

单词 lakes
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Canandaigua Lake〕A glacial lake of west-central New York. One of the Finger Lakes, it is in a popular resort area.康纳达瓜湖:美国纽约州中西部的一个冰川湖。为芬格湖群之一,是一个很受欢迎的旅游胜地美国传统〔Cayuga Lake〕A lake of west-central New York. The longest of the Finger Lakes, it is a popular resort area.卡尤加湖:美国纽约州中西部一湖泊。是芬格湖群中最长的,为著名的旅游胜地美国传统〔Dogrib〕A Native American people inhabiting an area between the Great Bear and Great Slave lakes in the Northwest Territories of Canada.多格里布人:居住于大熊湖和大奴湖之间的加拿大西北部美洲土著美国传统〔Eifel〕A hilly region of western Germany west of the Rhine River. The barren area has limestone moors and crater lakes.艾弗尔:位于德国西部的莱茵河西岸的丘陵地带,土地贫瘠,有石灰岩泥沼和火口湖美国传统〔JOIN〕The two lakes are connected by a narrow canal. 这两座湖之间由一条狭窄的运河连接着。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕Pollution in the lakes and streams has been killing off many species of fish. 湖泊溪流的污染使许多种鱼死亡。朗文写作活用〔Kawartha Lakes〕A series of lakes in southeast Ontario, Canada, connected with Lake Simcoe by the Trent Canal system. The lakes are popular as a summer resort area.卡沃萨湖:加拿大安大略省的东南部湖群,通过特伦特运河系统与锡姆科湖相连。这个湖群是有名的夏季避暑胜地美国传统〔Keuka Lake〕A lake of west-central New York, one of the Finger Lakes west of Seneca Lake. It is the center of a resort and wine-making region.丘卡湖:美国纽约州中西部湖泊,是位于塞尼加湖西方的仙指湖之一。是游览和酿酒区的中心美国传统〔LOT〕Wordsworth returned to the lakes and hills that he loved so much. 华兹华斯回到了他深深热爱的山山水水。朗文写作活用〔Lower Peninsula〕The section of Michigan between Lakes Michigan and Huron and south of the Straits of Mackinac.下岛:密歇根州的位于密歇根湖与休伦湖之间的,麦基诺水道南部的部分美国传统〔Rangeley Lake〕A lake of west-central Maine near the New Hampshire border. It and other nearby lakes form a popular resort area.兰奇利湖:缅因州中西部一湖泊,靠近新罕布什尔州边界。与附近的其它湖泊一起构成一个著名的旅游胜地美国传统〔Skaneateles Lake〕A lake of central New York. It is one of the Finger Lakes.斯堪尼亚特雷斯:美国纽约州中部的一湖泊。是芬格湖之一美国传统〔Technicolor〕I was seeing it all in glorious technicolour: mountains, valleys, lakes, summer sunshine.我所看见的一切——大山、山谷、湖泊和夏日的阳光全都绚丽多彩。柯林斯高阶〔UNUSUAL〕It is unusual to find lakes of this size in Britain. 在英国能找到这样大小的湖真是很难得。朗文写作活用〔Upper Peninsula〕The northern part of Michigan between Lakes Superior and Michigan. It is separated from the Lower Peninsula by the Straits of Mackinac.上半岛:美国密歇根州北部地区,位于苏必利尔湖和密歇根湖之间。它和南半岛被麦基诺海峡隔开美国传统〔WATER〕Some of the bacteria are found in rivers, lakes, mud, and even rain water. 有些细菌可见于河流、湖泊、淤泥,甚至雨水中。朗文写作活用〔abound〕The lakes abound with fish.这些湖泊盛产鱼。牛津高阶〔arid〕Water from the Great Lakes is pumped to arid regions .五大湖中的水被输往干旱地区。朗文当代〔artificially〕The city is dotted with small lakes, natural and artificial.这个城市小型湖泊星罗棋布,有天然的也有人工的。柯林斯高阶〔artificial〕The city is dotted with small lakes, natural and artificial.这个城市小型湖泊星罗棋布, 有天然的也有人工的。外研社新世纪〔asset〕The state's natural assets include mountains and beautiful lakes.这个州的天然财富是起伏的群山和美丽的湖泊。韦氏高阶〔break ... up〕In spring the ice on the lakes breaks up.春天湖水解冻。21世纪英汉〔build up〕These dangerous chemicals are building up in our lakes and ponds.在我们的湖泊和池塘里这些危险的化学物质越来越多。韦氏高阶〔caddis fly〕Any of various four-winged insects of the order Trichoptera, found near lakes and streams.石蚕蛾:毛翅目的一种四翅昆虫,多生长在湖泊和溪流边美国传统〔channel〕Water is channelled into the lakes from the canals.