

单词 june
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔June〕early/late in June 六月初/末韦氏高阶〔clear〕a clear June morning 六月的一个晴朗早晨朗文当代〔date〕a letter bearing the date of June 15 一封日期为六月十五日的信文馨英汉〔date〕a memo dated 16th June 注明日期为6月16日的备忘录麦克米伦高阶〔early〕in the month of May and early June 在5月份和6月初英汉大词典〔escalate〕the escalation of fighting in June 六月份战事的升级朗文当代〔exact〕that afternoon, June 22, to be exact 那天下午,准确地说,是6月22日韦氏高阶〔favour〕the favour of the 15th June 6月15日的函件英汉大词典〔gentle〕a soft June morning with a gentle breeze 柔风轻拂的6月早晨麦克米伦高阶〔glorious〕the Glorious First of June 光荣的6月1日(指1794年英法海战纪念日,海战以英方取胜而告终)英汉大词典〔intervene〕the period which intervenes between March 5 and June 5介于3月5日和6月5日之间的时期21世纪英汉〔last〕the last Sunday in June 6月份的最后一个星期天英汉大词典〔memo〕my memo of June 28 我 6 月 28 日的备忘录牛津搭配〔merry〕the merry month of June 令人愉快的 6 月朗文当代〔morning〕on the morning of June 21在6月21日的上午英汉大词典〔perfumed〕the perfumed air of June 6月芬芳的空气英汉大词典〔prochronism〕races held in June and called by a prochronism the Mays 实际在6月举行而被误记为5月赛马大会的赛马活动英汉大词典〔ray〕a stream sparkling in the rays of the June sun 在 6 月的阳光下闪闪发光的小溪牛津搭配〔revolt〕the peasants' revolt of June 1381 1381年6月的农民起义麦克米伦高阶〔sometime〕sometime before June 6月份之前的某个时候剑桥高阶〔streak〕a losing streak that had extended back to June 1.从 6 月 1 日开始就频频失利柯林斯高阶〔through〕the period from February 1 through June 30 从2月1号到6月30日这段时间麦克米伦高阶〔to〕stay to the end of June 呆到6月底英汉大词典




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