

单词 around
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔-basher〕gay-bashers who go around looking for homosexuals to beat up.到处寻找并殴打同性恋者的人柯林斯高阶〔AROUND/ROUND〕moving in a circle or moving around something 绕着圈子移动,或绕着某物移动朗文写作活用〔albatross〕an albatross around sb.'s neck 某人无法摆脱的苦恼英汉大词典〔around〕a charming cottage with beautiful woods all around 周围有漂亮森林环绕的迷人小屋麦克米伦高阶〔around〕a halo around his head在他头四周的光环21世纪英汉〔around〕a society built/organized around kinship ties 围绕亲属关系建立的社会韦氏高阶〔around〕drive around by the lake 绕道湖滨开车文馨英汉〔around〕the earth's motion around its axis地球绕地轴的运动21世纪英汉〔around〕to travel around the world作环球旅行21世纪英汉〔band〕a white plate with a blue band around the edge 带蓝边的白盘子牛津高阶〔base〕the chain around the base of the post缠绕在柱子底部的链子外研社新世纪〔blockade〕a blockade around the city 围绕这个城市的封锁牛津搭配〔bomb site〕the streets around the bomb site, once Indonesia's busiest tourist spot爆炸现场的街道, 印度尼西亚从前最繁忙的旅游景点外研社新世纪〔bracing〕the bracing around the windscreen挡风玻璃四周的加固框外研社新世纪〔charge〕problems caused by large lorries charging around country lanes 大卡车在乡间道路上横冲直撞引发的问题麦克米伦高阶〔chase〕kids chasing around the house 在房子里互相追逐的孩子们朗文当代〔chauffeur〕chauffeured the guests around town.载着客人们环游城市美国传统〔circle〕a satellite's circle around the earth.卫星绕地球的环形轨道美国传统〔clearinghouse〕an online clearinghouse for information on museums around the world 有关全球博物馆的网上信息交流中心韦氏高阶〔clump〕people standing around in little clumps 三五成群站在周围的人们英汉大词典〔concentration〕the effect on trees of high concentrations of sulphur dioxide around industrial areas 工业区周围二氧化硫高度积聚对树木的影响朗文当代〔cup〕cup one's fingers around one's eyes 把手指屈拢成杯状围着双眼英汉大词典〔dick〕to dick around with great issues把重大问题当儿戏21世纪英汉〔direct〕direct radio waves around the globe 向全球发射无线电波英汉大词典〔easy〕an easy pace; an easy walk around the block.从容的步伐;绕着街区缓缓散步美国传统〔end run〕made an end run around the departmental finance officer in order to increase the budget.巧妙地躲开部门财政官员以便增加预算美国传统〔erection〕the erection of scaffolding around the building 建筑物周围鹰架的搭建牛津高阶〔fang〕giving a friend a fang around the block带着朋友开车绕街区兜风外研社新世纪〔flutter〕children fluttering around a birthday cake; 围着生日蛋糕蹦跳雀跃的孩子们;美国传统〔grow〕the nettles that grew thickly around the house 房子周围茂密的荨麻牛津搭配〔hang around〕the usual young crowd who hung around the cafe day in and day out.通常日复一日泡在咖啡吧里的那群年轻人柯林斯高阶〔jet〕jet around the world 乘喷气式飞机周游世界英汉大词典〔knock〕knocking around Europe.在欧洲游历美国传统〔laze〕laze around the house.在屋子周围闲逛美国传统〔lighten〕lightening her duties around the house 减轻她的家务负担韦氏高阶〔lowlife〕hanging around with a bunch of lowlifes 和一群社会渣滓厮混在一起韦氏高阶〔middle〕a diamond pattern around the middle of the ball 球中央的菱形图案麦克米伦高阶〔millstone〕a millstone around (或round) one's neck 套在脖子上的沉重负担英汉大词典〔month〕a month's unlimited train travel around Europe一个月内在欧洲各地不限次数乘坐火车外研社新世纪〔multitude〕the multitudes that throng around the Pope簇拥着教皇的众人外研社新世纪〔mythical〕traditional stories woven around a pantheon of gods and mythical figures.围绕万神庙里的众神和其他神话人物而展开的传统故事柯林斯高阶〔nowhere〕a custom so far found nowhere but around this area 迄今为止只有在这一带才看得到的一种风俗英汉大词典〔orbit〕the earth's orbit around the sun 地球环绕太阳的轨道牛津高阶〔placement〕the placement of microphones around the room 房间各处麦克风的安放韦氏高阶〔portage〕canoed and portaged the goods; portaging around the rapids.用独木舟及陆路搬运货物;用陆路绕过激流搬运货物美国传统〔pretend〕children running around pretending to be planes 假装自己是飞机在四周跑来跑去的孩子们麦克米伦高阶〔pump〕pumps that circulate the fuel around in the engine.使燃料在发动机内循环的泵柯林斯高阶〔revolution〕the revolution of the Earth around the Sun 地球绕太阳的公转韦氏高阶〔revolve〕a life of leisure revolving around television 以电视为中心的悠闲生活 英汉大词典〔rim〕plates with a gold band around the rim 边缘镶了一圈金边的盘子朗文当代〔run〕run around with a bad crowd 与一伙坏人为伍英汉大词典〔scrounge〕scrounging around the kitchen for a late-night snack.在厨房里四处寻找夜宵美国传统〔sheath〕the sheath around an electric cable 电线护皮牛津高阶〔slew〕slew a car around a turn 在拐角处造成汽车侧滑英汉大词典〔slew〕slew one's head (oneself) around 蓦地转过头(身子)英汉大词典〔slosh〕slosh around much of a Sunday 星期天大部分时间都在闲逛英汉大词典〔stooge〕to stooge around the coast在海岸一带巡航21世纪英汉〔suburb〕suburbs The usually residential region around a major city; the environs. suburbs 城郊:一个大城市周围的地区,通常是居民区;环绕的地方美国传统〔table〕play the tables around 到处赌博英汉大词典〔wrap〕to wrap one's arms around someone搂抱某人21世纪英汉




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