

单词 interpreting
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GET〕Historians are skilled in collecting facts and interpreting them. 历史学家擅长收集史实并作出解释。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕Children learn to read by interpreting visual symbols. 儿童是通过对形象符号的理解来学习识字的。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕The experiment illustrates how careful you have to be when interpreting results. 这个实验说明,分析结果的时候要多么小心。朗文写作活用〔anthropocentric〕Interpreting reality exclusively in terms of human values and experience.人类解释宇宙说的:完全以人类的价值标准和经验解释宇宙存在的美国传统〔augur〕One of a group of ancient Roman religious officials who foretold events by observing and interpreting signs and omens.(古罗马)占卜官:古罗马宗教官员的一员,可通过观察并解释某些信号及预兆来预言事情美国传统〔caution〕Scientists have advised caution in interpreting these results.科学家们建议在解释这些结果时应当慎重。麦克米伦高阶〔decree〕An administrative act applying or interpreting articles of canon law.教令:实施或解释教会法律条文的管理法案美国传统〔eurythmics〕The art of interpreting musical compositions by rhythmical, free-style bodily movement.音乐伴奏舞蹈术:一种以富有节奏感、风格自由的身体动作来诠释音乐作品的艺术美国传统〔glance〕He had spent all his professional life intercepting and interpreting glances and covert looks.他的全部职业生涯都用在了辨识和解读别人的眼光和隐秘的表情上。外研社新世纪〔interpretation〕A result of interpreting.解释:解释结果美国传统〔interpretation〕The act or process of interpreting.解释:解释的行为或过程美国传统〔key〕A table, gloss, or cipher for decoding or interpreting.密码本、索引:用于破译或解释的表格、词表或索引美国传统〔latitude〕Some degree of latitude is required in interpreting the law on this point.用法律解释这一点时需要灵活一些。牛津搭配〔lip reading〕A technique for understanding unheard speech by interpreting the lip and facial movements of the speaker.唇读法:通过解释说话者嘴唇和面部的动作来理解听不了的话语的一种技巧美国传统〔mechanical〕Philosophy Interpreting and explaining the phenomena of the universe by referring to causally determined material forces; mechanistic.【哲学】 机械论的:运用由于因果关系而产生的物质力量来阐述宇宙的各种现象美国传统〔music video〕A filmed or videotaped rendition of a recorded song, often portraying musicians performing the song or including visual images interpreting the lyrics.音乐节目录像:歌曲经胶片或者录像带记录的演出版本,通常内容是音乐人表演这首歌,有的还附有体现歌曲词内容的形象生动的画面美国传统〔racialism〕An emphasis on race or racial considerations, as in determining policy or interpreting events.种族主义,种族差异:强调种族或种族因素,如决定政策或解释事件时美国传统〔way〕With most of Dylan's lyrics, however, there are other ways of interpreting the words.但是,迪伦的大多数歌词都有其他的解读方式。柯林斯高阶〔weather bureau〕An agency responsible for the gathering and interpreting of meteorological data for weather study and forecasts.气象局:负责收集和解释气象数据进行天气研究及预报的机构美国传统Many people are interpreting the minister's statement as meaning that she intends to resign.许多人将部长的声明理解为她打算辞职。剑桥国际The new Archbishop is an evangelical who gives priority to scripture while interpreting it in relation to daily life.新的大主教是位福音派新教徒,在涉及日常生活阐释圣经时,首先考虑经文。剑桥国际There are two ways of interpreting what you just said.你刚才讲的话可有两种解释。剑桥国际




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