水是从运河里引到湖中的。麦克米伦高阶〔colour〕Rivers and lakes are often coloured green by algae.河流和湖泊常常因水藻而变成绿色。麦克米伦高阶〔commonly〕In common with most Italian lakes, access to the shores of Orta is restricted.和大部分意大利湖泊一样,奥尔塔湖岸不对公众开放。柯林斯高阶〔cool off〕The victims drowned while cooling off in the city's rivers and lakes.这些遇难者是在城市河湖中消暑时溺水身亡的。外研社新世纪〔cover〕Lakes cover much of the state.湖泊覆盖了这个州的大部分地区。韦氏高阶〔cover〕Much of the state is covered with lakes.这个州的大部分地区被湖泊覆盖了。韦氏高阶〔creeper〕A grappling device for dragging bodies of water, such as lakes or rivers.抓钩:一种用于拖拉湖泊或河流上船只的钩状物美国传统〔disclose〕Daylight disclosed a chain of lakes and rivers in the distance.晨曦中显露出远处一连串的江河湖泊。21世纪英汉〔distance〕If you are within striking distance of Speyside, visit the lakes.如果你离斯佩塞德仅一箭之遥,不妨去湖边游览一下。朗文当代〔drained〕Springs and rivers that drain into lakes carry dissolved nitrates and phosphates.流入湖中的泉水和河水携带了溶于水的硝酸盐和磷酸盐。柯林斯高阶〔drain〕Springs and rivers that drain into lakes carry dissolved nitrates and phosphates.流进湖里的泉水和河水携带溶解的硝酸盐和磷酸盐。外研社新世纪〔drain〕The St. Lawrence drains the Great Lakes.五大湖的水流入圣劳伦斯河。英汉大词典〔drain〕The St. Lawrence drains the Great Lakes.圣劳伦斯河容纳五大湖的水。(或:五大湖的水流入圣劳伦斯河。)21世纪英汉〔drive〕The lakes are only a short drive away.那些湖距离这儿只有很短的车程。牛津搭配〔dry ... up〕The lakes and wells all dried up during the drought.在旱灾期间,所有的湖泊和水井都干涸了。21世纪英汉〔forest〕Acid rain is already destroying large areas of forest and lakes in northern Europe.酸雨已经在侵蚀北欧广大的森林和湖泊地区。麦克米伦高阶〔freeze〕The lakes are still frozen over.湖面还结着冰。柯林斯高阶〔freeze〕The air temperature was well below freezing, and lakes and rivers froze over.气温远远低于零度,湖面和河面都封冻了。柯林斯高阶〔fresh〕These plants are found in fresh water lakes and rivers (= those containing water that is not salty).这些植物生长在淡水河湖里。剑桥高阶〔height〕The animal lives in lakes at a height of 6 000 feet above sea level.这种动物生活在海拔 6,000 英尺的湖泊里。牛津搭配〔idol〕They did not make their offerings to idols, preferring to cast them into lakes.他们非但不供奉神像, 还将其投进湖中。外研社新世纪〔into〕Now if a great lake like Victoria were to dry up partially, it would be split into a number of separate, smaller lakes.现在如果像维多利亚湖这样的大湖部分干涸,它就会被分成若干独立的小湖泊。柯林斯高阶〔lacustrine〕Living or growing in or along the edges of lakes.生活或成长在湖中或湖边的美国传统〔lacustrine〕Of or relating to lakes.湖的或与湖有关的美国传统〔lake effect〕The effect of any lake, especially the Great Lakes, in modifying the weather in nearby areas.大湖效应:任何湖泊对附近地区气候的影响,尤指五大湖美国传统〔laker〕Nautical A ship used on lakes.【航海】 湖船:用于湖上行驶的船美国传统〔lake〕Overproduction caused butter mountains and wine lakes.生产过剩导致黄油堆积如山、葡萄酒汇流成河。剑桥高阶〔large〕The Pike lives mainly in large rivers and lakes.狗鱼主要生活在大江大湖中。柯林斯高阶〔large〕The pike lives mainly in large rivers and lakes.狗鱼主要生活在大江大湖里。外研社新世纪〔limnetic〕Of or occurring in the deeper, open waters of lakes or ponds.栖居于淡水的:开阔的湖或潭的或发生湖里或潭里的美国传统〔limnology〕The scientific study of the life and phenomena of fresh water, especially lakes and ponds.湖泊学:研究淡水,尤指湖泊和海洋的生命和现象的科学研究美国传统〔mackinaw〕Nautical A flat-bottomed boat with a pointed bow and square stern, once used on the upper Great Lakes.【航海】 麦基诺舟:一种头尖而侧方的平底船,曾用于五大湖区上游美国传统〔mediterranean〕Surrounded nearly or completely by dry land. Used of large bodies of water, such as lakes or seas.地中海的:几乎被陆地所包围或完全被陆地所包围的。