

单词 interlocutor
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔end man〕The man in a minstrel show who sits at one end of the company and engages in banter with the interlocutor.滑稽插话演员:在技艺团演出中坐于演员队伍末端,面对观众说滑稽的俏皮话的演员美国传统〔interlocutor〕Abraham was able to act as interpreter and interlocutor for our group.亚伯拉罕可以充当我们小组的翻译和代言人。剑桥高阶〔interlocutor〕He looked at his interlocutor across the table.他看看桌子对面那位跟他谈话的人。英汉大词典〔interlocutor〕Judge Thomas Pigot QC, recommended that cross examination could be conducted through an interlocutor and as part of the video interview process.王室法律顾问托马斯·皮戈特法官建议盘诘可以通过一位代表进行,并作为录像采访过程的一部分。柯林斯高阶〔interlocutor〕Owen had the habit of staring motionlessly at his interlocutor.欧文有直勾勾盯着对话人的习惯。外研社新世纪〔interlocutor〕Owen had the habit of staring motionlessly at his interlocutor.欧文谈话时有一动不动、目不转睛地盯着对方的习惯。柯林斯高阶〔pragmatics〕The study of language as it is used in a social context and affects the interlocutors and their behavior.语用学:有关语言使用于社会环境和语言对使用者及其行为之影响的研究美国传统〔sweeten〕His tone sweetened dramatically, once he'd identified his interlocutor.他一认出说话的对象, 语气就变得轻松愉快多了。外研社新世纪Abraham was able to act as interpreter and interlocutor for our group.亚伯拉罕可以当我们小组的翻译和代言人。剑桥国际In conversation he lacks any trace of self-importance, and defers constantly to the interlocutor.交谈中,他一点自负的痕迹都没有,经常听从谈话人的意见。剑桥国际The intelligence agencies were instructed to identify potential interlocutors close to the terrorists.情报局接到命令要确定与恐怖分子关系密切的可能的代言人。剑桥国际




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