

单词 languages
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AFTER〕The book was published in 1954 and was subsequently translated into fifteen languages. 这本书于1954年出版,后来被译成15种语言。朗文写作活用〔Africanist〕A specialist in African affairs, cultures, or languages.非洲学学者:研究非洲事务、文化或语言的专家美国传统〔Americanist〕A specialist in the study of American aboriginal cultures or languages.美洲文化语言学家,美国文化语言学家:研究美国(或美洲)土著文化或语言的专家美国传统〔Anatolian〕Of or relating to a branch of the Indo-European language family that includes Hittite and other extinct languages of ancient Anatolia.古安纳托利亚语的:是或有关包括赫梯族和其它已灭亡的古安纳托利亚语言在内的印欧语系的一分支美国传统〔Anatolian〕The Anatolian languages.安纳托利亚语美国传统〔Anglophone〕An English-speaking person, especially one in a country where two or more languages are spoken.讲英语者:讲英语的人,尤指在使用两种或多种语言的国家里美国传统〔Arawakan〕The largest and most important Indian linguistic family in South America, consisting of the languages spoken by the Arawakan peoples.阿拉瓦克语:南美最大也最重要的印第安语系,由阿拉瓦克人所说的语言构成美国传统〔Asian〕Of or relating to Asia or its peoples, languages, or cultures.亚洲的:亚洲或其人民,语言,或文化的与亚洲或其人民,语言,或文化相关的美国传统〔Australian〕Any of the languages of the aboriginal peoples of Australia.澳洲土著语:任何澳洲土著民族的语言美国传统〔Austronesian〕A family of languages that includes the Formosan(Taiwan province), Indonesian, Malay, Melanesian, Micronesian, and Polynesian subfamilies.南岛语族:一个包括福摩萨(中国台湾省)、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、美拉尼西亚、 密克罗尼西亚及波利尼西亚各语支的语族美国传统〔Aymaran〕A subgroup of the Quechumaran languages, the most important language being Aymara.克切马拉语的子群,是艾马拉最重要的语言美国传统〔Berber〕Any of the Afro-Asiatic languages of the Berbers.柏柏尔语:柏柏尔人讲的亚非语言中一种美国传统〔Braille〕The book has been printed in six languages and in Braille.这本书用6种语言和盲文印刷。剑桥高阶〔Brittonic〕The branch of the Celtic languages that includes Welsh, Breton, and Cornish.布立吞语:包括威尔士、布列塔尼、康沃尔语在内的凯尔特语的分支美国传统〔Cariban〕A language family comprising the Carib languages.加勒比语系:一种包括各种加勒比语的语系美国传统〔Caucasian〕Of or relating to the Caucasus region or its peoples, languages, or cultures.高加索的:高加索地区或其人民、语言或文化的或与之相关的美国传统〔Celtic〕Celtic languages 凯尔特语族韦氏高阶〔Celtic〕Of or relating to the Celtic people and languages.凯尔特人(语)的:属于或关于凯尔特民族及其语言的美国传统〔Chinese〕Of or relating to China or its peoples, languages, or cultures.中国的:中国的或与中国有关的,中国人的,中国语言的或中国文化的美国传统〔Congolese〕Of or relating to the region surrounding the Congo River or its peoples, languages, or cultures.刚果河附近的:属于或关于刚果河附近的地区或其民族、语言或文化美国传统〔Continental Celtic〕A branch of the Celtic languages comprising Gaulish and Celtiberian, both formerly spoken in continental Europe and known mostly from scattered inscriptions.大陆凯尔特:凯尔特语言的一个分支,包含高卢语和凯尔伊比利亚语,两者皆曾用于欧洲大陆,而且可从散落的碑文上了解大部分内容美国传统〔DEPEND/IT DEPENDS〕In many languages there are different words for "you' depending on who you are talking to. 在许多语言中,根据说话对象的不同,“你”有几种不同的说法。朗文写作活用〔DIFFICULT〕The differences in languages made the negotiations more difficult. 语言上的差别使得这些谈判更加困难。朗文写作活用〔Dravidian〕A large family of languages spoken especially in southern India and northern Sri Lanka that includes Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada.达罗毗荼语系:使用于印度南部和斯里兰卡北部的一个大语族,包括泰米尔语、泰卢固语、马拉亚兰语和卡纳拉语美国传统〔EXPLAIN〕All documents are printed in the two official languages - that is, English and French. 所有文件都使用两种官方语言印发—即英语和法语。朗文写作活用〔East Slavic〕A subdivision of the Slavic languages that includes Belarusian, Russian, and Ukrainian.东斯拉夫语:白俄罗斯、俄罗斯与乌克兰使用的斯拉夫语系分支美国传统〔European〕European languages 欧洲的语言朗文当代〔GOOD〕The best way of getting your children to learn foreign languages is to send them to stay abroad. 让孩子学外语最好的办法是把他们送到国外去住。朗文写作活用〔Gaelic〕Of or relating to the Gaels or their culture or languages.盖尔人的、盖尔文化的、盖尔语的或与此有关的美国传统〔Gbe〕A closely related group of languages, including Ewe and Fon, that are spoken in coastal Ghana, Togo, Benin, and Nigeria.吉贝语:一组紧密联系的语言,包括埃维语和丰语,主要讲于加纳海岸、多哥、贝宁和尼日利亚美国传统〔Gurage〕Any of the Semitic languages of the Gurage.古拉格语:古拉格族的任何一种闪米特人语言美国传统〔Hamitic〕Hamitic languages 含语族诸语言英汉大词典〔Hispanist〕A specialist in Spanish language or literature or in the languages and literatures of Spain, Portugal, and Latin America.西葡文化研究者:精通西班牙语言或文学专家,西班牙、葡萄牙、拉丁美洲语言或文学专家美国传统〔Iberian〕Iberian languages 伊比利亚(诸)语言麦克米伦高阶〔Illyrian〕Of or relating to ancient Illyria or its peoples, languages, or cultures.古伊利里亚的,古伊利里亚人、语言或文化的,或与之有关的美国传统〔Insular Celtic〕A branch of the Celtic languages comprising those spoken or having originated in the British Isles and divided into the Goidelic and Brittonic groups.凯尔特岛民:由英伦群岛的语言所发展或源自于英伦群岛所组成凯尔特语的一个分支,区分为盖尔及布立吞族群美国传统〔Inuit〕Any or all of the Eskimo languages of the Inuit.因纽特语:因纽特人的爱斯基摩语美国传统〔Iroquois〕Any or all of the languages of the Iroquois.易洛魁语系的:所有或任一种易洛魁语系内的语言美国传统〔Keresan〕Any of a group of languages spoken by certain Pueblo peoples.凯雷斯语:某些普艾布罗人说的一组语言之一美国传统〔Kordofanian〕A small group of related languages spoken in Sudan and forming part of the Niger-Kordofanian language family.科尔多凡语:在苏丹讲的相关语言的一个小语群,是尼日尔-科尔多凡语系的一部分美国传统〔Kwa〕Any of several West African languages belonging to the South Central Niger-Congo language family, including Efik, Ewe, Ibibio, Ibo, and Yoruba.克瓦语:任何一种属于中南尼日尔-刚果语系的西非语言,包括埃菲克语、埃维语、伊比比奥语、伊博语和约鲁巴语美国传统〔LANGUAGE〕She can speak four different languages - French, German, English, and Dutch. 她会说四种不同的语言—法语、德语、英语和荷兰语。朗文写作活用〔Macedonian〕Of or relating to ancient or modern Macedonia or its peoples, languages, or cultures.马其顿:关于古代或现代马其顿或其民族、语言或文化的美国传统〔Melanesian〕Of or relating to Melanesia or its peoples, languages, or cultures.美拉尼西亚的:美拉尼西亚的,美拉尼西亚人的,美拉尼西亚语的,美拉尼西亚文化的,与他们有关的美国传统〔Miao-Yao〕A small group of languages of uncertain affinity, including Hmong and Yao, spoken in southern China, northern Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam.苗瑶语:起源不清的一小组语言,包括荷芒语和瑶语,见于中国南部,老挝、泰国和越南北部美国传统〔Mon-Khmer〕A subfamily of the Austro-Asiatic language family that includes Mon, Khmer, and other languages of southeast Asia.孟高棉族语:包括孟族语、高棉族语和东南亚其他语在内的南亚语系中的一个美国传统〔Muskogean〕A family of Native American languages of the southeast United States that includes Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Alabama.