

单词 leg
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Achilles jerk〕A reflex bending of the foot resulting from the contraction of lower leg muscles.跟腱反射,踝反射:因腿下部肌肉收缩而引起的脚弯曲的反射美国传统〔Achilles tendon〕The large tendon connecting the heel bone to the calf muscle of the leg.跟腱:把脚跟骨头和腿部腓肌连接起来的大的肌腱美国传统〔BREAK〕He fractured both his legs in the car accident. 他在车祸中两腿都骨折了。朗文写作活用〔BURN〕The child had cigarette burns on his arms and legs. 这小孩的臂上和腿上有被香烟烫过的痕迹。朗文写作活用〔CONDITION〕Doctor Morrissey told her that her leg was healing well, and was now in very good shape. 莫里西大夫告诉她说她的腿愈合得很好,现在的状况非常令人满意。朗文写作活用〔FAST〕We were all running to catch the bus, but the others had longer legs and gradually left me behind. 我们都跑着去赶公共汽车,但其他人腿长,慢慢地我落后了。朗文写作活用〔FEEL〕His legs grew so numb he couldn't move. 他的双腿麻木得无法走动。朗文写作活用〔HURT/INJURE〕Crawford had been ordered to take a day's rest after pulling a leg muscle. 克劳福德腿部一块肌肉拉伤了,被吩咐在家休息一天。朗文写作活用〔LIFT〕Lie on your side, use your hand for support, and lift your leg to the level of your shoulder. 侧身躺着,用手作支撑,把腿抬到齐肩的高度。朗文写作活用〔PAIN〕In college, Durban began to suffer from headaches and pain in his arms and legs 上大学时,杜尔班开始头痛以及四肢疼痛。朗文写作活用〔PAIN〕The ache in my leg muscles had almost gone. 我腿部肌肉的疼痛差不多消失了。朗文写作活用〔RUN〕They chose Alex for the last leg of the relay race because he was an excellent sprinter. 他们选了亚历克斯在接力赛中跑最后一段,因为他是名优秀的短跑运动员。朗文写作活用〔SHAKE〕The children were told to lie on their backs and waggle their legs in the air. 孩子们被要求仰面躺着,双腿向上摆动。朗文写作活用〔THIN〕I wish my legs were thinner. 但愿我的腿能再瘦一点。朗文写作活用〔UP〕OK, now lift your right leg up as far as it will go. 好了,现在尽量抬高右腿。朗文写作活用〔UP〕Pain was running up and down both his legs. 痛楚传遍他的双腿。朗文写作活用〔a leg up〕The company has a leg up on the competition thanks to the recent publicity.由于近期的宣传,公司在这次竞争中更具有优势。韦氏高阶〔aim〕Aim for his legs, not his body.对准他的腿,而不是身体。牛津搭配〔air〕The baby waved its legs in the air.婴儿在空中晃动双腿。麦克米伦高阶〔angle〕She adjusted the angle of the legs to make the table stand more firmly.她调节了桌腿的角度使桌子更稳当。牛津搭配〔asleep〕One of my legs has fallen asleep.我一只腿发麻。外研社新世纪〔backswimmer〕Any of various aquatic bugs of the family Notonectidae that swim on their backs by means of broadened, oarlike hind legs.仰泳蝽:一种属于松藻虫科的水生虫类,用它们宽阔的、桨状的后腿在水上仰泳美国传统〔back〕The rabbit had one of its back legs caught in a trap.兔子有一条后腿被夹子夹住了。朗文当代〔bam〕He made a run for it and, bam, they shot him in the leg.他要逃跑,他们就砰的一枪打在他腿上。朗文当代〔bang〕I banged into a chair and hurt my leg.我撞到椅子上,碰伤了腿。牛津高阶〔because〕He walked slowly because of his bad leg.他因为腿不方便而行走缓慢。牛津高阶〔bent〕Do this exercise with your knees bent(= not with your legs straight).做这个动作要双膝弯曲。