

单词 jumped
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔chant〕chanted while a friend jumped rope.当朋友跳绳时在旁边唱着歌美国传统〔for〕jumped for joy.因高兴而跳起来美国传统〔hurdle〕hurdles A race in which a series of such barriers must be jumped without the competitors' breaking their stride. hurdles 跨栏跑:一种赛跑,参赛者必须动作连贯地跨过一系列这种障碍美国传统〔jump〕jumped at me for being late; jumped on her subordinates for their carelessness.对我的迟到严厉批评;因他们粗枝大叶而大加指责她的下属美国传统〔jump〕jumped into the race for the nomination.急切地投入提名竞选活动美国传统〔jump〕jumped out of bed.从床上一跃而起美国传统〔jump〕jumped over two others with more seniority.越过另外两名职位高的人而晋升美国传统〔jump〕jumped the starting signal.信号发出前抢跑美国传统〔jump〕jumped the team and signed with a rival club.离开球队并与竞争对手的俱乐部签约美国传统〔jump〕jumped town a step ahead of the police.比警察先一步逃离城镇美国传统〔jump〕jumped when the phone rang.电话铃响时吓了一跳美国传统〔jump〕jumps from one subject to another; jumped from one job to another.从一个主题突然跳到另一个主题;从一个工作调换到另一个工作美国传统〔on〕jumped on the table; the march on Washington.跳到桌子上;向华盛顿的进军美国传统




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