

单词 liqueur
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Chartreuse〕A trademark used for a usually yellow or green liqueur.荨麻酒:一种通常为黄色或绿色的酒的商标美国传统〔Nesselrode〕A mixture of chopped and boiled chestnuts, maraschino cherries, candied fruits, and liqueur or rum, used as a sauce or in puddings, ice cream, or pies.果实蜜饯:一种由剥开煮熟的栗子、野樱桃酒味的糖水樱桃、果脯和甜露酒或糖蜜酒的混合物,用作蜜饯或制布丁、冰淇淋或派饼美国传统〔POUR〕Slice the strawberries and drizzle them with the liqueur. 将草莓切片,然后洒上烈性甜酒。朗文写作活用〔White Russian〕A cocktail consisting of vodka, a coffee liqueur, and milk or cream.白俄罗斯鸡尾酒:包含伏特加、咖啡、牛奶或奶油的鸡尾酒美国传统〔amaretto〕An Italian liqueur flavored with almond.意大利苦杏酒美国传统〔angelica〕Often Angelica A sweet white wine or liqueur. 常作 Angelica 天使酒:一种甜味白葡萄酒或甜露酒美国传统〔anisette〕A liqueur flavored with anise.茴香酒:用茴芹配味的烈性酒美国传统〔bountiful〕The bountiful host was bringing brandy, whisky, and liqueurs.慷慨的主人拿来了白兰地、威士忌和几种利口酒。外研社新世纪〔bouquet〕The fragrance typical of a wine or liqueur.酒香:酒或甜酒的独特香味美国传统〔boxed in〕She ate two boxes of liqueurs.她吃了两盒酒心巧克力。柯林斯高阶〔boxed〕Our gourmet chocolate range now includes liqueur chocolates, all beautifully boxed.我们的美味巧克力系列现在包括酒心巧克力, 都有精美盒装。外研社新世纪〔cobbler〕An iced drink made of wine or liqueur, sugar, and citrus fruit.果汁饮品:由葡萄酒或甜酒、糖和柠檬果实制成的冷饮品美国传统〔crème de cacao〕A sweet white or brownish liqueur with a chocolate flavor.可可利口酒:一种带有可可味道的白色或褐色甜酒美国传统〔crème de menthe〕A sweet green or white liqueur flavored with mint.薄荷酒:一种带薄荷味的绿色或白色的甜酒美国传统〔curaçao〕A liqueur flavored with the peel of the sour orange.库拉索酒:一种带有陈皮味的烈酒美国传统〔decadence〕For true decadence, pour the liqueur onto vanilla ice cream.如果真的想享受一下, 就把烈酒浇在香草冰激凌上试试。外研社新世纪〔finish off〕Why not finish off your meal with one of our special liqueur coffees?在用餐结束前为什么不来一杯我们特制的利口咖啡呢?外研社新世纪〔frappé〕A beverage, usually a liqueur, poured over shaved ice.半冻饮料:一种常为液体的饮料,倾洒在切成薄片的冰块上美国传统〔juniper oil〕An essential oil obtained from the seed-bearing cones of the common juniper, most commonly used for flavoring gin and liqueurs.杜松子油,刺柏(子)油:一种香油,从普通桧属植物的含种子的球果中得来,最常用于给杜松子酒和利口酒调味美国传统〔kümmel〕A colorless liqueur flavored chiefly with caraway seeds.莳萝利口酒:一种主要由葛缕子籽调味的无色利口酒美国传统〔licorice〕The root of this plant, used as a flavoring in candy, liqueurs, tobacco, and medicines.甘草根:这种植物的根,在糖果、烈性酒、烟草或药品中用作芳香剂美国传统〔macerate〕I like to macerate the food in liqueur for a few minutes before serving.我喜欢先把这种食物在利口酒里浸泡几分钟再端上桌。外研社新世纪〔macerate〕I like to macerate the food in liqueur for a few minutes before serving.我喜欢先把这种食物在利口酒里浸泡几分钟再端上桌。柯林斯高阶〔margarita〕A cocktail made with tequila, an orange-flavored liqueur, and lemon or lime juice, often served with salt encrusted on the rim of the glass.玛格丽塔鸡尾酒:一种用龙舌兰酒、桔香酒和柠檬或莱母汁混合而制成的鸡尾酒,通常用杯沿涂有盐末的玻璃杯饮用美国传统〔margarita〕A margarita is made with tequila, an orange liqueur, and lime or lemon juice.玛格丽塔鸡尾酒由墨西哥龙舌兰酒、橘味酒和柠檬果汁调制而成。剑桥高阶〔ouzo〕A colorless, unsweetened Greek liqueur flavored with anise.茴香烈酒:无色、不甜且有茴香味的希腊酒美国传统〔pastis〕A French licorice-flavored liqueur, usually drunk as an apéritif.茴香酒:一种以甘草作香料的法国酒,常用作开胃酒美国传统〔pony〕Something small for its kind, especially a small glass for beer or liqueur.小酒杯:尺寸比正常要小的东西,尤指小啤酒杯或小酒杯美国传统〔pousse-café〕A brandy or liqueur served after dinner with coffee.餐末饮料:餐后饮用加入咖啡的白兰地或酒美国传统〔pousse-café〕A drink consisting of several liqueurs of different densities, poured to form differently colored layers.彩虹酒:几种比重不同的酒组成的饮料,倒在杯中可成不同颜色层美国传统〔prunelle〕A brownish sloe-flavored French liqueur.黑刺李酒:一种有李子味道的淡棕色法国酒美国传统〔round off〕They rounded off the meal with liqueurs.他们那一餐以利口酒圆满结束。外研社新世纪〔sambuca〕An Italian liqueur made from elderberries and flavored with licorice.萨姆布卡酒,意大利茴香酒:一种用接骨木果制成的意大利酒,用甘草调味美国传统〔sidecar〕A cocktail combining brandy, an orange-flavored liqueur, and lemon juice.赛德卡鸡尾酒:一种由白兰地、桔味酒和柠檬汁调制成的鸡尾酒美国传统〔sloe gin〕A liqueur having a gin base, flavored with fresh sloes.野李谷酒:一种以杜松子酒为主剂的烈性酒,用新鲜的野李调味美国传统〔small〕Liqueurs are usually drunk in small quantities.利口酒通常都是小口小口地喝。剑桥高阶〔whip〕Try whipping a little brandy or other liqueur into the cream.试着将一些白兰地或其他酒类搅进奶油里。剑桥高阶〔zombie〕A tall mixed drink made of various rums, liqueur, and fruit juice. 冰冻果汁鸡尾酒:由若干种朗姆酒、甜露酒和果汁配制而成的大杯混合饮料美国传统Liqueurs are made by adding fruits, herbs or spices to spirits such as whisky and brandy.把水果、药草或香料加入烈性酒如威士忌、白兰地中可制成烈性甜酒。剑桥国际Liqueurs have a high alcohol content, and are usually drunk in small quantities after a meal.利口酒含有大量的酒精,人们通常在饭后喝一点儿。剑桥国际A margarita is made with tequila, an orange liqueur and lime or lemon juice.玛格丽塔鸡尾酒由墨西哥龙舌兰茎酒、橘味酒和柠檬果汁调制而成。剑桥国际Menthol is used as a flavouring in sweets, cigarettes and liqueurs.薄荷醇作为一种香料被应用在糖果、香烟和甜露酒中。剑桥国际She has a liking for (= she likes) expensive liqueurs.她偏爱昂贵的利口酒。剑桥国际Try whipping a little brandy or other liqueur into the cream.试试在奶油中搅入一点白兰地或其他甜酒。剑桥国际




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