牛津高阶〔bestride〕To sit or stand on with the legs astride; straddle.跨坐:两腿分开跨坐或站;跨坐美国传统〔bounce〕Your arms and legs need protection from light bouncing off glass.需要保护你的手臂和双腿免受玻璃反射光线的照射。柯林斯高阶〔bowleg〕The condition of such a curvature of the legs.弓形腿:弓形腿的状态美国传统〔brace〕He wore leg braces after polio in childhood.他幼时得过小儿麻痹症后双腿安上了支架。柯林斯高阶〔buckle〕His right leg buckled under him.他右腿一软跪了下去。外研社新世纪〔cabriole〕A form of furniture leg that curves outward and then narrows downward into an ornamental foot, characteristic of Queen Anne and Chippendale furniture.家具弯脚,饰品腿:家具腿的一种形式,先向外弯成弧形,再向下变窄,形成装饰足,这是安妮皇后和齐朋达尔时代家具所具有的特征美国传统〔carpenter〕He carpentered a splint for the broken leg.他给骨折的腿制作了一副夹板。21世纪英汉〔carry〕She ran as fast as her legs could carry her.她拼命地跑。朗文当代〔center〕Football To pass (the ball) back between the legs to begin a down.【橄榄球】 传中:将球从两腿中间传回以开始一个下位美国传统〔chain〕The elephants were chained up by their legs.大象的腿上拴了铁链。朗文当代〔chain〕The prisoners were kept in chains(= with chains around their arms and legs, to prevent them from escaping).囚犯带着镣铐。牛津高阶〔chorea〕Any of various disorders of the nervous system marked by uncontrollable and irregular muscle movements, especially of the arms, legs, and face.舞蹈病:特别是在臂、腿及脸部出现的无法控制的、无规律的肌肉运动为症状的各种神经系统紊乱美国传统〔claw〕The cat dug his claws into my leg.猫的爪子抠进了我的腿。朗文当代〔cock〕The dog cocked its leg by every tree on our route(= in order to urinate).这狗在我们一路上走过每棵树时都抬起一条腿(撒尿)。牛津高阶〔commode〕A low cabinet or chest of drawers, often elaborately decorated and usually standing on legs or short feet.洗脸台;小衣橱:一种低柜或有抽屉的柜,常精心装饰并有腿或短足支撑美国传统〔console table〕A small table, often with curved legs resembling consoles, designed to be set against a wall.螺形托脚小桌:一种靠墙放的小桌,常有象涡卷形支架一样的曲线形桌脚美国传统〔cramp〕I had the most excruciating cramp in my leg.我的腿抽筋了, 疼痛难忍。外研社新世纪〔crane〕Any of various large wading birds of the family Gruidae, having a long neck, long legs, and a long bill.鹤:任一种鹤科的大型、长颈、长腿、长嘴的水鸟美国传统〔crease〕He ironed a crease down the front of each trouser leg.他在每条裤腿的正面熨出一条褶痕来。剑桥高阶〔cripple〕He heaved his crippled leg into an easier position.他把自己的一条瘸腿抬到一个更加舒服的位置。柯林斯高阶〔cross-legged〕With one leg lying over and across the other leg.跷二郎腿的:一条腿交叉放在另一条腿上的美国传统〔crush〕His leg was crushed in the accident.他的腿在事故中被压断了。朗文当代〔curl〕She sat with her legs curled under her.她盘腿坐着。柯林斯高阶〔dead-man's float〕A prone floating position in swimming in which the swimmer's arms are extended straight forward above the head and the legs are held together.浮水姿势:一种俯卧状漂浮游泳的姿势,游泳者的胳膊向前直伸超过头部,而且腿合在一起美国传统〔diaper〕A folded piece of absorbent material, such as paper or cloth, that is placed between a baby's legs and fastened at the waist to contain excretions.