

单词 arrange for
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔arrange for〕I've arranged for a car to pick them up at the airport.我已准备好一辆车,到机场去接他们。21世纪英汉〔arrange for〕We arranged for him to give a concert.我们安排好了由他举行一次演奏会。21世纪英汉〔arrange〕Dave arranged for someone to drive him home.戴夫安排人开车送他回家。朗文当代〔arrange〕He had arranged for the boxes to be stored until they could be collected.他已安排好这些箱子的存放事宜,直到被取走。柯林斯高阶〔arrange〕Please arrange for a cab to pick me up at six.请安排一辆出租车6点钟来接我。麦克米伦高阶〔arrange〕She arranged for a car to pick us up at our house.她安排了一辆车到我们家接我们。韦氏高阶〔arrange〕The company will arrange for a taxi to meet you at the airport.公司会安排一辆出租车去机场接你。朗文当代〔arrange〕The hotel manager will arrange for a babysitter.宾馆经理会安排人照看婴儿。柯林斯高阶〔arrange〕The meeting has been arranged for Wednesday.会议已经安排在了周三。剑桥高阶〔arrange〕Would you like to arrange for a personal interview? 你希望安排一次个别接见吗?英汉大词典〔arrange〕You'll need to arrange for transportation from the airport.你得安排一下从机场回来的车辆。韦氏高阶〔blind date〕Elaine arranged for me to go on a blind date with a guy from her office.伊莱恩安排我与她办公室的一个小伙子相亲。剑桥高阶〔book〕To arrange for (tickets or lodgings, for example) in advance; reserve.预订:事先安排(如票或住宿等);预订美国传统〔cancel〕Don't forget to cancel the newspaper(= arrange for it not to be delivered)before going away.外出前,别忘了停订报纸。牛津高阶〔carillon〕A composition written or arranged for these bells.钟乐:为在排钟或钟琴上演奏而谱的曲美国传统〔convenience〕The entire event had been arranged for their convenience.整个活动的安排都是为了方便他们。外研社新世纪〔credit〕I have arranged for my branch to send a letter of credit to the branch nearest the hotel.我已经安排我的分行给离酒店最近的分行送去一张信用证。牛津搭配〔day〕A meeting was arranged for the following day.第二天安排了一场会议。外研社新世纪〔draft〕I arranged for some money to be sent from London to L.A. by banker's draft.我安排以银行汇票的方式把一些钱从伦敦寄到洛杉矶。剑桥高阶〔float〕To arrange for (a loan).筹集(贷款)美国传统〔forespeak〕To arrange for in advance.预约:事先安排美国传统〔housebound〕If you are housebound, you can arrange for a home visit from a specialist adviser.如果你不方便出门, 可以安排一次专家顾问来上门看诊。外研社新世纪〔if〕If you will just sign here, we will arrange for your bank to deduct your payments automatically.麻烦您在这里签一下字,我们将联系您的银行自动扣除您的付款。柯林斯高阶〔instrument〕Music To compose or arrange for performance.【音乐】 为演奏谱曲或改编美国传统〔job〕To arrange for (contracted work) to be done in portions by others; subcontract.转包合同:把(签了合同的工作)分包给别人;转包合同美国传统〔marriage of convenience〕A marriage or joint undertaking arranged for political, economic, or social benefit rather than from personal attachment.权宜婚姻,政治婚姻:为获得政治、经济或社会的利益而非个人爱慕进行的婚姻或结合美国传统〔pair〕I thought they would make a good pair so I arranged for them to meet.我认为他们非常相配,所以安排他们见面。牛津搭配〔provisional〕The meeting has been provisionally arranged for Friday.会议暂定于星期五举行。牛津高阶〔provisional〕The meeting has been provisionally arranged for the end of May.会议暂定在五月底举行。朗文当代〔quadrat〕Ecology Any of a group of small, usually rectangular plots of land arranged for close study of the distribution of plants or animals in an area.【生态学】 一块长方形地:一组小块的,通常是土地中长方形的用地,用于深入研究某地区动植物的分布美国传统〔return〕Police have arranged for the return of the stolen goods.警察已经安排好赃物的归还工作。朗文当代〔riffle〕In mining, the sectional stone or wood bottom lining of a sluice, arranged for trapping mineral particles, as of gold.矿石采集槽:在采矿中,用来分离金属粒子、如金子的槽沟的断面石头或树根隔离物美国传统〔seat〕Could I book/reserve two seats (= arrange for them to be officially kept for me) for tomorrow evening's performance? 我可以预订两张明晚演出的票吗?剑桥高阶〔shipping〕She arranged for the shipping of her furniture to England.她正安排将家具海运到英国。牛津高阶〔social〕Social events and training days are arranged for all the staff.所有员工都获安排联谊活动和培训。牛津高阶〔solo〕Music Composed, arranged for, or performed by a single voice or instrument.【音乐】 独奏的:为单个声音或乐器谱写的、安排的或由单个声音或乐器表演的美国传统〔specialist〕If you are housebound, you can arrange for a home visit from a specialist adviser.如果你出不了门,可以预约专家顾问上门就诊。柯林斯高阶〔stack〕A large, usually conical pile of straw or fodder arranged for outdoor storage.垛,干草堆:户外的巨大锥形状的草料堆美国传统〔transfer〕Arrange for the transfer of medical records to your new doctor.准备把医疗记录移交给你的新医生。外研社新世纪〔up to speed〕We arranged for some home tutoring to get him up to speed with the other children in his class.我们安排了一些家庭辅导,以帮助他跟上班里其他孩子的进度。剑桥高阶After my aunt died, we had to arrange for her house to be cleared (=for the furniture to be removed from it).在我姑妈死后,我们不得不安排清理她的房子。剑桥国际Bill arranged for this man to come whenever needed. 比尔安排这人随叫随到。译典通Elaine has arranged for me to go on a blind date this Saturday with a bloke that she knows through work.本周六伊莱恩安排我与一位她在工作中认识的男子见面。剑桥国际First we leaflet, then we phone to arrange for representatives to visit.我们先发送广告,然后电话安排业务代表上门走访。剑桥国际I'd like to reserve a seat (= arrange for a seat to be officially kept for me) on the midday train from Newcastle to London.我想预订一张从纽卡斯尔到伦敦的正午火车票。剑桥国际In a paternalistic gesture, the general has arranged for his troops to be covered by life insurance.以一种家长的态度,将军安排好叫部队官兵全都进行人生保险。剑桥国际Robbie had arranged for this man to come whenever needed. 罗比作了安排让这个人需要时就来。译典通Social events and training days are arranged for all the staff.所有员工都安排参加联谊活动和培训。牛津商务The doctor gave him a referral to (= arranged for him to see) the consultant.医生介绍他去看顾问医师。剑桥国际We will arrange for somebody to meet you at the airport.我们将安排某人到机场接你。牛津商务




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