马斯科吉语:美国东南部的一个美洲土著语族包括亚拉巴马语、乔特陶语、希祁提语和阿帕拉吉语美国传统〔NORMAL/ORDINARY〕She had a special talent for learning languages. 她学习语言有特别的天赋。朗文写作活用〔Nordic〕Nordic languages 北欧语言韦氏高阶〔Norse〕Of, relating to, or being the branch of the North Germanic languages that includes Norwegian, Icelandic, and Faeroese.北日尔曼语的:有,与…有关,或是北日尔曼语的,包括挪威语,冰岛语和费罗斯语美国传统〔Northwest Caucasian〕A family of languages of the Caucasus Mountains, including Abkhaz, known for their complex systems of consonants and small number of vowels.西北高加索语:高加索山脉的一个语系,因其辅音系统复杂和元音数量极小而著称美国传统〔Pama-Nyungan〕A large family of Australian aboriginal languages, spoken throughout Australia except in the extreme north, and including Pitjantjatjara and Warlpiri.帕玛-尼昂冈语:澳大利亚原住民语言的一大语系,在澳大利亚全境使用,除了其最北端之外,该语系包括皮特简特加特加拉语和瓦尔皮黎语美国传统〔Polynesian〕Of or relating to Polynesia or its peoples, languages, or cultures.波利尼西亚的:属于或关于波利尼西亚或它的民族、语言或文化的美国传统〔Pomo〕Any of the seven languages of the Pomo.波莫人:波莫人讲的七种语言中的任一种美国传统〔RIGHT〕I believe I am correct in saying that two of the original computer languages were Cobol and Prolog. 我相信,说最早的两种计算机语言是Cobol和Prolog是对的。朗文写作活用〔Romanic〕Of or relating to the Romance languages.属于或有关罗曼语的美国传统〔Sabellian〕A group of extinct Italic languages that includes Sabine.萨贝利语组:一组已消亡的意大利人的语言,其中包括萨宾语美国传统〔Sahaptian〕A North American Indian language family spoken in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho and comprising the Sahaptin and Nez Perce languages.萨哈普廷语组:北美洲的一个印第安人语组,在华盛顿州、俄勒冈州和爱达荷州都有人说,其中包括萨哈普廷语和内兹珀塞语美国传统〔Salish〕A family of Native American languages of the northwest United States and British Columbia.萨利希语组:美国西北部美洲土著语言和大不列颠哥伦比亚语言的总称美国传统〔Salish〕The group of Native American peoples speaking languages of the Salish family.萨利希人:说萨利希语的美洲土著居民美国传统〔Semitics〕The study of the history, languages, and cultures of the Semitic peoples.闪米特学:对闪米特民族的历史,语言,和文化的研究美国传统〔Semitic〕Any one of the Semitic languages.闪语:闪语族中的任何一种语言美国传统〔Slavic〕Slavic languages 斯拉夫语麦克米伦高阶〔Slavism〕A linguistic feature of one or more Slavic languages, especially a Slavic idiom or phrasing that appears in a non-Slavic language.斯拉夫语言特色:斯拉夫语言的一种或多种语言特色,尤其是指斯拉夫惯用语或是出现在非斯拉夫语中的措辞美国传统〔Slavonic〕Slavonic languages 斯拉夫语言剑桥高阶〔Sotho〕A group of closely related Bantu languages, including Tswana, spoken in southern Africa.索托语群:南部非洲人所说的一组关系密切的班图语,包括茨瓦纳语美国传统〔TESOL〕Teachers of English to speakers of other languages.英语教师:向说其他语言的人讲授英语的教师美国传统〔TEST〕She graduated in modern languages and now works as an interpreter. 她毕业于现代语言专业,现在是一位译员。朗文写作活用〔Unami〕One of the two Algonquian languages of the Delaware peoples, originally spoken in central and southern New Jersey, eastern Pennsylvania, and northern Delaware.特拉华语:特拉华民族的两种阿尔贡金语中的一种,最早在新泽西中部和南部,宾夕法尼亚东部和特拉华北部使用美国传统〔Uto-Aztecan〕Of or relating to the Uto-Aztecans or to the languages spoken by them.犹他-阿兹特克语族或与之相关的,使用犹他-阿兹特克语族的人的美国传统〔Wakashan〕A family of North American Indian languages spoken by the Nootka and other peoples of Washington and British Columbia.