

单词 inscription
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bactrian〕The Middle Iranian language of the Bactrians, known from scattered inscriptions and legal documents extending into the Islamic period.大夏语:大夏国人的中古伊朗语言,从流传至伊斯兰教时期的散落碑文和法律文件中得知美国传统〔Carian〕The extinct Anatolian language of the Carians, known from scattered funerary inscriptions.卡里亚语:人的安纳托利亚语,今已消失,目前对该语言的了解来自墓碑上的铭文美国传统〔Celtiberian〕The language of this people, known from place and personal names and from inscriptions.凯尔伊比利亚语:从地名、人名及铭文上所了解的这个民族的语言美国传统〔Continental Celtic〕A branch of the Celtic languages comprising Gaulish and Celtiberian, both formerly spoken in continental Europe and known mostly from scattered inscriptions.大陆凯尔特:凯尔特语言的一个分支,包含高卢语和凯尔伊比利亚语,两者皆曾用于欧洲大陆,而且可从散落的碑文上了解大部分内容美国传统〔ENTER〕Over the entryway was an inscription in Latin. 入口处的上方有一块拉丁文的铭文。朗文写作活用〔Faliscan〕The language of this people, closely related to Latin and known from place and personal names and from inscriptions.法利希语:与拉丁文相近,由其地名、人名和碑文得知的法利希语言美国传统〔Kufic〕Islamic writers used Kufic for inscription.穆斯林作家曾用库法字体题铭。英汉大词典〔Palenque〕An ancient Mayan city of southern Mexico southeast of Villahermosa. The Temple of Inscriptions is noted for its hieroglyphic tablets.帕伦克:墨西哥南部的古代玛雅城市,位于东南。其神庙的铭文以其象形文字的碑文著称美国传统〔REMEMBER〕The inscription on the gravestone said simply, ‘In memory of David James Flower 1892-1917.’ 墓碑上的铭文简单地写着:“纪念戴维·詹姆士·弗劳沃尔1892-1917。"朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕Among the ruins there are inscriptions, implying some degree of literacy even in the 9th century BC. 废墟中有碑文,这意味着早在公元前9世纪的时候就已经有了一定程度的文化水平。朗文写作活用〔SURPRISED/SURPRISING〕After 2000 years, it's amazing that the inscriptions are still clear enough to read. 令人称奇的是,经过了2,000年,这些碑文仍然清晰可辨。朗文写作活用〔UNDER/BELOW〕The inscription was hidden beneath a layer of dirt and grime. 碑文隐藏在一层污垢之下。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕It was an engraved silver plate bearing the inscription ‘Made for His Majesty George III June 1737’. 这是只雕花银盘,刻有“乔治三世御用1737年6月”的字样。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕We read the inscriptions on the graves, and wondered what each of those lives had been like. 看着墓碑上的碑文,我们心里在想,那些人以前的生活都是什么样的呢?朗文写作活用〔banderole〕A representation of a ribbon or scroll bearing an inscription.铭文丝带,铭文卷轴美国传统〔bear〕The cornerstone bears a Latin inscription.基石上刻有拉丁铭文。韦氏高阶〔bear〕The gravestone bears an inscription.墓石上有碑文。牛津同义词〔cartouche〕A structure or figure, often in the shape of an oval shield or oblong scroll, used as an architectural or graphic ornament or to bear a design or inscription.漩涡花饰:一种通常是椭圆形的盾状徽章或是长方形的漩涡装饰的结构或造型,用作建筑或雕刻的装饰物或带有一种设计图案或题字美国传统〔circumscription〕A circular inscription, as on a medallion.圆形铭文,如在奖章上的美国传统〔colophon〕An inscription placed usually at the end of a book, giving facts about its publication.末页:通常置于书尾部分的记录,说明该书的出版事项美国传统〔cylinder〕Archaeology A cylindrical stone or clay object with an engraved design or inscription.【考古学】 雕纹圆柱物:带有雕刻的图案或者文字的圆柱形石头或者陶制物体美国传统〔distinct〕The inscriptions on the rock are no longer very distinct.岩石上的铭刻已不再清晰可辨。英汉大词典〔duck〕She ducked her head to look more closely at the inscription.她低下头凑近些看碑文。朗文当代〔efface〕Weathering has effaced the inscription on the tombstone.日晒雨淋已磨蚀了墓石上的铭文。英汉大词典〔engrave in〕The inscription was engraved in the stone of the memorial.铭文刻在纪念碑上。21世纪英汉〔engrave〕Your wedding ring can be engraved with a personal inscription at no extra cost.可以免费在你的婚戒上刻上个人题字。外研社新世纪〔epigraphy〕Inscriptions considered as a group.碑文、铭文的总称美国传统〔epigraphy〕Decipherment, especially of ancient inscriptions.破译,尤指古代碑刻美国传统〔epigraphy〕The study of inscriptions.铭文学:对于碑铭的研究美国传统〔epigraph〕An inscription, as on a statue or building.碑文:塑像或建筑物上的刻文美国传统〔epitaph〕An inscription on a tombstone in memory of the one buried there.