

单词 inscribed
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SIDE〕Something had been inscribed on the side of the box. 盒子的侧面刻了一些东西。朗文写作活用〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕The Mortimer family motto is inscribed above the door -- ‘Humilitas’. 穆蒂默家的家训刻在门的上方——“谦逊”。朗文写作活用〔book〕Her name was inscribed in the book.书上题有她的名字。牛津搭配〔book〕The collector had many books inscribed to him by famous authors.这位收藏家有许多著名作家题赠给他的书。牛津搭配〔boustrophedon〕An ancient method of writing in which the lines are inscribed alternately from right to left and from left to right.交错书写方法:一种古代的书写方法,其中每一行交替地自右至左和自左至右书写美国传统〔chronogram〕An inscribed phrase in which certain letters can be read as Roman numerals indicating a specific date.题字:题字,某些字母可以读作罗马数字,表示特定的日期美国传统〔cornerstone〕Such a stone, often inscribed, laid at a ceremony marking the origin of a building.奠基石:在建筑物动工的仪式上设置的一种铭刻有字的石头美国传统〔dial〕The dials of most barometers are inscribed with weather terms.大多数气压计的盘面都刻有天气术语。柯林斯高阶〔emblem〕An allegorical picture usually inscribed with a verse or motto presenting a moral lesson.寓意画:通常与诗歌或警句刻在一起给人道德教育的具有隐喻的图画美国传统〔escutcheon〕Nautical The plate on the stern of a ship inscribed with the ship's name.【航海】 装在舰船尾部的舰船名牌美国传统〔inscribe in〕The soldier's name was inscribed on a monument.那名战士的名字被刻在纪念碑上。21世纪英汉〔inscribe〕A plaque on the building is inscribed with the date of construction.建筑物上的一块匾刻着建造日期。外研社新世纪〔inscribe〕He inscribed a message in the book before giving it to his son.把书交给儿子之前,他在上面写了一段留言。韦氏高阶〔inscribe〕He inscribed the book with his name.他在书上题了名字。外研社新世纪〔inscribe〕Her name was inscribed on the watch.她的名字刻在了手表上。牛津搭配〔inscribe〕His name was inscribed on the ring.他的名字刻在戒指上。英汉大词典〔inscribe〕His name was inscribed on the trophy.他的名字刻在奖杯上。牛津高阶〔inscribe〕Inside the cover someone had inscribed the words 'To Thomas, with love'.在书的内封页上,有人题写了“托马斯惠存”几个字。朗文当代〔inscribe〕My father's words are inscribed on (或in) my memory.父亲的话我时刻铭记在心。英汉大词典〔inscribe〕On the back I had inscribed the words: 'Here's to Great Ideas! John'.在背后我题写了这样的话:“愿奇思妙想不绝!约翰”。柯林斯高阶〔inscribe〕She and Mark read the words inscribed on the inner walls of the monument.她和马克读了刻在纪念碑内墙上的文字。柯林斯高阶〔inscribe〕She signed the book and inscribed the words ‘with grateful thanks’ on it.她在书上签了名,并在上面写道“谨致由衷感谢”。牛津高阶〔inscribe〕The book was inscribed with the author's signature.这本书上有作者的签名。韦氏高阶〔inscribe〕The gravestone was inscribed with the name and dates of the dead youth.墓碑上刻着这位已故青年的名字和生卒日期。英汉大词典〔inscribe〕The names of all the dead were inscribed on the monument.所有死者的姓名都刻在那座纪念碑上。麦克米伦高阶〔inscribe〕The prize winners each receive a book with their names inscribed on the first page.每名获奖者都得到一本首页题有他们签名的书。剑桥高阶〔inscribe〕The team's name is inscribed on the base of the trophy.球队的名字刻在奖杯的底座上。朗文当代〔inscribe〕The tomb was inscribed with a short poem.墓碑上刻有一首短诗。朗文当代〔inscribe〕The trophy was inscribed with his name.