

单词 jones
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Rep.〕a letter to Rep. Richard Jones 致众议员理查德·琼斯的信韦氏高阶〔Rex〕the action Rex v. Jones 国王对琼斯的诉讼文馨英汉〔anticipated〕the much-anticipated new Indiana Jones movie众人期盼的印第安纳•琼斯系列新影片外研社新世纪〔author〕the author of Tom Jones 《汤姆·琼斯》的作者英汉大词典〔average〕the Dow Jones Average道琼斯平均指数外研社新世纪〔index〕the Dow Jones Index 道‧琼斯指数剑桥高阶〔jones〕a basketball/writing jones 打篮球/写作的愿望韦氏高阶〔judgment〕a judgment of £100 against Mr Jones 要求由琼斯先生负担100英镑债务的判决(书)英汉大词典〔name〕a young singer who went by the name of Joni Jones 名叫约尼·琼斯的青年歌手麦克米伦高阶〔neighbour〕my neighbour Mrs. Jones 我的邻居琼斯太太英汉大词典〔petition〕a divorce petition on behalf of Terri Jones 代表特里・琼斯提出的离婚申请牛津搭配〔sister〕the Jones sisters 琼斯姐妹英汉大词典〔soundtrack〕a musical soundtrack conceived by Quincy Jones 由昆西・琼斯构思设计的原声音乐牛津搭配〔thoroughbred〕football thoroughbred Mick Jones 足球天才米克‧琼斯朗文当代the Dow Jones Stoxx Index of shares in European companies 道琼斯欧洲公司斯托克股票指数牛津商务the Dow Jones average/index 道琼斯工业平均指数牛津商务




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