尿布:一种折叠的吸附物(如纸或布),它放在婴儿的两腿间并系在腰上,收纳排泄物美国传统〔dodgy〕Ever since the accident I've had this dodgy leg.自从那次事故以后,我的腿就总是作痛。剑桥高阶〔drag〕He drags his leg, and he can hardly lift his arm.他拖着腿,几乎举不起他的胳膊。柯林斯高阶〔drape over〕She draped her legs over the arm of the chair.她让双腿懒散地悬垂在椅子扶手上。21世纪英汉〔drape〕He had one leg draped over the arm of the sofa.他把一条腿搭在沙发扶手上。韦氏高阶〔draw〕She sat with her legs drawn up on the sofa.她坐着,双腿翘在沙发上。牛津搭配〔easy〕Easy with that chair—one of its legs is loose.小心搬动那椅子,有一条腿松了。牛津高阶〔edge〕I caught (= hit) my leg on the edge of the table as I walked past.我经过那张桌子的时候,腿磕在桌边上了。剑桥高阶〔elevated〕The doctor said I was to keep my leg elevated.医生说我要保持腿部抬高。剑桥高阶〔elongate〕Her legs were elongated by the very high heels which she wore.她穿的高跟鞋非常高,使她的腿变长了。朗文当代〔end in〕It has three pairs of legs, each ending in a large claw.它有6条腿, 每条腿的末端都长有一只巨爪。外研社新世纪〔endpin〕The thin, usually adjustable leg of a cello or double bass.撑脚:大提琴或低音提琴的细小的、可调节的撑脚美国传统〔enter〕The bullet entered his leg.子弹射进他的腿。牛津同义词〔excruciating〕I tried to move my leg, but the pain was excruciating.我想挪动一下腿,但是却疼得要命。麦克米伦高阶〔fasten〕The dog fastened its teeth in his leg.狗死死咬着他的腿。牛津高阶〔feathering〕A fringe of hair on an animal's coat, especially on the leg of a dog.丛毛:动物皮上的一簇毛,尤指狗腿上的(毛)美国传统〔feeling〕After the accident he had no feeling in his legs.事故过后, 他的腿就失去了知觉。外研社新世纪〔feeling〕After the accident he had no feeling in his legs.事故过后,他的腿丧失了知觉。柯林斯高阶〔feeling〕When I woke up I had no feeling in my legs.我醒来时双腿毫无知觉。麦克米伦高阶〔feel〕He felt a sudden pain in his leg.他突然感到一阵腿疼。韦氏高阶〔fetal position〕A position of the body at rest in which the spine is curved, the head is bowed forward, and the arms and legs are drawn in toward the chest.胎姿:身体处于休息状态的姿势,此时脊椎弯曲、头前俯、腿和手臂向胸部蜷曲美国传统〔fetlock〕A projection on the lower part of the leg of a horse or related animal, above and behind the hoof.球节:马或相关动物腿下部蹄后上部的突起部分美国传统〔fibula〕The corresponding bone in the hind leg of an animal.动物的腓骨:动物后腿骨中处于相同位置的那根骨头美国传统〔fibula〕The outer and narrower of two bones of the human lower leg, extending from the knee to the ankle.人的腓骨:人的小腿的两根骨头中较向外侧和较细的那根,从膝盖延伸到脚踝之间美国传统〔fit〕She's been fitted with an artificial leg.她装了一条义肢。剑桥高阶〔flutter kick〕A swimming kick in which the legs are held horizontally and alternately moved up and down in rapid strokes without bending the knees.上下打水:腿被水平抬起且两腿不弯膝地快速交替拍水的游泳动作美国传统〔fracture〕She was admitted to hospital with fractures of both legs.她双腿骨折入院治疗。麦克米伦高阶〔gird〕Iron braces gird her polio-stricken legs.她那双得了麻痹症的腿上有一圈铁支架。外研社新世纪〔have〕He had his leg broken.他把腿给弄断了。英汉大词典〔heat〕She applied heat to the sore muscles in her leg.