

单词 launched
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕Government troops launched an offensive against UNITA positions in the north. 政府军向争取安哥拉彻底独立全国联盟的北方阵地发动进攻。朗文写作活用〔BASIC〕Police have launched a campaign to educate children about the fundamentals of traffic safety. 警方发起了一个宣传活动来教育儿童有关交通安全的基本常识。朗文写作活用〔CRITICIZE〕France launched a bitter attack on EU proposals to reduce farm subsidies. 法国对欧盟削减农业补贴的方案提出强烈批评。朗文写作活用〔EVERYWHERE〕A nationwide hunt was launched yesterday for the killer of 13-year-old Nicola Jones. 昨天发起了一场全国性的追捕行动,缉拿杀害13岁女孩妮古拉·琼斯的凶手。朗文写作活用〔FIGHT〕Environmental groups launched a campaign against the widespread production of genetically modified crops. 环境保护组织发起了一场反对大规模生产基因改良作物的运动。朗文写作活用〔FIGHT〕The Health Department launched an anti-smoking drive. 卫生部发动了一场反对吸烟的运动。朗文写作活用〔INVENT〕A new game, the brainchild of Andrew Wilson, was launched in 1999. 1999年推出了一种新游戏,那是安德鲁·威尔逊的发明。朗文写作活用〔LOOK FOR〕Police have launched a nationwide hunt for the killer. 警方在全国范围内发起了一场追捕凶手的行动。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕The company was launched amid a flood of publicity a year ago. 该公司一年前在大张旗鼓的宣传中开始营业。朗文写作活用〔MIRV〕An offensive ballistic missile system in which a number of warheads aimed at independent targets can be launched by a single booster rocket.多弹头分导再入飞行器:一种进攻性弹道导弹系统,其中数枚弹头由同一运载火箭发射但指向各自的独立目标美国传统〔PRISON〕An inquiry has been launched following the death of a man in police custody. 一名男子在被警方拘留期间死亡,于是便开始了调查。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕Fiat launched a tiny ‘city car’ especially for Europe's narrow, crowded streets. 菲亚特公司推出了一款迷你型的“城市汽车”,是专为欧洲狭小而拥挤的街道设计的。朗文写作活用〔START〕Annie arrived late and immediately launched into a lengthy description of the terrible traffic on the roads. 安妮迟到了,一进来就啰啰唆唆地讲路上交通如何如何糟糕。朗文写作活用〔START〕Rebel forces launched an attack on the capital. 叛军向首都发动了攻击。朗文写作活用〔Soviet〕In 1957, the Soviets launched Sputnik 1 into outer space.1957 年,苏联人将“斯普特尼克1号”人造卫星送入了外层空间。柯林斯高阶〔UNFAIR〕Amnesty International launched a new campaign on behalf of people who have been unjustly imprisoned. 大赦国际为含冤入狱者发起了一场新的运动。朗文写作活用〔UNKIND〕The Senator launched a vicious attack on the former President. 那位参议员对前总统恶意中伤。朗文写作活用〔act〕In the 1970s Kodak, anxious to get in on the act, launched its own instant camera.20世纪70年代,急于分一杯羹的柯达公司推出了自己的拍立得相机。柯林斯高阶〔act〕Kodak, anxious to get in on the act, launched its own instant camera.柯达公司急于分一杯羹, 推出了自己品牌的拍立得相机。外研社新世纪〔affect〕They launched a small-scale counterattack on 17 May but it could not affect the outcome of the battle.他们在5月17日发动了一次小规模的反击, 但这并不能影响战斗的结果。外研社新世纪〔appeal〕An appeal is to be launched on behalf of the refugees.将为难民发起一次募捐活动。牛津搭配〔appeal〕The mayor launched an appeal to the public to give blood to the victims of the disaster.市长向公众呼吁为灾难的受害者献血。英汉大词典〔appeal〕They have launched an appeal to send food to the flood victims.他们发出为水灾灾民送食品的呼吁。麦克米伦高阶〔assault〕A military attack, such as one launched against a fortified area or place.进攻:军事攻击,如向要塞地区或地方发动的攻击美国传统〔assault〕Enemy troops launched an assault on the town.敌军对该镇发起了进攻。牛津搭配〔assault〕They launched a fierce legal assault against the company.他们对这家公司发动了猛烈的法律攻势。韦氏高阶〔attack〕Rebel forces launched (=started) an attack late Sunday night.周日深夜,叛军发动攻击。朗文当代〔attack〕The committee launched a scathing attack on British business.该委员会向英国商界发起了猛烈的抨击。