

单词 inset
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔gem〕a gold mask inset with emeralds and other gems.一张镶有翡翠和其他宝石的金面具柯林斯高阶〔inset〕inset a map in a larger map 把小地图套印在大地图里韦氏高阶〔inset〕inset a mounting with jewels 用宝石镶嵌底座英汉大词典〔inset〕inset an embroidered panel in a dress 将绣花饰料镶缝在连衣裙上英汉大词典〔inset〕a gold pendant, inset with a diamond.镶嵌着一粒钻石的金制项链坠儿柯林斯高阶〔inset〕a gold pendant, inset with a diamond镶嵌着一颗钻石的金项链坠外研社新世纪〔inset〕a pendant with a diamond inset 嵌有钻石的坠子朗文当代〔inset〕a table with an inset glass top 玻璃饰面的桌子韦氏高阶〔inset〕a wooden box inset with ivory 嵌有象牙的木制盒子朗文当代〔inset〕an inset map/photograph 套印地图/照片韦氏高阶〔inset〕floors inset with marble tiles 镶嵌大理石砖的地板韦氏高阶〔inset〕spotlights inset into the ceiling 嵌入天花板的聚光灯朗文当代〔inset〕the glass bricks inset high along the corridor's opposite wall.高高地嵌在走廊另一面墙上的玻璃砖柯林斯高阶〔inset〕the glass bricks inset high along the corridor's opposite wall高高地嵌在走廊另一面墙上的玻璃砖外研社新世纪〔inset〕to inset a panel in a dress在连衣裙上镶上一块饰料21世纪英汉




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