

单词 insect-eating
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔agama〕Any of various small, long-tailed, insect-eating lizards of the family Agamidae, found in the Old World tropics.鬣蜥,变色龙:任何细小、长尾、吃虫的板鳞蜥科蜥蜴,发现于东半球的赤道地区美国传统〔swift〕Any of various small, dark, insect-eating birds of the family Apodidae, related to the hummingbirds and noted for their long, strong wings and swift flight.褐雨燕:燕科的各种捕食昆虫的黑色小鸟,与蜂鸟有亲缘关系,因其长而强劲的翅膀和快速飞行而著称美国传统〔trap-door spider〕Any of various insect-eating spiders of the family Ctenizidae, found in warm climates, that construct a silk-lined burrow concealed by a hinged lid.活板门蛛:任一种土蜘蛛科的食昆虫蜘蛛,多见于气候温暖的地区,能挖出用折叶页式囊盖住的布满丝线的小沟美国传统〔vespertilionid〕Any of various widely distributed insect-eating bats of the family Vespertilionidae, characterized by a long tail.蝙蝠:属于蝙蝠科的一种很普遍的以昆虫为食的蝙蝠,其特征是有一条长尾巴美国传统〔vibrissa〕One of several long modified feathers that grow along the gape of the mouth of insect-eating birds.触须:吃昆虫的鸟嘴边长的长羽须美国传统




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