外研社新世纪〔ballyhoo〕Amid much ballyhoo the balloon was launched.气球在一片喧闹声中放飞了。英汉大词典〔banquet〕Crackdowns have been launched on excessive banqueting by officials.已经开始对官员过度宴请的现象进行打击。外研社新世纪〔bid〕A German company launched a takeover bid for the company.一家德国公司试图收购这家公司。牛津搭配〔bitter〕He launched a bitter attack on the Government.他对政府发起猛烈的抨击。外研社新世纪〔blaze〕His book was launched in a blaze of publicity.他的书在大张旗鼓的宣传下上市销售。剑桥高阶〔boat〕A new type of patrol boat was launched yesterday.昨天一种新型巡逻船下水投入使用。牛津搭配〔broadside〕The Social Democratic leader launched a broadside against both monetary and political union.这位社会民主党领袖对金钱和政治联盟进行了猛烈抨击。柯林斯高阶〔campaign〕Apacs has launched a campaign to improve the training of staff.雅拍公司开展了加强员工培训的活动。外研社新世纪〔campaign〕Police have launched a campaign to crack down on drug dealers.警方发起了一场严厉打击毒贩的运动。朗文当代〔campaign〕The company launched a huge advertising campaign.该公司发起了一场声势浩大的广告宣传活动。牛津搭配〔catapult〕The aircraft are launched by catapult.飞机借助弹射器起飞。外研社新世纪〔catch〕State police have launched a massive operation to catch the murderer.州警方展开了大规模行动搜捕凶手。朗文当代〔channel〕Last year, the company launched its own TV channel.去年该公司开办了自己的电视频道。牛津搭配〔commercially〕The government has launched a campaign of television commercials and leaflets.政府通过电视广告和传单的形式发起了宣传活动。柯林斯高阶〔concept〕The company launched its discount airline concept in 1989.该公司于1989年提出航班打折概念。麦克米伦高阶〔coordinated〕The rebel troops have launched a coordinated attack on government soldiers.叛军向政府军发起了协同进攻。剑桥高阶〔crusade〕Footballers launched an unprecedented crusade against racism on the terraces.足球运动员们针对看台上的种族歧视发起了一场空前的运动。外研社新世纪〔deadly〕They launched a deadly attack.他们发起了致命的攻击。韦氏高阶〔desktop〕When launched, the Macintosh was the smallest desktop computer ever produced.当初上市的时候,麦金塔电脑是所有台式电脑里最小的。柯林斯高阶〔disquisition〕Amanda launched into an authoritative disquisition about contracts.阿曼达就合约给出了权威性的阐述。柯林斯高阶〔effort〕They launched an AIDS education effort.他们发起了艾滋病教育行动。牛津搭配〔embellish〕I launched into the parable, embellishing the story with invented dialogue and extra details.我开始讲那则寓言,并编造了些对话,加了些细节对其进行润色。柯林斯高阶〔expect〕We were warned that the consultation would not be launched at the end of June as expected.我们被告知, 磋商不能在六月底如期举行。外研社新世纪〔explanation〕She launched into a detailed explanation of every aspect of her work.她开始详细地解释她工作的每一个方面。牛津搭配〔fanfare〕The product was launched amid much fanfare worldwide.这个产品在世界各地隆重推出。牛津高阶〔feisty〕He launched a feisty attack on the government.他对政府发起了强有力的抨击。剑桥高阶〔fierce〕He launched a fierce attack on the Democrats.他对民主党人发动了猛烈的攻击。牛津高阶〔fray〕He launched himself into the fray.他冲上前去一起打斗。朗文当代〔frontal〕After the election, the party launched into a frontal assault on the British media.大选过后,该党派对英国媒体发起了正面抨击。朗文当代〔fund〕The newspaper launched an appeal fund for victims of the disaster.这家报纸为受灾民众设立了一个募款基金。牛津搭配〔glider〕A light, engineless aircraft designed to glide after being towed aloft or launched from a catapult.滑翔机:一种轻而无发动机的飞机,拖到高处或由发射器发射后自行滑翔美国传统〔hour〕The first missile was launched at 2300 hours(= at 11 p.m.).首枚导弹是在 23 点(晚上 11 点)发射的。牛津高阶〔hunt〕A massive police hunt was launched for the missing child.警方为了找到失踪的孩子开始了大规模搜索。牛津搭配〔hunt〕A nationwide hunt has been launched for the missing child.已经对这个失踪的孩子展开了全国范围的查找。麦克米伦高阶〔hunt〕Police launched a nationwide hunt for the woman.警方在全国各地搜寻那名女子。