她热敷酸痛的腿部肌肉。韦氏高阶〔highboy〕A tall chest of drawers divided into two sections and supported on four legs.高脚柜:有几个抽屉的橱柜,分为两部分,由四个腿支撑美国传统〔highchair〕A very young child's feeding chair that has long legs, a footrest, and a usually detachable tray.高椅:一种带有长腿、活动喂食托盘和搁脚板的婴儿椅美国传统〔hindquarter〕The posterior portion of a side of beef, lamb, veal, or mutton, including a hind leg and one or two ribs.后腿肉:供食用的牛、小牛、羊或羔羊的一侧后半身,包括一条腿和一些排骨美国传统〔hold up〕Her legs wouldn't hold her up.她双腿都站不住了。柯林斯高阶〔hurt〕She fell and hurt her leg quite badly.她摔了一跤,腿伤得很厉害。牛津搭配〔injure〕He injured his leg in an accident.在意外事故中他伤了一条腿。英汉大词典〔intolerable〕Her leg ached intolerably.她的腿疼痛难忍。柯林斯高阶〔into〕The bullet went into his leg.子弹射入了他的腿里。外研社新世纪〔jointed〕My doll has jointed legs and arms.我的玩偶腿跟手臂都有关节。文馨英汉〔kick〕Rory aimed a kick at her leg and missed.罗里对准她的腿踢去,但没有踢到。朗文当代〔knee〕An analogous joint or part of a leg of a quadruped vertebrate.膝:四足脊椎动物的类似的关节或腿的一部分美国传统〔laceration〕She had terrible lacerations on her legs.她的腿上有可怕的伤口。文馨英汉〔laceration〕She suffered lacerations on her legs.她的双腿肌肉撕裂。韦氏高阶〔lamb〕Laura was basting the leg of lamb.劳拉正往羔羊腿上浇抹油脂。柯林斯高阶〔leaden〕I went slowly forward, on leaden legs.我拖着沉重的双腿,慢慢向前走去。英汉大词典〔legging〕A leg covering usually extending from the ankle to the knee and often made of material such as leather or canvas, worn especially by soldiers and workers.绑腿,护腿:一种腿部的覆盖物,通常从踝关节延展至膝盖处,常用皮革或帆布之类的材料制成,尤指士兵或工人使用的美国传统〔leg〕He leaned against the wall with his legs spread so the police could search him.他靠着墙,双腿分开,好让警察搜身。韦氏高阶〔leg〕He moved on through wet grass that soaked his trouser legs.他继续前行,穿过湿漉漉的草地,裤腿全湿透了。柯林斯高阶〔leg〕I moved the chair away from the table so I could cross my legs.我把椅子从桌边搬开,这样就可以翘着腿了。牛津搭配〔leg〕Leeds will have to win the second leg if they are to go forward to the finals.利兹队若要进入决赛,第二场比赛一定要赢。朗文当代〔leg〕My legs weren't holding me any longer.我的腿再也站不住了。英汉大词典〔leg〕She crossed the finish line on tired legs.她拖着疲惫的双腿越过终点线。牛津搭配〔leg〕She has shapely legs.她有一双漂亮的腿。文馨英汉〔leg〕She started running, fat legs pumping.她开始跑,两条胖腿上下摆动。牛津搭配〔leg〕That's a nice leg of lamb.那是只挺不错的羔羊腿。英汉大词典〔leg〕They ran together, their legs moving in unison.他们步调一致地一起跑。牛津搭配〔leg〕They will televise both legs of Leeds' European Cup clash with Rangers.欧洲杯利兹联队与流浪者队的两场争夺战都将进行电视转播。柯林斯高阶〔leg〕Today you will cover the final 12-mile leg by limousine.今天你们将乘豪华轿车完成最后12英里旅程。英汉大词典〔leg〕We were on the last leg of our journey.我们踏上了最后一段旅途。牛津搭配〔limber up〕A short walk will limber up the legs.散一小会儿步能放松腿部。柯林斯高阶〔long〕Her legs were long and thin.她的腿又长又细。外研社新世纪〔lose〕She has been losing strength in her legs.她的腿越来越没力气了。