奖杯上刻着他的名字。牛津高阶〔inscribe〕The volume had been personally inscribed by the author.这部书上有作者的亲笔题词。牛津搭配〔inscribe〕The wall of the church was inscribed with the names of the dead from World War I.教堂墙壁上镌刻着第一次世界大战中死难者的名字。剑桥高阶〔inscribe〕The watch was inscribed with her name.手表上刻有她的名字。牛津搭配〔inscribe〕The winner's name is inscribed on the trophy.获胜者的名字被刻在奖杯上。韦氏高阶〔inscribe〕These notions were deeply inscribed in American law.这些理念深深地根植于美国法律之中。牛津搭配〔inscribe〕They inscribed the monument with the soldiers' names.他们把士兵们的名字写在纪念碑上。韦氏高阶〔inscription〕Something, such as the wording on a coin, medal, monument, or seal, that is inscribed.铭文:类似于铸币,奖章,纪念碑或封条上措词的铭刻的文字美国传统〔lettered〕Inscribed or marked with or as if with letters.标有字母的:刻或标有字母的,或似乎刻有或标有字母的美国传统〔lettering〕Letters inscribed, as on a sign.雕刻字,手写字,印刷字:刻印的字,如标牌上的美国传统〔lettering〕The wooden door plaque was inscribed with Gothic lettering.木制门匾上面刻有哥特式字体的文字。外研社新世纪〔mnemonic〕A mnemonic was inscribed on a small potsherd.在一小块陶器碎片上刻着一个助记符号英汉大词典〔monument〕An inscribed marker placed at a grave; a tombstone.墓碑:安放在墓地边刻有文字的碑;墓石美国传统〔motto〕A sentence, phrase, or word of appropriate character inscribed on or attached to an object.题词:题写在或附在某事物上有着某种合适特性的字、短语或句子美国传统〔nameplate〕A plate or plaque, as on an office door, inscribed with a name.名牌:记有名字的牌或匾,如挂在办公室门上美国传统〔ogham〕A stone inscribed in the ogham alphabet.欧甘石碑:铭刻有这种文字的石头美国传统〔ostracon〕An inscribed potsherd.刻写文字用的陶片美国传统〔posy〕Archaic A brief verse or sentimental phrase, especially one inscribed on a trinket.【古语】 铭文:短诗或充满感情的词句,尤指刻于小装饰品上的美国传统〔prayer wheel〕A cylinder containing or inscribed with prayers or litanies that is revolved on its axis in devotions, especially by Tibetan Buddhists.转经轮,祈祷轮:尤指西藏佛教徒所用的滚筒,含有或刻有祈祷文或连祷文,祷告时可绕其轴旋转美国传统〔sarcophagus〕A stone coffin, often inscribed or decorated with sculpture.石棺:石制棺材,常用凹凸纹来雕刻或装饰美国传统〔scroll〕Heraldry A ribbon inscribed with a motto.【纹章学】 刻有格言的饰带美国传统〔stele〕An upright stone or slab with an inscribed or sculptured surface, used as a monument or as a commemorative tablet in the face of a building.石碑,石柱:刻有文字或图案的直立石板,用作纪念碑或建筑物表面的纪念匾额美国传统〔testimony〕The stone tablets inscribed with the Law of Moses.摩西十诫:刻有摩西律法的石碑美国传统〔thereon〕There was a card on each door with a guest's name inscribed thereon.每扇门上有一卡片, 其上写有宾客的名字。外研社新世纪〔thereon〕There was a card on each door with a guest's name inscribed thereon.每扇门上都有张卡,上面印着客人的名字。柯林斯高阶〔x〕A mark inscribed to represent the signature of one who is unable to sign one's name.X记号:当某人不会写其姓名时,画出该记号作为其签名美国传统His name was inscribed on the ring. 他的名字刻在戒指上。译典通The prize winners each receive a book with their names inscribed on the first page.每名获奖者都得到一本在首页题写他们名字的书。剑桥国际The wall of the church was inscribed with the names of the dead from the Great War.教堂墙壁上刻有在第一次世界大战中死者的名字。剑桥国际




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