牛津搭配〔instigation〕An appeal fund was launched at the instigation of the President.总统授意发起了一项救援基金。牛津高阶〔involve〕Detectives launched an operation involving Interpol and Nigerian police.侦探们联合国际刑警与尼日利亚警方开展了一项行动。柯林斯高阶〔launch into〕Geoff has launched himself into fatherhood with great enthusiasm.杰夫满怀热情地做起父亲来。柯林斯高阶〔launch into〕Horrigan launched into a speech about the importance of new projects.霍里根开始就新项目的重要性慷慨陈词。外研社新世纪〔launch into〕The government officials launched into extravagance.这些政府官员疯狂地进行挥霍。21世纪英汉〔launch out〕The ship launched out on a voyage of discovery.这艘船开始进行探测航行。21世纪英汉〔launch pad〕The base or platform from which a rocket or space vehicle is launched.发射坪:火箭或太空飞行器发射基地的平台美国传统〔launch〕A devastating attack was launched on the rebel stronghold.向叛军堡垒发起了猛烈的进攻。剑桥高阶〔launch〕A new passenger liner is launched.一艘新客轮下水了。英汉大词典〔launch〕A new research ship was launched from the dry dock.一艘新的研究船由干坞放到水面。文馨英汉〔launch〕Crabtree&Evelyn has just launched a new jam, Worcesterberry Preserve.瑰柏翠刚推出一款新果酱——伍斯特浆果果酱。外研社新世纪〔launch〕Geoff has launched himself into fatherhood with great enthusiasm.杰夫满怀热情地做起了父亲。外研社新世纪〔launch〕He launched into a lengthy account of his career.他开始啰啰嗦嗦地讲述自己的工作经历。牛津高阶〔launch〕He launched into handshaking and chatting the moment he arrived.他一到场就忙着跟人握手聊天。英汉大词典〔launch〕He is launched on a new career.他著手一项新事业。文馨英汉〔launch〕Heavy fighting has been going on since the guerrillas launched their offensive.游击队发起攻击后, 激战一直持续不断。外研社新世纪〔launch〕It's time I launched out on my own.该是我自己创业的时候了。牛津高阶〔launch〕Soviet rockets launched more satellites into orbit.苏联火箭发射了更多卫星进入轨道。外研社新世纪〔launch〕The President was on holiday when the coup was launched.政变发动时, 总统正在休假。外研社新世纪〔launch〕The U.N. was launched in 1945 with 51 member countries.联合国是在1945年由51个会员国创立的。英汉大词典〔launch〕The magazine was launched in 1964.这本杂志于1964年首次发行。外研社新世纪〔launch〕The organization has launched a campaign to raise $150,000.为了筹集 15 万美元,该组织发起了一场募捐活动。朗文当代〔launch〕The police confirmed that an enquiry has been launched into the incident.警方证实对该事件的调查已着手展开。麦克米伦高阶〔launch〕The police have launched an investigation into the incident.警方已对该事件展开调查。外研社新世纪〔launch〕The press launched a vicious attack on the President.新闻界对总统进行恶毒的攻击。朗文当代〔launch〕They launched a violent attack on the enemy at dawn.他们在拂晓时向敌人发动猛攻。21世纪英汉〔launch〕They launched out yesterday on a journey to the Phillippines.他们昨天启航,前往菲律宾。英汉大词典〔launch〕This ship was launched two years ago.这艘船是两年前首次下水的。外研社新世纪〔launch〕We launched an attack at midnight.我们在午夜发动攻击。文馨英汉〔line〕The company has just launched a new line of small, low-priced computers.这家公司刚刚推出一种新的价格低廉的小型计算机。朗文当代〔manhunt〕Police have launched a nationwide manhunt .警方展开了全国大搜捕。朗文当代〔manhunt〕The FBI launched a manhunt to find the kidnappers.联邦调查局展开追捕,捉拿绑匪。韦氏高阶〔manhunt〕The police have launched a manhunt after the body of a six-year-old boy was found last night.昨晚发现一具6岁男孩的尸体后,警方已展开搜捕行动。剑桥高阶〔model〕Fiat launched a new model last week.菲亚特公司上周推出一款新车型。麦克米伦高阶〔monologue〕I stifled a yawn as she launched into a monologue about how she is going to become a famous star.她开始大谈她如何准备成为明星时,我赶紧忍住了哈欠。韦氏高阶〔monologue〕She launched into a long monologue about how wonderful the company was.她滔滔不绝地讲起那个公司如何如何地好。牛津搭配〔movement〕He launched a movement for children's rights.他发起了争取儿童权利的运动。牛津搭配〔murder〕Detectives have launched a murder investigation .侦探已经展开凶杀案调查。