瓦卡希语组:努特卡人及华盛顿地区和英属哥伦比亚省其他民族说的北美印第安语系美国传统〔West Slavic〕A subdivision of the Slavic languages that includes Czech, Polish, Slovak, and Sorbian.西斯拉夫语支:斯拉夫语派的一个分支,包括捷克语、波兰语、斯洛伐克语及索布语美国传统〔Yokuts〕Any or all of the languages of the Yokuts peoples.约克茨语:约克茨人的部分或所有的语言美国传统〔actually〕He can actually speak six foreign languages.他居然能说6门外语。英汉大词典〔amazing〕He has an amazing ability to learn new languages.他学习新语言的能力着实惊人。韦氏高阶〔aptitude〕He shows an aptitude for languages.他表现出学习语言的天才。英汉大词典〔avocation〕Learning foreign languages is just an avocation with me.学习外语对我来说只不过是一种业余爱好。英汉大词典〔babble〕They began to curse and shout in a babble of languages.他们开始用不同的语言叽里咕噜地谩骂吵嚷起来。柯林斯高阶〔badness〕He had increased Britain's reputation for being bad at languages.他加深了人们对英国人不擅长语言的印象。柯林斯高阶〔between〕The German couple had nine languages between them.这对德国夫妇两人总共能讲9种语言。英汉大词典〔bilingual〕Using or able to use two languages, especially with equal or nearly equal fluency.能熟练地使用两种语言的:使用或能使用两种语言的,尤指同样或几乎同样流利地美国传统〔borrow〕English has borrowed words from many languages.英语从很多语言中借用了词汇。朗文当代〔borrow〕English is full of words that have been borrowed from other languages.英语中充满了从其他语言借用来的单词。麦克米伦高阶〔branch〕English is a branch of the Germanic family of languages.英语是日耳曼语系的一支。英汉大词典〔branch〕Linguistics A subdivision of a family of languages, such as the Germanic branch of Indo-European.【语言学】 语言支系:语系的分支,如印欧语系的日耳曼支美国传统〔chatter〕Everyone's chattering away in different languages.每个人都在用不同的语言闲聊着。外研社新世纪〔cognate〕Spanish and French are cognate languages.西班牙语与法语是同源语言。韦氏高阶〔communicative〕We have a very communicative approach to teaching languages.我们在语言教学中非常强调交际教学法。柯林斯高阶〔comparison〕Direct comparison between the two languages is not possible.直接比较这两种语言是不可能的。麦克米伦高阶〔conversant〕She's conversant in several languages.她能说好几种外语。韦氏高阶〔craft〕Subjects taught include art and craft, drama, and languages.所教科目包括工艺美术、戏剧和语言。牛津搭配〔declension〕In certain languages, the inflection of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives in categories such as case, number, and gender.词形变化:某些语言中,名词,代词和形容词在格,数和性等方面的词形变化美国传统〔desiderative〕Grammar Designating a clause, a sentence, or in some languages an inflected verb form that expresses desire.【语法】 愿望的:指明在一个从句、句子或某种语言中一个表示愿望的词尾变化了的动词形式的美国传统〔develop〕In this class, we will be learning about how languages develop.这节课我们将学习语言是如何发展的。韦氏高阶〔devise〕The professor has devised a new method of teaching foreign languages.那位教授发明了一种教外语的新方法。21世纪英汉〔different〕Some languages answer questions in a different way to English.有些语言回答问题的方式跟英语不一样。英汉大词典〔difficult〕I always found languages quite hard at school.在学校读书时我总觉得语言很难学。牛津高阶〔dispute〕The exact relationship between the two languages is a matter of dispute among scholars.这两种语言之间的确切关系在学者中间存在争议。牛津搭配〔ear〕Martha, unfortunately, has no ear for foreign languages.不幸的是, 玛莎没有听辨外语的能力。外研社新世纪〔emphasize〕I'd just like to emphasize how important it is for people to learn foreign languages.我只是想强调一下学习外语的重要性。