

单词 interposed
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔idle wheel〕A gear, wheel, or roller interposed between two similar parts to convey motion from one to the other without change in speed or direction of motion.惰轮,空转轮:位于两个相似部分之间,把运动不改变速度和方向地从一个传到另一个的齿轮、轮子或转轴美国传统〔interpose between〕He interposed between the two women who were quarrelling.他在两名吵架的妇女间进行调解。21世纪英汉〔interpose〕He quickly interposed himself between Mel and the doorway.他迅速挡在梅尔和门口之间。牛津高阶〔interpose〕He swiftly interposed himself between his visitor and the door.他迅速插在访客和房门之间。麦克米伦高阶〔interpose〕Jacob was silent so long that Livvy interposed.雅各布沉默的时间太长了,莉薇只好插话了。柯林斯高阶〔interpose〕She interposed herself between the general and his wife.她挡在将军和他妻子之间。朗文当代〔interpose〕The new system has interposed a bureaucratic barrier between doctors and patients.新体系在医生和患者之间置入了一道官僚主义的障碍。韦氏高阶〔interpose〕The teacher interposed herself between the two snarling boys.老师对两个吵嘴的男孩进行了调解。剑桥高阶He interposed himself between them to stop them fighting. 他插在他们之间以阻止其打架。译典通Mother interposed in the dispute between my brothers. 母亲为我的兄弟们的争执调停。译典通Neighbouring countries should assemble an armed peace force that could be interposed between the warring factions.邻近国家应该组成一支武装和平部队,可以对交战的派系进行干预。剑桥国际




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