朗文当代〔offensively〕The armed forces have launched offensives to recapture lost ground.这支武装部队已发动进攻要夺回失去的阵地。柯林斯高阶〔offensive〕A major offensive was launched on August 22.8 月 22 日发起了一场大规模的攻势。朗文当代〔offensive〕In 1941, Hitler launched an all-out offensive against the Soviet Union.1941 年,希特勒向苏联发起了全面进攻。牛津搭配〔offensive〕The armed forces have launched offensives to recapture lost ground.武装部队已发动攻势, 准备收复失地。外研社新世纪〔offensive〕The government has launched a new offensive against crime.政府发动了新的打击犯罪攻势。牛津高阶〔offensive〕The politician has launched a charm offensive in an attempt to clean up his image.这位政治家发起了魅力攻势,以修复他受损的形象。牛津搭配〔offensive〕They launched the offensive on January 10.他们于 1 月 10 日发动了进攻。牛津高阶〔offering〕Microsoft launched its newest offering.微软推出了其最新产品。牛津搭配〔onslaught〕In December they launched a full-scale onslaught on the capital.十二月份他们对首都发起了全面攻击。朗文当代〔onslaught〕The attackers launched another vicious onslaught on their victim.袭击者再度凶残地攻击受害人。柯林斯高阶〔operation〕Following the earthquake, a large-scale rescue operation was launched.地震后发起了一场大规模的救援行动。剑桥高阶〔operation〕The authorities launched a massive security operation in the city.当局在城内展开大规模的安全行动。牛津搭配〔operation〕The city has launched an operation to clean up the neighborhood.这个城市发起了一场清扫街区的活动。韦氏高阶〔outer space〕In 1957, the Soviets launched Sputnik 1 into outer space.1957年,苏联将“卫星一号”发射到外太空。柯林斯高阶〔patter〕Within five minutes he had launched into his patter.还不到5分钟, 他就已经开始连珠炮似的叫卖起来。外研社新世纪〔phone banking〕They recently launched a new phone banking service.他们最近推出了新的电话银行业务。剑桥高阶〔plan〕The government launched a five-year plan aimed at diversifying the economy.政府开始实施一项五年计划,旨在多元化发展经济。牛津搭配〔preliminary〕After a few brief preliminaries, she launched into her speech.简短几句开场白之后,她开始了她的演讲。麦克米伦高阶〔print run〕The book was launched in paperback with an initial print run of 7,000 copies.这本书以平装本首发, 首次印刷量为7,000册。外研社新世纪〔probe〕Police have launched a probe into an alleged ticket scam.警方已经展开对涉嫌门票行骗案件的调查。外研社新世纪〔probe〕Two spacecraft are being launched to probe the atmosphere of Venus.将发射两个宇宙飞行器来探测金星的大气。英汉大词典〔propagate〕The group launched a website to propagate its ideas .这个团体建了一个网站来宣扬他们的主张。朗文当代〔publicity〕The Government has launched a publicity campaign .政府发起了一场宣传运动。朗文当代〔quote〕The reporter quoted the police chief as saying that an investigation would be launched soon.记者援引了警察局长的话,说很快就会展开调查。韦氏高阶〔raid〕The army launched several cross-border raids last night.昨晚军队发动了数次越境袭击。朗文当代〔razzmatazz〕The new car was launched with great razzmatazz: champagne, food, free gifts, and dancers.推出这款新轿车时活动搞得热闹非凡、五花八门——开香槟酒、提供膳食、散发礼品,还有舞蹈演员助兴。剑桥高阶〔ready-to-wear〕In 1978 he launched his first major ready-to-wear collection for the Austin Reed stores.在1978年他为奥斯汀·里德时装店推出了他的第一个高级成衣系列。柯林斯高阶〔recombinant〕Researchers have launched a vaccine trial, using new formulas created with recombinant DNA technology.研究者们启动了一项疫苗测试,采用的根据重组DNA技术研制的新配方。剑桥高阶〔recording〕The clarinet player launched her recording career in 2005.这位黑管演奏家于 2005 年开始出唱片。牛津搭配〔refine〕We've refined the system since it was first launched.自这个系统首次投入市场到现在我们已对它进行了改进。麦克米伦高阶〔regroup〕The Allies regrouped and launched a new attack.盟军重新部署,发动了一次新的进攻。朗文当代〔resource〕We have launched an appeal to set up a new library and resource centre.我们已经呼吁要建立一个新图书馆和资料中心。麦克米伦高阶〔rev〕An engine revved and a big six-wheeled truck launched past me.发动机一阵点火轰鸣,一辆6轮大卡车打我身旁驶开去了。