剑桥高阶〔european〕European languages 欧洲的语言牛津高阶〔example〕There is a similar word in many languages, for example in French and Italian.在许多语言,譬如法语和意大利语中都有相似的词。牛津高阶〔excel〕Rick has always excelled at foreign languages.里克一向擅长外语。朗文当代〔extent〕Languages vary in the extent to which they rely on word order.语言对词序的依赖程度各不相同。麦克米伦高阶〔facility〕His facility for languages is astonishing.他的语言天赋惊人。剑桥高阶〔facility〕She has a facility for languages.她有语言天赋。牛津高阶〔feel〕She has a real feel for languages.她有语言天才。牛津高阶〔few〕This is a feature of languages such as Arabic, Spanish and Portuguese, to name but a few.这是某些语言的一个特征,略举几个例子来说,如阿拉伯语、西班牙语和葡萄牙语。朗文当代〔fluency〕He spoke three languages fluently.他可以流利地说 3 种语言。柯林斯高阶〔fluently〕He speaks seven languages fluently.他能流利地讲七种语言。韦氏高阶〔fluent〕She studied eight foreign languages and is fluent in six of them.她学过八种外语, 可以熟练讲其中六种。外研社新世纪〔grammatically〕He speaks five languages fluently, if not always grammatically.他能流利地说五种语言, 尽管语法上并不一定总是正确。外研社新世纪〔group〕English and Dutch can be grouped together as Germanic languages.英语和荷兰语可以同归于日耳曼语系。韦氏高阶〔group〕English is a member of the Germanic group of languages 英语是日耳曼语系中的一种语言。牛津高阶〔honours〕She gained first-class honours in Modern Languages.大学一级/二级荣誉学位(或优等成绩)麦克米伦高阶〔hopeless〕I'm absolutely hopeless at languages.我在语言学习方面简直糟透了。牛津搭配〔include〕The Romance family of languages consists of French, Spanish, Italian, and several other languages.罗曼语族包括法语、西班牙语、意大利语和其他几种语言。朗文当代〔intelligible〕Czech and Slovak are separate languages but they are mutually intelligible.捷克语和斯洛伐克语是两种不同的语言,但可以互相听懂。牛津搭配〔interlinear〕Written or printed with different languages or versions in alternating lines.有不同文字隔行对照的:隔行以不同文字或译文书写或印刷的美国传统〔international〕English is the most international of languages.英语是世界上最通用的语言。英汉大词典〔interpret〕To serve as an interpreter for speakers of different languages.作口译:给说不同语言人充当口译美国传统〔into〕Her stories have been translated into more than 30 languages.她的故事已被译成30多种语言。麦克米伦高阶〔language〕English and French are the official languages of Canada.英语和法语是加拿大的官方语言。麦克米伦高阶〔language〕How many languages do you speak? 你会讲几种语言?韦氏高阶〔language〕Some minority languages are dying out.一些少数民族语言正在消亡。牛津搭配〔language〕There are many African languages.非洲有许多不同的语种。英汉大词典〔language〕Which computer languages do you know? 你懂得哪些计算机编程语言?麦克米伦高阶〔linguist〕A person who speaks several languages fluently.通晓数国语言的人:一个能流利地讲好几种语言的人美国传统〔macaronic〕Of or involving a mixture of two or more languages.涉及两个或两个以上语言的混合的美国传统〔many〕They say the people of Los Angeles speak 12 languages and teach just as many in the schools.他们说洛杉矶人说 12 种语言,而且在学校里也教 12 种语言。朗文当代〔mastery〕She has mastery of several languages.她精通数门语言。牛津高阶〔mixture〕At the conference you could hear an amazing mixture of languages.在研讨会上你会惊讶地听到各种各样的语言。外研社新世纪〔modal〕He can speak three languages.他会说三种语言。牛津高阶〔modern〕Modern Italian, Modern Romance languages.现代意大利语,现代罗曼语系美国传统〔name〕The college has a good name for languages.这所大学的语言教学颇有名气。牛津高阶〔native american〕Native American languages 美洲土著语言牛津高阶〔none〕Though the languages are related they share almost/virtually none of the same vocabulary.