

单词 legacy
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔colonialism〕a legacy of European colonialism 欧洲殖民主义的遗留问题朗文当代〔fester〕festering wounds of the legacy of British imperialism.英帝国主义遗留的日益恶化的创伤柯林斯高阶〔heritage〕a legacy of philosophical thought; 哲学思想遗产;美国传统〔legacy〕legacy hardware/software 老式硬件/软件牛津高阶〔legacy〕a legacy bequeathed in a will.依遗嘱给的遗产。牛津同义词〔legacy〕a legacy from my old teacher 我以前的老师的遗产牛津搭配〔legacy〕a legacy from the colonial period 殖民时期遗留下来的问题朗文当代〔legacy〕a legacy of religious freedom.See Synonyms at heritage 宗教自由的遗产 参见 heritage美国传统〔legacy〕a great legacy of technical innovation 技术革新的伟大遗产牛津搭配〔legacy〕a programme to overcome the legacy of inequality and injustice created by Apartheid.旨在消除种族隔离政策所遗留的不平等与不公正问题的项目柯林斯高阶〔legacy〕a substantial legacy 一笔丰厚的遗产韦氏高阶〔legacy〕the legacy of inequality and injustice created by Apartheid种族隔离政策所造成的不平等和不公正等恶果外研社新世纪〔legacy〕the cultural legacy of the Chinese people 中国人民的文化遗产英汉大词典〔legacy〕the enduring legacy bequeathed by the war years 战争年代遗留下来的长期问题牛津搭配〔past〕a legacy of our imperial past 我们帝国历史的遗产麦克米伦高阶〔plane〕a legacy of the First World War planing days第一次世界大战空中飞行的遗产外研社新世纪〔prudery〕the legacy of Victorian prudery that regarded sex as a bestial activity将性行为视为兽行的维多利亚时代的过分正经的后遗症外研社新世纪legacy software such as Windows 98 诸如 Windows 98 这样的旧有软件牛津商务




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