英汉大词典〔rivalry〕The paper was launched in direct rivalry to ours.此报是为了直接和我们的报纸对抗而创办的。英汉大词典〔rocket〕The rocket was launched from a space research base.火箭从一个太空研究基地发射升空。朗文当代〔scathing〕He launched a scathing attack on the Prime Minister.他对首相进行了尖锐的抨击。麦克米伦高阶〔shrill〕He launched a shrill attack on the prime minister.他对首相进行了刻薄的批评。剑桥高阶〔spinoff〕The show was so successful that it launched two spin-off series.这个节目非常成功,于是推出了两个派生系列节目。牛津搭配〔sting〕They launched a stinging attack on the government.他们对政府进行了猛烈的抨击。牛津高阶〔subscriber〕Cable television companies have launched major campaigns to increase their number of subscribers.有线电视公司已开展大型促销活动以增加用户数。剑桥高阶〔surface-to-air missile〕A guided missile launched from the ground against an airborne target.地对空导弹:由地面发射以射击一空投目标的制导导弹美国传统〔time〕The attacks were launched at 9 p.m. local time.攻击在当地时间晚上 9 点发起。牛津搭配〔tirade〕He launched into a tirade against the church.他开始大发议论,抨击教会。朗文当代〔torpedo tube〕A tube in the hull of a submarine or another naval vessel through which torpedoes are launched.鱼雷发射管:潜水艇或其它海上舰艇上装备的用来发射鱼雷的发射管美国传统〔vehement〕They launched a vehement attack on the government's handling of environmental issues.他们针对政府对环境问题的处理发起了猛烈的抨击。剑桥高阶〔violent〕The speaker launched into a violent attack on (= spoke forcefully against) the president's policies.发言者猛烈抨击总统的政策。剑桥高阶〔vitriolic〕She launched a vitriolic attack against us.她向我们发起了一场言辞恶意的攻击。韦氏高阶〔vitriolic〕The newspaper launched a vitriolic attack on the president.这家报纸对总统发起了一场恶意的攻击。牛津高阶〔withering〕She launched a withering attack on the Press.她向该通讯社发起了一场声势逼人的讨伐。柯林斯高阶A French group has launched a rival bid for the company.一家法国集团为收购这家公司抛出了竞争投标。牛津商务A devastating attack was launched on the rebel stronghold, leaving many of them dead.向叛军要塞的摧毁性进攻发起了,使他们许多人被歼。剑桥国际A new range was launched and a number of products were destocked.一个新的系列推出了,多个产品的库存数量减少了。牛津商务After dinner he launched into a long diatribe against the government's policies.正餐后,他长时间抨击政府的政策。剑桥国际Although a job-sharing scheme was launched a year ago very few people have shown any interest in it.虽然工作分担制计划一年前就开始了,但极少有人对此感兴趣。剑桥国际An inquiry has been launched into what went wrong at a showpiece jail where prisoners went on the rampage causing £500 000 worth of damage.模范监狱中的犯人暴乱造成500,000 英镑的损失,人们对出现的问题进行了调查。剑桥国际An international appeal for food and medicine has been launched for the people left homeless by the floods.已经向国际呼吁为那些在水灾中无家可归的人们筹集食物和药品。剑桥国际An official enquiry into the incident was launched. 官方对这一事件进行了调查。译典通Father and his partner launched into a new business. 父亲与他的合伙人开办了一家新商号。译典通He launched a corrosive attack on the government (=He criticized them fiercely).他对政府进行了恶毒攻击。剑桥国际He launched a vitriolic attack on the prime minister, accusing him of shielding corrupt friends.他对首相发起了强烈的攻击,指控他庇护贪污的朋友。剑桥国际He launched into a homily on family relationships.他开始就家庭关系进行说教。剑桥国际He launched into some spiel about how his wife didn't understand him.他开始滔滔不绝地讲述他妻子是如何的不理解他。剑桥国际Investigators have launched a probe into the company's sales and marketing practices.调查人员已经开始对公司的销售和营销做法进行调查。牛津商务Miss Snowden yesterday launched a vituperative attack on her ex-boss and former lover.斯诺顿小姐昨天对她从前的老板兼情人破口大骂。剑桥国际Most spacecraft are launched into space on top of a three-stage rocket.大多数的航天飞机都是用三级火箭推入太空的。剑桥国际Mr Smith launched out on an enterprise. 史密斯先生精力充沛地创办一个企业。