

单词 knotted
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TIE/UNTIE〕Britt casually knotted a silk scarf around her neck. 布里特随意地把丝巾围在脖子上打了个结。朗文写作活用〔TIE/UNTIE〕He tied the rope to the tree, knotted it, and attached the other end to his car. 他把绳子系在树上,打了个结,然后把另一头拴到他的汽车上。朗文写作活用〔ascot〕A broad neck scarf knotted so that its ends are laid flat with one end upon the other.领巾式领带:一种打结的阔领带,一端压在另一端上以使两端平展美国传统〔bullwhip〕A long, plaited rawhide whip with a knotted end.牛鞭:末梢上有结的一条长的,辫状的牛皮鞭美国传统〔cat-o'-nine-tails〕A whip consisting of nine knotted cords fastened to a handle, used in flogging.九尾鞭:由九条相互交结的绳子系在鞭柄上而制成的鞭子,用于抽笞美国传统〔collar〕His tie was knotted below his open collar.他的领带结打在敞开的衣领下。牛津搭配〔knead〕They massaged his body, kneading the knotted muscles into smoothness.他们给他推拿,把收紧的肌肉按摩得平滑舒松。英汉大词典〔knot it〕Seeing the police come, that rouge knotted it.一看到警察来,那个恶棍就逃跑了。21世纪英汉〔knot together〕Arthur knotted his fingers together, unconsciously.亚瑟不知不觉地将自己的手指缠在一起。外研社新世纪〔knot together〕The man knotted some sheets together to climb down to the next floor.这个人将几条床单牢牢系在一起, 顺床单爬到了下一层。外研社新世纪〔knotted〕Get knotted, you ruddy trouble-maker.去你的,你这讨厌的捣蛋鬼。英汉大词典〔knot〕A pretty scarf was loosely knotted around her neck.一条漂亮的围巾松松地系在她的颈部。朗文当代〔knot〕Fear and anxiety knotted her stomach.恐惧和焦虑让她的心揪得紧紧的。朗文当代〔knot〕He knotted a towel about Sharon's neck.他在沙伦的颈上扎了一条毛巾。英汉大词典〔knot〕He knotted his tie so that both ends would be the same length.他打好领带,让两端一样长。韦氏高阶〔knot〕He knotted the bandanna around his neck.他在脖子上系了一条印花大围巾。柯林斯高阶〔knot〕He knotted the bandanna around his neck.他把印花大围巾系在了脖子上。外研社新世纪〔knot〕He knotted the laces securely together.他把带子紧紧地系在一起。柯林斯高阶〔knot〕He carefully knotted his tie.他仔细地打着领带。牛津高阶〔knot〕He caught the rope and knotted it around a post.他抓住绳子,把它系在一根杆子上。剑桥高阶〔knot〕He drew back slightly, his hands knotted in her hair.他稍稍后退, 手缠绕在她的头发中。外研社新世纪〔knot〕Her arm muscles have knotted with tiredness.她手臂的肌肉由于疲劳而突出出来。21世纪英汉〔knot〕His forehead knotted in a frown.他眉头紧锁。柯林斯高阶〔knot〕His jaw muscles knotted with anger.他气得连颌肌都暴突出来了。英汉大词典〔knot〕His muscles knotted (= swelled) with the strain.他很使劲,连肌肉都鼓了起来。剑桥高阶〔knot〕My hair has knotted.我的头发打结了。21世纪英汉〔knot〕My line has knotted.我的线缠结了。英汉大词典〔knot〕My stomach knotted at the news.听到这消息我的心揪紧了。英汉大词典〔knot〕My stomach knotted at the unexpected news.听到这一意外的消息,我的心都揪紧了。21世纪英汉〔knot〕She knotted the ends of the rope and pulled it tight.她把绳子的两端打成结, 然后拉紧。外研社新世纪〔knot〕She knotted the scarf loosely around her neck.她把围巾在脖子上松松地打了个结。牛津搭配〔knot〕She wore her hair loosely knotted on top of her head.她在头顶上打了个松松的发髻。牛津高阶〔knot〕The different strands knotted easily.不同的绳索很容易缠结在一起。外研社新世纪〔knot〕The old dread knotted her stomach.从前那些可怕的经历让她的心都揪紧了。柯林斯高阶〔knot〕The old dread knotted her stomach.从前那些可怕经历让她的心都揪紧了。外研社新世纪〔neck〕The veins in his neck stood out like knotted rope.他脖子上的血管突出,像打了结的绳子。牛津搭配〔net〕An openwork fabric made of threads or cords that are woven or knotted together at regular intervals.网:用线或绳按有规律的空隙编织或连结而成的透孔织物结构美国传统〔sinew〕The sinews on his neck stood out like knotted string.他颈部的肌腱像打结的绳般凸出。朗文当代〔straggly〕Her long fair hair was knotted and straggly.她那长长的金发散乱而打缕。柯林斯高阶〔veinous〕He clasped her veinous and knotted hands.他抓住她那青筋暴突而多节的双手。英汉大词典A sailor caught the rope and knotted it around (= fastened it to) a post.一个水手抓住绳子把它系在一根杆子上。剑桥国际Climbing up the knotted rope was the only way into the tree house.进入树上小屋的唯一方法是顺着打结的绳子爬上去。剑桥国际He chose a striped tie and knotted it carefully.他挑了根条子领带,仔细地打好。剑桥国际He was dressed like a businessman, with his tie tightly knotted and his cuffs starched.他打扮得像个生意人,领带扣得死死的,袖口也被浆洗过。剑桥国际Nancy knotted the shoelaces for her little sister. 南茜替她年幼的妹妹系上鞋带。译典通




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