languish〕The ruling party is languishing in third place in the opinion polls.执政党在民意调查中处于第三的尴尬位置。剑桥高阶〔languish〕The share price languished at 102p.股票价格停滞在 102 便士上。牛津高阶〔languish〕The shares are languishing at just 46p after yesterday's fall.股票(价格)经历了昨天的下跌后,就停滞在 46 便士上了。朗文当代〔languish〕Thousands of patients are being left to languish in hospital beds.数千病人被丢在医院病床上慢慢等死。外研社新世纪〔languish〕We must never allow our efforts to languish.我们决不能让自己松劲。英汉大词典〔languish〕West Ham United are currently languishing at the bottom of the league.西汉姆联队目前在联赛排名垫底。朗文当代〔languish〕Without the founder's drive and direction, the company gradually languished.没有了创始人的斗志与指引,公司逐渐走向没落。柯林斯高阶〔languish〕Without the founder's drive and direction, the company gradually languished.没有了创始人的斗志和指引, 这家企业慢慢走向了衰落。外研社新世纪After languishing in obscurity for many years, her early novels have recently been rediscovered.在被埋没多年后,她早期的小说最近重新面世。剑桥国际Despite the increased profits, the company's shares are still languishing well below last year's peak.尽管利润增长了,公司的股票还是大大低于去年的最高点。剑桥国际He languished for home. 他苦苦地思念家乡。译典通He languished in poverty most of his life. 他大半辈子在贫穷中呻吟。译典通He has been languishing in jail for the past twenty years.过去的二十年里他一直在监狱忍受折磨。剑桥国际Our economy continues to languish.我们的经济继续衰退。牛津商务She languished for her children who had migrated to Australia. 她苦苦思念著移居澳大利亚的儿女。译典通She gave the young man a languishing look. 她含情脉脉地看了看那个小伙子。译典通The oil price was languishing below $50 a barrel.石油价格停滞在每桶 50 美元以下。牛津商务The ruling party is languishing in third place in the opinion polls.在民意测验中,执政党落到了第三位。剑桥国际We all languished in the tropical climate. 受热带气候影响,我们都变得倦怠乏力。译典通




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