译典通She launched into an angry tirade about how she had been unfairly treated.她就如何遭受不公正待遇发表了激烈的长篇演说。剑桥国际The Department of Health have launched a major attack on (=attempt to deal with) smoking.卫生部发起了一场大规模的戒烟运动。剑桥国际The Republicans have launched a strong counterattack against the Democrats' manifesto.共和党对民主党的声明发动了有力的反击。剑桥国际The Serbs launched a major military assault on a Croatian stronghold yesterday.塞尔维亚人昨天对克罗地亚人的据点发起了一次军事强攻。剑桥国际The authorities launched a massive manhunt, and were able to catch them in one clean sweep. 有关单位对于恐怖分子展开了大规模的追缉,终于将他们一网打尽。译典通The bank has launched a friendly bid for Credit Lyonnais worth 19.5 billion euros.这家银行已宣布愿意出价 195 亿欧元善意收购里昂信贷银行。牛津商务The community group was launched last August to give local people a voice.这一社区组织于去年8月创办,目的是给当地民众一个发表意见的机会。剑桥国际The company has launched a campaign of publicity for a new car. 公司为它的新型汽车大作宣传。译典通The company's overseas turnover is expanding with joint ventures being launched in the Far East.由于在远东地区开办了合资企业,该公司的海外业务在扩展。剑桥国际The flight path of a guided missile can be altered after the missile has been launched.导弹的飞行路线在它被发射后可以被改变。剑桥国际The government has launched a major road-building scheme as part of its pump-priming exercise.作为注资刺激经济的措施之一,政府推出了主要道路建设计划。牛津商务The government has launched a new road safety campaign in an attempt to reduce the number of road accidents.政府已发动了一次新的道路交通安全学习运动,以减少道路交通事故的数量。剑桥国际The government have just launched (=begun) their annual Christmas campaign to stop drunken driving.政府刚刚开始了一年一度的制止酒后开车的圣诞宣传。剑桥国际The magazine will be launched in September with a snappy design.这本九月份出版的杂志将以活泼明快的设计构思与读者见面。剑桥国际The miners launched a strike. 矿工发动了一场罢工。译典通The new beauty magazine is being launched into an already crowded market.新的美容杂志正准备投入一个早已拥挤的市场。牛津商务The new model is being launched at the UK assembly plant.新型产品现正由英国的装配厂推出。牛津商务The new ship was launched today. 新船今天下水了。译典通The opposition fired / launched yet another broadside at the prime minister.反对党发起了对首相的又一次猛烈抨击。剑桥国际The opposition leader this morning launched a feisty attack on the government in parliament.反对党领导人今晨在议会中对政府发出了强有力的攻击。剑桥国际The organization has launched an internal enquiry into the matter.组织已对这事展开内部调查。牛津商务The product will not be launched until the second half of 2012.这款产品将于 2012 年下半年投放市场。牛津商务The rebel troops have launched a coordinated attack on government soldiers.叛军向政府军发动了协调一致的进攻。剑桥国际The satellite was launched into orbit around the moon. 卫星被发射进入绕月球运行的轨道。译典通The stamp, featuring computer pioneer Charles Babbage, will be launched tomorrow.图案是电脑先驱查尔斯·巴巴齐的邮票将在明天发行。剑桥国际They launched a campaign to block the merger.他们发起了一场阻止兼并的运动。牛津商务They launched a campaign to raise the company's profile in Europe.他们发起了一场提高公司在欧洲的形象的活动。牛津商务They launched a stout attack. 他们发起猛攻。译典通They launched a thinly veiled attack on his abilities as a leader.他们稍加掩饰地对他的领导能力发起了攻击。剑桥国际They have launched a new range of Star Wars merchandise, including toys.他们推出了包括玩具在内的《星球大战》新商品系列。牛津商务They've just launched a new generation of computers that are much more powerful than earlier models.他们刚推出了比早先的型号强得多的新一代计算机。剑桥国际We have recently launched a programme of English classes for all junior managers.我们最近为所有初级管理人员推出了英语课程。牛津商务We witnessed a missile being launched into outer space. 我们目睹一枚飞弹向外太空发射。译典通




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