

单词 lead into
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INTRODUCE〕Her lecture began with a talk about her own experience, leading into a more general discussion. 她以自己的亲身经历作为演讲的开始,并以此引入更有普遍性的讨论。朗文写作活用〔deck〕A natural timber deck leads into the main room of the home.有一个天然的木制平台通到房子的客厅。柯林斯高阶〔decoy〕A means used to mislead or lead into danger.诱捕:一种手段,用以把…引入危险的境地美国传统〔lead into〕The corridor leads into the dean's office.这条走廊通向系主任办公室。21世纪英汉〔lead〕He wanted to lead into another question.他想引到另一个问题上去。英汉大词典〔lead〕This gate leads into the garden.由这个大门可进到花园里。文馨英汉〔lure〕These verbs mean to lead or attempt to lead into a wrong or foolish course, as of action.这些动词意思是引导或试图诱导至错误或愚蠢的道路,如行动的道路。美国传统〔pipe〕The pipes lead into the river.管子通进河里。牛津搭配〔road〕All roads leading into the village are flooded.通向村庄的所有道路都被洪水淹没了。麦克米伦高阶〔transmute〕A few centuries ago alchemists thought they could transmute lead into gold.几个世纪以前炼金术士以为他们能把铅变成金子。剑桥高阶A few centuries ago alchemists thought they could transmute lead into gold.几个世纪以前炼金术士认为他们能把铅变成金子。剑桥国际I heard on the radio that all the main arteries leading into London are blocked with traffic.我从广播里听到所有通往伦敦的交通要道都发生了阻塞。剑桥国际That door leads into the garden. 那扇门通向花园。译典通This gate leads into the courtyard. 这门通向院子。译典通Traffic jams/clogs/chokes the roads leading into London.车辆堵塞住了通往伦敦的道路。剑桥国际




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