

单词 indo-european language
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Albanian〕The Indo-European language of the Albanians.阿尔巴尼亚语:印欧语系的阿尔巴尼亚语美国传统〔Anatolian〕Of or relating to a branch of the Indo-European language family that includes Hittite and other extinct languages of ancient Anatolia.古安纳托利亚语的:是或有关包括赫梯族和其它已灭亡的古安纳托利亚语言在内的印欧语系的一分支美国传统〔Armenian〕The Indo-European language of the Armenians.亚美尼亚语:亚美尼亚人说的印欧语系语言美国传统〔Aryan〕A member of any people speaking an Indo-European language.讲印-欧语系语言的:使用一种印-欧语言的任何民族的一员美国传统〔Aryan〕A member of the people who spoke the parent language of the Indo-European languages.讲印-欧语系语言的:以印-欧语言为其母语的民族的一员美国传统〔Aryan〕Of or relating to a speaker of an Indo-European language.说印-欧语言的人的美国传统〔Aryan〕Of or relating to the Indo-European languages or the hypothetical language from which they are derived.印-欧语言或由他推导出的假想语言的:印-欧语言或由他推导出的假想语言的与印-欧语言或由他推导出的假想语言有关的美国传统〔Baltic〕Of or relating to the branch of the Indo-European language family that contains Latvian, Lithuanian, and Old Prussian.波罗的语的:包括拉脱维亚、立陶宛和古普鲁士语在内的印欧语系的一个分支的或与之相关的美国传统〔Balto-Slavic〕A subfamily of the Indo-European language family that consists of the Baltic and Slavic branches.波罗的-斯拉夫语:印欧语系的亚语系,由波罗的语分支和斯拉夫语分支组成美国传统〔Celtic〕A subfamily of the Indo-European language family comprising the Brittonic and the Goidelic branches.凯尔特语:属印欧语系,由布立吞语及戈伊德尔语两大语系组成美国传统〔Germanic〕A branch of the Indo-European language family that comprises North Germanic, West Germanic, and the extinct East Germanic.日尔曼语:印欧语系的分支,包括北日耳曼语、西日耳曼语和已灭绝的东日耳曼语美国传统〔Hellenic〕The branch of the Indo-European language family that consists only of Greek.希腊语族:仅由希腊语组成的印欧语系的一个分支美国传统〔Hittite〕The Indo-European language of the Hittites.赫梯语:赫梯人的印欧语系美国传统〔Illyrian〕Any of the Indo-European languages of these peoples.伊利里亚语:这些民族使用的印欧语言中的任意一种美国传统〔Indic〕Of, relating to, or constituting the Indo-European languages of the Indian subcontinent and Sri Lanka.印度语支的:属于、组成或与印欧语系在印度次大陆和斯里兰卡存在的语支有关的美国传统〔Indo-Aryan〕Of, relating to, or being any of the peoples of the Indian subcontinent who speak an Indo-European language.印度雅利安的:是或属于或与南亚次大陆任何一支说印欧语言有关的人种的美国传统〔Indo-European〕A member of any of the peoples speaking an Indo-European language.说印欧语的人:任何一支使用印欧语系语言的人种的成员美国传统〔Indo-European〕Hindi, Polish, and English are Indo-European languages.印地语、波兰语和英语都属于印欧语系。韦氏高阶〔Indo-Iranian〕A subfamily of the Indo-European language family that comprises the Indic and Iranian branches.印度伊朗语族:印欧语系下包括印度语支和伊朗语支的一个次语系美国传统〔Iranian〕A branch of the Indo-European language family that includes Persian, Kurdish, Pashto, and other languages of Iran, Afghanistan, and western Pakistan.伊朗语:印欧语系的一支,包括波斯语,库尔德语,普什图语和伊朗,阿富汗以及巴基斯坦西部其它语言美国传统〔Italic〕A branch of the Indo-European language family that includes Latin, Faliscan, Oscan, Umbrian, and other languages or dialects.意大利语族的:印欧语系的一个分支,包括拉丁语、法利希语、奥斯坎语、翁布里亚语和其它语言或方言美国传统〔Phrygian〕The Indo-European language of the Phrygians.弗里吉亚语:弗里吉亚人的讲的印欧语系语言美国传统〔Proto-Indo-European〕The reconstructed language that was the ancestor of the Indo-European languages.原始印欧语:一种重新构拟的,印欧语言的始祖语言美国传统〔Thracian〕The Indo-European language of the ancient Thracians.色雷斯语:古代色雷斯人说的一种属于印度-欧洲语系的语言美国传统〔family〕Linguistics A group of languages descended from the same parent language, such as the Indo-European language family.【语言学】 语系:从同一祖先语族传下的语言,如印欧语系美国传统Indo-European languages 印欧语(系)剑桥国际




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