

单词 arouses
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔STRONG〕The subject of abortion always arouses strong emotions. 堕胎问题总是会引起强烈的情绪。朗文写作活用〔bore〕One that arouses boredom.令人厌烦的人美国传统〔conversation piece〕An unusual object that arouses comment or interest.话题:一件能引起评议或兴趣的不寻常物体美国传统〔fear〕Murder arouses widespread horror.谋杀引起了广泛的恐惧。美国传统〔fetish〕Something, such as a material object or a nonsexual part of the body, that arouses sexual desire and may become necessary for sexual gratification.恋物情结:一个物体或身体上能引起性欲并可能成为性满足必需物的非性部分美国传统〔frisson〕The story's ending arouses a frisson of terror.故事的结尾引起了恐惧的颤抖美国传统〔injustice〕The sight of people suffering arouses a deep sense of injustice in her.看到人们身陷苦难,她深感世道不公。剑桥高阶〔passion〕Football arouses a good deal of passion among its fans.足球唤起了球迷们巨大的热情。剑桥高阶〔passion〕The issue arouses strong passions .那件事激起了人们强烈的情绪。朗文当代〔pathos〕A quality, as of an experience or a work of art, that arouses feelings of pity, sympathy, tenderness, or sorrow.引起怜悯的因素:在经验或艺术中引起同情、怜悯、敏感或悲伤的因素美国传统〔satiate〕This book arouses rather than satiates one's interest in moths and butterflies.这本书只能引起而不能满足一个人对蛾和蝴蝶的兴趣。英汉大词典〔stimulant〕An agent, especially a chemical agent such as caffeine, that temporarily arouses or accelerates physiological or organic activity.兴奋剂:一种能暂时刺激或加快人的生理或心理活动的药剂,尤指如咖啡因的化学药剂美国传统Football arouses a good deal of passion among its supporters.足球在它的支持者中唤起大量的热情。剑桥国际It arouses their olfactory sense. 这唤起了他们的嗅觉。译典通The sight of people suffering arouses a deep sense of injustice in her.看到人们在受苦激起了她对不公正的强烈反感。剑桥国际




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