

单词 islanders
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHARACTER〕The islanders are proud of their strong regional identity. 岛上的居民以其强烈的地域特色而自豪。朗文写作活用〔MORE〕The islanders are trying to protect their environment from the ever-increasing number of Australian tourists. 岛上的居民正尽力保护环境,使其免遭日渐增多的澳大利亚游客的破坏。朗文写作活用〔RELAX/RELAXED〕The Trobrand islanders are happy, sexually uninhibited people. 特罗布里恩群岛上的居民天性愉快,性行为不受拘束。朗文写作活用〔abode〕Outsiders who wed islanders are given only three years' right of abode at first.岛外的人和岛民结婚之初只能获得三年的居住权。柯林斯高阶〔barter〕The islanders use a system of barter instead of money.岛上的居民采用以物易物的交易方式,而不是用货币。牛津高阶〔coincide〕The interests of the US and those of the islanders may not coincide.美国的利益和那些岛民的利益可能并不一致。朗文当代〔cold comfort〕These figures may look good on paper but are cold comfort to the islanders themselves.这些数字理论上看来可能不错,不过对岛民们起不到安慰的作用。柯林斯高阶〔cold comfort〕These figures may look good on paper, but are cold comfort to the islanders themselves.这些数字也许从纸面上看的确不错, 但对于岛上居民来说却起不到任何慰藉作用。外研社新世纪〔communicate〕The radio stations communicated the storm warnings to the islanders.无线电台向岛民发了风暴警报。英汉大词典〔devoutly〕The islanders are devoutly religious.这些岛民都是虔诚的信徒。外研社新世纪〔feature〕Fish features very largely in the food of these islanders.鱼在这些岛民的食物中占重要地位。英汉大词典〔islander〕Pacific islanders 太平洋岛民韦氏高阶〔islander〕Scottish islanders 苏格兰岛民剑桥高阶〔islander〕The islanders endured centuries of exploitation.岛上居民忍受了长达几个世纪的剥削。外研社新世纪〔islander〕The islanders endured centuries of exploitation.那个岛上的居民忍受了数个世纪的剥削。柯林斯高阶〔mainland〕Islanders have been forced to leave for the mainland to find employment.岛民被迫离家到大陆找工作。外研社新世纪〔render〕The islanders do not render up their knowledge easily to strangers.岛民们不轻易向陌生人说出他们所知道的情况。英汉大词典〔revolt〕Zanzibar's fortunes declined after the islanders revolted against the sultanate in 1964.桑给巴尔岛的居民于1964年反抗苏丹统治,随后时局便不断恶化。柯林斯高阶〔ripple〕The issue has caused a few ripples amongst islanders.这个问题在岛内居民中间引起了一些波动。麦克米伦高阶〔separate〕The islanders have their own separate government.岛上居民有他们独立的政府。牛津同义词〔speech〕The speech of the islanders is hard to understand.岛上居民的方言很难听懂。英汉大词典〔storm〕The islanders were warned that a storm was coming.岛民们被警告说暴风雨即将来临。英汉大词典〔survive〕The islanders could barely survive without an export crop.没有出口作物,岛上的居民几乎无法生存。牛津搭配〔sweating〕The islanders can do little but sweat it out, wondering whether they will be forced to go and seek a new life elsewhere.岛民不知道自己是否要被迫去往他处另谋生路,但却无能为力,只好干等。柯林斯高阶〔terror〕Thousands of islanders fled in terror yesterday as the volcano erupted.由于火山喷发,昨天成千上万的岛民惊慌失措,四处奔逃。麦克米伦高阶〔tier〕Islanders campaigned for the abolition of one of the three tiers of municipal power on the island.岛上居民发起了一场运动, 要求废除该岛三级市政管理层级中的一级。外研社新世纪〔tier〕Islanders have campaigned for the abolition of one of the three tiers of municipal power on the island.岛上居民发起一场运动,要求废除岛上三级市政管理层中的一级。柯林斯高阶〔tourism〕The islanders want to open their island to tourism.岛民们要求开放该岛供观光旅游。英汉大词典〔universal〕These practices remain universal among the islanders.这些依然是岛上居民惯常的做法。牛津搭配〔well-placed〕As islanders we are uniquely well placed to safeguard our secret.岛上生活给了我们得天独厚的优势去保守我们的秘密。外研社新世纪Over ninety percent of the islanders here are illiterate. 这儿的岛民,百分之九十以上都是文盲。译典通Scottish islanders 苏格兰岛民剑桥国际The islanders here speak a corrupt form of French. 这儿的岛民讲一种不标准的法语。译典通The islanders used to live in darkness. 岛上的居民过去一直生活在愚昧之中。译典通To help her fit in with the islanders, Joan assumed a local Greek name.为了便于与岛民打成一片,琼采用了一个当地的希腊名字。剑桥国际




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