韦氏高阶〔mangle〕His leg had been mangled by an explosion.他的一条腿在一次爆炸中被炸烂了韦氏高阶〔name〕Is there a name for the part of the leg behind the knee? 膝盖后面的腿部有专门的名称吗?韦氏高阶〔nine〕Nine times out of ten, a woman would do better to rely on her wits and her legs to get her out of trouble.大多数情况下, 女人最好还是依靠自己的智慧和行动摆脱困境。外研社新世纪〔not have a leg to stand on〕If you have no witnesses, you don't have a leg to stand on.如果没有证人,你就无法证明。剑桥高阶〔nurse〕He nursed his injured knee by shifting his weight to the other leg.把重心移到另一腿上,以护理他受伤的膝盖美国传统〔obey〕She was so tired her legs just wouldn't obey her any longer.她疲惫不堪,再也迈不动腿了。剑桥高阶〔on its last legs〕I've had this laptop for five years now, and it's really on its last legs.这个笔记本电脑我已经用了5年了,现在的确是快要报废了。剑桥高阶〔over〕Carey fell over and broke his leg while playing ice hockey.凯里打冰球时跌了一跤,摔断了腿。麦克米伦高阶〔paralyse〕Her legs were partly paralysed in the crash.在撞车事故中她的双腿部分瘫痪。朗文当代〔paralyse〕The drug paralyses the nerves so that there is no feeling or movement in the legs.这种药物会麻痹神经使得腿部失去知觉或不能活动。剑桥高阶〔peck〕A chicken pecked his leg.一只小鸡啄着他的腿。外研社新世纪〔pedal〕His legs were aching from pedalling too fast.他的两条腿因为蹬得太快而酸疼。外研社新世纪〔pin〕I've pins and needles in my right leg.我右腿发麻。英汉大词典〔plaster〕I broke my ankle and they plastered my leg.我脚踝断了, 他们给我的腿打上了石膏。外研社新世纪〔probe〕The doctor probed the cut on my leg.医生探查我腿上割破的伤口。英汉大词典〔pronation〕Excessive pronation can cause lower leg pain.过度地将脚掌转朝下会引起小腿疼痛。剑桥高阶〔prosthesis〕The woman whose leg had been amputated could get a prosthesis and learn to walk on it.那个腿部被截肢的女人可以装假肢并学着用它来行走。外研社新世纪〔prothorax〕The anterior division of the thorax of an insect, bearing the first pair of legs.前胸:昆虫胸部前面的一节,第一对足就长在该处美国传统〔put ... down〕The donkey broke a leg in the fall and had to be put down.这头驴子跌断了一条腿,不得不杀掉。21世纪英汉〔race〕The horse was withdrawn from today's race meeting with an injured leg.那匹马因腿部受伤退出了今天的赛马大会。牛津搭配〔radiate〕Pain radiated up my left leg.疼痛沿我左腿往上发散。英汉大词典〔rashly〕I noticed a rash on my leg.我发现我腿上长了疹子。柯林斯高阶〔restricted〕The accident left her with restricted movement in her right leg.事故造成她右腿行动不便。朗文当代〔rest〕I need to sit down and rest my legs.我需要坐下来歇歇腿。朗文当代〔result〕His broken leg is the direct result of his own carelessness.他自己的粗心大意直接导致他摔断了腿。剑桥高阶〔run〕Blood ran from a wound in her leg.血从她腿上的伤口中流了出来。麦克米伦高阶〔scissors kick〕A swimming kick in which the legs are opened and closed like scissors.剪式打腿:游泳中双腿犹如剪子般开合的动作美国传统〔sensation〕I had a strange sensation in my leg.我的腿有些异样的感觉。牛津搭配〔sensation〕The patient has very little sensation left in the right leg.病人的右腿几乎没有知觉美国传统〔shoot out〕Her left leg shot out in a savage kick.她一下子伸出左腿, 狠狠地踢了一下。外研社新世纪〔shoot〕The police shot the suspect in the leg.警察射中了嫌疑犯腿部。