用于指较大的水体,如湖泊或海洋美国传统〔melt〕The lakes become ice-free and the snow melts.湖里的冰消了, 雪也在融化。外研社新世纪〔midge〕Any of various gnatlike flies of the family Chironomidae, found worldwide and frequently occurring in swarms near ponds and lakes.双翅目小昆虫:一种双翅科中咬人的小昆虫,遍布于世界各地,通常在水塘和湖泊附近成群出现美国传统〔name〕The Huron people gave their name to one of the Great Lakes.休伦人以自己的名字命名五大湖中的一个湖。牛津搭配〔narrows〕There are really three lakes, joined by narrows.其实有三个湖泊,由峡道相连。朗文当代〔naturalize〕Several Asian fish have become naturalized in these lakes.一些亚洲鱼类已经适应了这些湖域的环境。韦氏高阶〔ooze〕A layer of mudlike sediment on the floor of oceans and lakes, composed chiefly of remains of microscopic sea animals.软泥:覆盖于洋底或湖底类似泥的柔软沉积物,主要由微小的海生物的遗体构成美国传统〔package〕There's a package here for a Miami Lakes address.这里有一个寄往迈阿密湖地址的包裹。朗文当代〔panoply〕The lakes are surrounded by a panoply of mountains.湖泊四周是气势磅礴的群山。英汉大词典〔radius〕There are three lakes within a radius of five miles.在周围5英里之内有3个湖泊。英汉大词典〔rise〕Grey mountains rose above the lakes.灰色的群山高高地耸立在湖边。麦克米伦高阶〔risk〕We want clean rivers and lakes, where you can swim without risk to your health.我们需要干净清洁的河流湖泊,使我们游泳时不会危及健康。剑桥高阶〔run〕These little lakes all run into one another.这些小湖泊是相连的。英汉大词典〔seiche〕A wave that oscillates in lakes, bays, or gulfs from a few minutes to a few hours as a result of seismic or atmospheric disturbances.湖面波动,湖震:因地震或大气震荡而引起的湖泊、港湾或海湾等内陆海面的波动,持续几分钟到几小时美国传统〔spangle〕Its countless mirror lakes glow and spangle.那地方无数水平如镜的湖泊闪烁发光。英汉大词典〔speckle〕Little lakes speckled the land.地面上小湖泊星罗棋布。英汉大词典〔tufa〕The calcareous and siliceous rock deposits of springs, lakes, or ground water.泉华:泉、湖或地下水中的石灰质和硅质岩石沉积物美国传统〔wondrous〕We were driven across this wondrous vast land of lakes and forests.我们乘车穿越这片有着湖泊及森林的广袤而神奇的土地。柯林斯高阶〔wondrous〕We were driven across this wondrous vast land of lakes and forests.我们乘车穿过了这片令人惊叹的辽阔湖泊和森林地区。外研社新世纪A lot of bream are found in quiet lowland lakes and rivers in Northern Europe.北欧的低地湖泊与河流里发现了许多鲷鱼。剑桥国际Garbage pollutes our rivers and lakes. 垃圾污染我们的河川湖泊。译典通He had a great feeling of the communion between himself and the hills and lakes. 他深感自己与大自然是息息相通的。译典通Heavy rain in the last few weeks has swelled the rivers and lakes (= caused the amount of water in them to increase).连续几周的大雨使河水和湖水上涨。剑桥国际Many large lakes in North America abound in loons. 北美洲的许多大湖充满著潜鸟。译典通Overproduction caused butter mountains and wine lakes.生产过剩使黄油堆积如山,酒贮藏满池。剑桥国际Something should be done about the grain mountains and wine lakes of the EU.该想办法处理欧盟的大量谷物和酒了。剑桥国际The company denied responsibility for the pollution of local lakes and rivers.这家公司拒绝对当地湖泊和河流的污染负责。牛津商务There are three lakes within a radius of five miles. 周围五英里之内有三个湖泊。译典通These fish are only found in fresh water like rivers and lakes.这些鱼只是在淡水里,如河流湖泊中才有。剑桥国际These plants are found in fresh water lakes and rivers (=those containing water that is not salty).这些植物存在于淡水湖和淡水河中。剑桥国际This region is sprinkled with small lakes. 这一地区星星点点地分布著许多小湖泊。译典通Those people who ventured to the lakes on the weekend were rewarded with three days of glorious weather.周末冒险去游湖的那些人幸运地遇上了三天好天气。剑桥国际We want clean rivers and lakes, where you can swim without risk to your health.我们希望有干净的河湖,可以在那里游泳而无健康危险。剑桥国际




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