墓志铭:刻于墓碑上用以怀念死者的碑铭美国传统〔front〕There's an inscription in the front of the book.书的前面一页上有题词。剑桥高阶〔glyptograph〕An engraved inscription on a precious stone.宝石雕刻文:在一珍贵石头上雕刻的铭文美国传统〔graffito〕A drawing or an inscription made on a wall or other surface, usually so as to be seen by the public. Often used in the plural.涂鸦:在墙或其他表面上创作的画或铭刻,通常为了让公众观看,常用复数形式美国传统〔grooved〕The inscriptions are fresh and deep-grooved.这些铭文是新刻的,而且刻痕很深。柯林斯高阶〔grooved〕The inscriptions are fresh and deep-grooved.铭文是新刻的, 刻痕很清晰。外研社新世纪〔heelball〕A wax colored with lampblack that is used to stain and polish the edges of the soles and heels of shoes or take rubbings of brass or inscriptions.黑色或棕色的蜡:烟灰色的蜡,用于鞋跟或鞋底的染色和打光,或用于铜印或纸印图案美国传统〔inscription〕I wasn't able to read the inscription.我不认识铭文中的字。牛津搭配〔inscription〕The inscription bears the date 1855.碑文上的年份是 1855 年。牛津搭配〔inscription〕The inscription read "To darling Molly, Christmas 1904".题词为“献给亲爱的莫莉。1904年圣诞节。”剑桥高阶〔inscription〕The inscription reads: 'To Emma, with love from Harry'.题赠写着:“献给爱玛,爱你的哈里”。柯林斯高阶〔inscription〕The inscription reads: 'To Emma, with love from Harry'.题赠的内容是, “献给埃玛——爱你的哈里”。外研社新世纪〔inscription〕The inscriptions on the gravestones were worn away.墓碑上的碑文已经消蚀了。剑桥高阶〔inscription〕The medal bears the inscription 'For distinguished service'.奖章上刻有“功勋卓越”的字样。柯林斯高阶〔inscription〕The painting had an inscription that read, “To my loving wife.” 这幅画题有“赠予爱妻”的献词。韦氏高阶〔inscription〕The simple inscription on her grave reads: 'She sleeps in peace.' 她的墓碑上简单地刻着几个字:“她安眠于此”。牛津搭配〔legend〕An inscription or a title on an object, such as a coin.镌刻文字,铭文:镌刻在物体(如硬币)之上的题字或名号美国传统〔legible〕The inscription is still legible.铭文仍然可以辨认。牛津搭配〔mark〕An inscription, name, stamp, label, or seal placed on an article to signify ownership, quality, manufacture, or origin.标签:物品上的印记、名称、邮戳或封印,表明所有者、质量、制造者或其来源美国传统〔medal〕A flat piece of metal stamped with a design or an inscription commemorating an event or a person, often given as an award.奖章:上刻有图案或文字,用以纪念一事件或者一个人的一扁平金属片,通常作为一种奖品美国传统〔misty〕My eyes grew misty as I read the inscription on the monument.读着纪念碑上的铭文, 我的双眼湿润了。外研社新世纪〔ogham〕An inscription in the ogham alphabet.欧甘铭文:用这种字母系统书写的铭文美国传统〔pockmark〕The stone was pockmarked and the inscription no longer readable.那块碑石斑斑驳驳,碑文已不能辨读了。英汉大词典〔point (sth/sb) out〕The tour guide pointed out the inscription that runs round the inside of the dome.导游指给我们看穹顶内壁四周的铭文。剑桥高阶〔puzzle〕He puzzled out the meaning of the inscription.他推敲出了那铭文的含义。英汉大词典〔reverse〕There's an inscription on the reverse.反面有一段铭文。外研社新世纪〔rub away〕The inscription on the stone tablet has been rubbed away by the hands of countless tourists over the centuries.石碑上的碑文经过几个世纪被无数游客的手磨光了。21世纪英汉〔rub〕I managed to make out the inscription in spite of its being so rubbed.尽管碑文磨损得很厉害,我还是把它辨认出来了。英汉大词典〔same〕Wrist watches: £100. Inscription of same: £15.腕表: 100英镑。在其上刻字: 15英镑。柯林斯高阶〔tablet〕A slab or plaque, as of stone or ivory, with a surface that is intended for or bears an inscription.匾额:(如用石块或象牙)做成的一块板或匾,具有一个用来刻字或已刻有文字的表面美国传统〔table〕An engraved slab or tablet bearing an inscription or a device.匾,碑:上面刻有铭文或图案的一块石板或匾美国传统〔wear〕The inscription on the coin had worn away.铸在这枚硬币上的文字已磨平了。牛津高阶〔wear〕The inscription on the coin has been worn away.那枚钱币上的铭刻已磨平了。文馨英汉〔wear〕The inscription on the ring had almost worn away.刻在戒指上的字几乎磨光了。麦克米伦高阶〔weight〕A recently discovered inscription has added weight to the theory.最近发现的碑文增加了这一理论的重要性。麦克米伦高阶Centuries of wind and rain had worn away the inscriptions on the gravestones.几个世纪的风雨已磨损了墓碑上的碑文。剑桥国际She stopped to read the inscription on the flyleaf.她停下来看扉页上的题词。剑桥国际The inscription above the door was in English. 门上方的文字是用英文刻印的。译典通The inscription in the book read “To darling Molly. Christmas 1904.” 书上的题词为:“献给亲爱的莫利。1904年圣诞节。”剑桥国际There is an inscription in the front of this book.这本书扉页有一幅题词。剑桥国际




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