韦氏高阶〔shout〕She shouted out in pain when she tried to move her leg.她想动动腿,结果疼得大叫起来。牛津高阶〔sink〕The dog sank its teeth into her leg.这条狗咬了她的腿。外研社新世纪〔soleus〕A broad, flat muscle of the calf of the leg, situated under the gastrocnemius.比目鱼肌:小腿上的一块较大的扁平肌肉,位于腓肠肌的底下美国传统〔spill〕He spilt out of the tree, and broke his leg.他从树上跌了下来,摔断了腿。21世纪英汉〔splay〕At one point the dancers flipped onto their backs and splayed their legs.舞蹈演员们的一个动作是翻身背部着地,双腿叉开。剑桥高阶〔spread eagle〕The figure of an eagle with wings and legs spread.翅膀和两腿均伸展开的鹰图案美国传统〔stir-crazy〕I've been laid up for two weeks with this broken leg and I'm beginning to go stir-crazy.我因为这条断腿已经躺了两个星期,快要疯掉了。剑桥高阶〔straddle〕My legs straddled to balance myself against the movement of the ship.为在船的摇晃中保持平衡,我叉开双腿。英汉大词典〔straighten〕You need to straighten out your legs for this stretch.做这个伸展动作时要把腿伸直。韦氏高阶〔stretch your legs〕The car journey took three hours, including a couple of stops to stretch our legs.开车行程3个小时,包括几次停车活动腿脚所花的时间。剑桥高阶〔swell〕Her legs had swollen with the heat.她的双腿因受热肿了起来。牛津搭配〔tape〕Wilkins played the whole of the game with his right leg taped up.威尔金斯右腿扎着绷带打完了整场比赛。麦克米伦高阶〔top〕The water reached the tops of my legs.水已经到了我的大腿根儿。外研社新世纪〔trapeze〕She hung from the trapeze by one leg.她用一条腿勾在高空秋千上倒悬着。英汉大词典〔trap〕His legs were trapped under fallen rocks.他的腿被滚下来的石头压住了。麦克米伦高阶〔trust〕He didn't trust his legs to hold him up.他不相信自己能凭双腿站起来。外研社新世纪〔turnup〕Something, such as the cuff on a trouser leg, that is turned up or can be turned up.翻折部分:翻起的或可翻转的东西,如裤腿的裤角美国传统〔twist〕The body was twisted, its legs at an awkward angle.那具尸体扭曲变形, 双腿弯成奇怪的角度。外研社新世纪〔vocal〕A cricket's chirps are not vocal; they are made by rubbing the legs.蟋蟀鸣声不是从嗓子发出的,而是通过摩擦腿部发声的。英汉大词典〔water beetle〕Any of various aquatic beetles, especially of the family Dytiscidae, having a smooth oval body and flattened and fringed hind legs adapted for swimming.水生甲虫:各种水生甲虫之任一种,尤指龙虱科生有平扁卵圆之身体和适于游泳的扁平带缘毛的后腿美国传统〔weak〕His arms and legs were weak.他四肢虚弱无力。外研社新世纪〔wince〕He winced as a sharp pain shot through his left leg.他左腿一阵剧痛疼得他直龇牙咧嘴。牛津高阶〔wound〕He was wounded in the leg.他的腿受伤了。外研社新世纪〔wrap〕She wrapped her legs around a pillow.她双腿夹着一个枕头。韦氏高阶Auntie Janet sat on the couch rubbing her leg and complaining about the charley horse she had in her thigh.珍妮特姑姑坐在长沙发椅上用手摩擦腿,抱怨她的大腿抽筋了。剑桥国际Breaking your leg isn't funny (=is serious), I can assure you.摔断了你的腿可不是玩的,这点我可向你保证。剑桥国际During the shoot-out, a man was wounded in the leg.在枪战中,一名男子的腿部受了伤。剑桥国际First a broken leg and then a broken heart--circumstances had conspired to make her thoroughly miserable. 先是腿断了,再是心碎了----事情都凑在一起使她万分痛苦。剑桥国际He has a suspected broken leg.