尽管这些语言有关联,但它们几乎/基本上没有相同的词汇。韦氏高阶〔one-up〕A student of modern languages who has a knowledge of Latin is one-up on a student who has not.学习现代语言的学生,如懂得拉丁语,要比不懂拉丁语的学生占优势。英汉大词典〔optative〕Of, relating to, or being a mood of verbs in some languages, such as Greek, used to express a wish.祈愿语气动词的:与某些语言,如希腊语中的情感动词有关的,用来表达某种愿望美国传统〔osmosis〕Children learn new languages by osmosis.儿童靠耳濡目染来学会新语言。朗文当代〔own〕John will come into his own if the firm needs an interpreter because he can speak many languages.假如那家公司需要翻译的话,约翰将能发挥所长,因为他会讲多种语言。英汉大词典〔phonological〕We will compare the phonological features of the two languages.我们将比较这两种语言的音系特征。韦氏高阶〔polyglot〕A mixture or confusion of languages.多种语言的混合或混淆美国传统〔polyglot〕She was a polyglot who was fluent in four languages.她懂多种语言,能流利地讲其中四种。韦氏高阶〔proficient〕A great number of Egyptians are proficient in foreign languages.很多埃及人通晓几门外语。外研社新世纪〔proficient〕She is proficient in two foreign languages.她精通两门外语。韦氏高阶〔proficient〕She's proficient in two languages.她精通两门语言。剑桥高阶〔publication〕The guide is being translated into several languages for publication near Christmas.该手册正被译成数种语言,将在临近圣诞节时出版。柯林斯高阶〔raconteur〕He spoke eight languages and was a noted raconteur.他能说8种语言,是个出了名的讲故事高手。柯林斯高阶〔related〕French and Italian are related languages.法语与意大利语是亲属语言。英汉大词典〔related〕Sanskrit is related very closely to some European languages.梵文与一些欧洲语言有很近的亲缘关系。外研社新世纪〔related〕The same word, ‘imfundo', means ‘education' in Zulu and several related languages.同一个词 imfundo在祖鲁族语和几种同源语言中都是指“教育”。麦克米伦高阶〔romance〕French, Italian, and Spanish are all Romance languages.法语、意大利语和西班牙语都是罗曼语。剑桥高阶〔sign language〕A method of communication, as between speakers of different languages, that uses hand movements and other gestures.手势交流:一种交流方式,如在说不同语言的人之间用手势或其它动作来传达意思美国传统〔slouch〕Horowitz was no slouch at languages.霍洛威兹在语言方面很厉害。朗文当代〔speaker〕Some English words are difficult for speakers of other languages.一些英语单词对说其他语言的人来说是很难的。朗文当代〔speak〕Many of them can speak two or three or more languages.他们当中许多人都会说两三门语言,有的人甚至更多。柯林斯高阶〔speak〕She speaks five languages.她会说五种语言。文馨英汉〔spring〕Hugh's interest in languages sprang from his upbringing in Spain.休对语言的兴趣源自于他在西班牙的成长经历。麦克米伦高阶〔strength〕Math is her strength, languages her weakness.数学是她的强项,语言则是她的弱门。英汉大词典〔struggle〕Foreign languages were always a struggle for him.外语对他来说一直是件费力事儿。麦克米伦高阶〔study〕I wanted to study languages in the sixth form.我想在六年级学习各门语言。麦克米伦高阶〔subfamily〕Linguistics A division of languages below a family and above a branch.【语言学】 亚语系:语系之下,语支之上的语言学分类级别美国传统〔subsequently〕The book was subsequently translated into 15 languages.那本书后来被译成了 15 种语言。朗文当代〔talent〕He has a real talent for languages.他很有语言天赋。外研社新世纪〔that〕Languages are taught by the direct method, that is to say, without using the student's own language.语言教学使用的是直接教学法,也就是说,不用学生的母语。朗文当代〔through〕She was bright, learned languages quickly, and sailed through her exams.她头脑聪明,学语言学得快,各门考试都顺利地通过。柯林斯高阶〔trade language〕A language, especially a pidgin, used by speakers of different native languages for communication in commercial trade.