他可能是断了腿。剑桥国际He ironed a crease down the front of each trouser leg.他沿着长裤裤腿的正面烫出一条折痕来。剑桥国际He tipped the chair back on its rear legs.他把椅子往后倾斜支持在后两条腿上。剑桥国际He took to his legs in terror. 他惊恐地逃跑了。译典通Her back was bolt upright and her legs were stretched out straight in front of her.她的背挺得笔直,腿向前直伸了出来。剑桥国际His legs began to yield under the sheer weight of his body.他的双腿连自己的体重也受不了,开始弯曲。剑桥国际I caught (= hit) my leg on the edge of the table as I walked past.我走过的时候腿撞在了桌子边上。剑桥国际I've just spent a week in bed with flu and so my legs are still feeling all wobbly.我刚刚因患流感而卧床一周,因此我的双腿仍觉得晃晃悠悠的。剑桥国际I've really got to slenderize my legs if I'm going to get into my new pants.如果我想穿上新裤子,我真得让我的腿苗条些。剑桥国际If you bend your legs when you're lifting heavy things, it lessens the risk of back strain.如果你提起重物时弯腿,这就减少了背部拉伤的危险。剑桥国际In the past, ladies used to ride with both their legs on one side rather than straddle the horse.在过去,女士骑马时两条腿都在马的一侧,而不是跨坐在马背上。剑桥国际It was a friendly little pooch, despite its tendency to bite people's legs.这是只友善的小狗,虽然它好咬人的腿。剑桥国际It was very uncomfortable lying on the hospital bed with my legs suspended in the air.躺在病床上双腿凌空吊挂的滋味可真不好受。剑桥国际Michael Jackson posed provocatively with his legs astride.迈克尔·杰克逊摆出双腿叉开的挑逗性姿势。剑桥国际Most animals have four legs.大多数动物有四条腿。剑桥国际Our cat likes to sharpen her claws on the legs of the dining table.我们的猫喜欢在餐桌腿上磨尖它的脚爪。剑桥国际She has been on her legs all day. 她从早到晚站了一天。译典通She lay on the grass and the stiff dry grass prickled the back of her legs.她躺在草地上,坚硬的干草刺痛了她腿的背面。剑桥国际She needed a six-month course of physiotherapy after she broke her leg.腿骨骨折后她需要一个六个月的理疗疗程。剑桥国际She suffered first-/second-/third-degree (= least serious/serious/very serious) burns on her legs.她腿部受一度/二度/三度烧伤。剑桥国际She was shot in the leg when she ignored the soldier's challenge.当她无视士兵的查问口令时,腿上挨了一枪。剑桥国际She wore a metal splint on one leg. 她的一条腿上上了金属夹板。译典通Soon after it was born, the calf got up and tried to stand on its shaky legs.小牛犊刚出生不久,就起身想抖抖索索地站起来。剑桥国际The horse broke its front leg in the fall.那匹马跌倒时把一条前腿摔断了。剑桥国际The knife made a slash across his leg. 刀在他的腿上划出一道口子。译典通The wound on his leg was a sickening sight.他腿上的伤口真是惨不忍睹。剑桥国际We're trying to train our dog to sit (= to move into a position with its back legs bent and its tail end on the ground).我们正训练让我们的狗会坐。剑桥国际When you're playing a sport involving hitting or kicking a ball, it's important to follow through (your shot) (=complete the movement of hitting or kicking by continuing to move your arm or leg in the same direction.) 在从事击球或踢球的运动时,出球后做随球动作十分重要。剑桥国际




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