贸易语言:在商业贸易中,为了交流由说不同母语的人所使用的一种语言,尤指混杂语美国传统〔translate〕The Bible has been translated into more than 100 languages.《圣经》已被翻译成100多种语言。麦克米伦高阶〔trilingual〕A person who is able to use three languages, especially with equal fluency.说三种语言的人:能够使用三种语言的人,尤指使用三种语言的流利程度相同美国传统〔triliteral〕Consisting of three letters, especially of three consonants. Used chiefly of roots in Semitic languages.三字母的:由三个字母,尤其是三个辅音字母构成的。主要用于闪语的三辅音词根美国传统〔universal grammar〕A system of grammatical rules and constraints believed to underlie all natural languages.通用语法,共同语法:语法规则系统及规定,被视为适合所有自然语言的共通法则美国传统〔verb〕The part of speech that expresses existence, action, or occurrence in most languages.动词:在大多数语言中表达存在、行为或发生的那部分词类美国传统〔versed〕She is well versed in classical languages.她在古文方面很精通美国传统〔video〕They produce educational videos for learning languages.他们制作语言教学录像带。牛津搭配〔vocabulary〕Learners of languages acquire vocabulary through practice.语言学习者通过练习来掌握词汇。牛津搭配Communication between different computers has been made difficult by the babel of computer languages used by different machines.不同的电脑使用不同的计算机语言使得电脑间的交流变得困难。剑桥国际Danish and Swedish are allied languages. 丹麦语与瑞典语是同一语系的语言。译典通English is a branch of the Germanic family of languages. 英语是日耳曼语系的一个分支。译典通English is a composite of many languages. 英语是多种语言混合而成的。译典通Eurasian languages 欧亚语言剑桥国际First-year linguists are expected to study at least two languages, one of which should be completely new to them.专修语言的人第一年最起码应学习两门语言,其中有一门对他们来讲应是全新的。剑桥国际He is apt at languages. 他善于学习语言。译典通He prided himself on knowing 5 languages. 他以懂五种语言而自豪。译典通He's going to study modern languages at university.他将在大学里学习近代语言。剑桥国际Her novels have been translated into nineteen languages.她的小说已被译成19种语言。剑桥国际I wish I had learned more foreign languages at school.我真希望在校读书时多学会几门外语。剑桥国际In some languages, the word order in questions is inverted (=the verb comes before the subject of the sentence).有些语言里,疑问句的词序是颠倒的。剑桥国际It said in the job ad that they wanted proficiency in at least two languages.职业广告中说他们需要至少精通两门语言的人士。剑桥国际My tutor's something of a polyglot -- she speaks seven languages.我的家庭教师是个通晓多种语言的人----她讲七种语言。剑桥国际She can speak four languages.她能说四种语言。剑桥国际She improved her leisure by learning foreign languages. 她利用闲暇时间学习外语。译典通She's hopeless at languages, but she shines at science.她在语言方面不行,但理科却很出众。剑桥国际She's never had much of an ear for languages.她在语言方面的辨音能力从来就不强。剑桥国际She's proficient in several languages.她精通几种语言。牛津商务The British are legendary for (= very famous for) their incompetence with languages.英国人以语言能力差而闻名。剑桥国际The book has been printed in six languages and in Braille.这本书用六种语言和布莱叶盲文印刷。剑桥国际The novel has been translated into many languages. 这部小说已译成多种语言。译典通The research suggests that the ways in which adults and children learn languages are qualitatively different.这个研究表明成人和儿童在学习语言的方法上有质的差别。剑桥国际The two languages employ different orthographic systems.这两种语言使用不同的拼写体系。剑桥国际




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