

单词 loading
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FULL〕Loading the van was hard work. 给客货两用车装东西很累人。朗文写作活用〔FULL〕A woman was loading groceries into her car. 一位妇女在往汽车内装食品杂货。朗文写作活用〔FULL〕Two men were loading up a truck with boxes of melons. 两名男子在把一箱箱甜瓜装上卡车。朗文写作活用〔PUT〕I started loading the boxes into the truck. 我开始往卡车上装那些箱子。朗文写作活用〔back ... up〕He backed up to the loading platform.他(把车)倒退到装货平台。21世纪英汉〔bay〕A truck pulled into the loading bay.卡车停进了装卸区。剑桥高阶〔bay〕The car reversed into the loading bay.汽车倒入卸货区。外研社新世纪〔bay〕The car reversed into the loading bay.汽车倒入装卸间。柯林斯高阶〔berth〕A space where a vehicle can be parked, as for loading.一个停车以便装卸的场所美国传统〔boot block〕An area of a disk having information for loading the operating system that is needed to start a computer.启动块:磁盘上的区域,内含装入操作系统的信息,这类信息是启动计算机所必需的美国传统〔boot〕I was in a loading zone and a cop booted me out.我当时在装货区,一名警察把我撵开。英汉大词典〔carbo-loading〕Carbohydrate loading.碳水化合物填充美国传统〔corral〕They corralled the cattle before loading them onto the truck.他们在把牛装上车以前,先把牛赶入畜栏。朗文当代〔dazzlingly〕The loading bay seemed dazzlingly bright.装货区看上去灯火通明。柯林斯高阶〔dazzlingly〕The loading bay seemed dazzlingly bright.装货场明亮得让人头晕目眩。外研社新世纪〔demurrage〕Detention of a ship, freight car, or other cargo conveyance during loading or unloading beyond the scheduled time of departure.(运输工具)滞留,延期:船、货车或其他运输工具在装卸货物期间超过了规定的离开时间而滞留美国传统〔dock worker〕A dock worker is a person who works in the docks, loading and unloading ships.码头工人柯林斯高阶〔dock〕The area of water between two piers or alongside a pier that receives a ship for loading, unloading, or repairs.船坞:两个码头之间的或沿码头的水域用来容船装卸或修理等美国传统〔dock〕The truck left the loading dock with hoses still attached.卡车驶离装货月台时塑料水龙带还连在上面。柯林斯高阶〔dock〕The truck left the loading dock with hoses still attached.那辆卡车水龙带还连着就驶离装运月台了。外研社新世纪〔fatiguing〕Loading and unloading ships is fatiguing work.给船只装卸货物很累人。剑桥高阶〔free alongside ship〕Without charge to the purchaser for delivery to the point of loading aboard ship.船边交货:免费把货物运送到船的载货部位美国传统〔front-end loader〕An earthmoving machine with a hydraulic scoop in front for lifting and loading earth or rubble.前端装载机:一种带有绞链的铲斗泥土挖掘机,用来装运或搬运泥土或瓦砾美国传统〔hand〕Can you give me a hand with loading the van? 你能帮我装车吗?牛津搭配〔incompetent〕The soldiers had four camels but were hopelessly incompetent at loading them.麦克米伦高阶〔kink〕Care is needed when loading the roll to prevent twisting or kinking the film.装胶卷时要小心, 防止胶卷缠绕在一起或打结。外研社新世纪〔kink〕Care is needed when loading the roll to prevent twisting or kinking the film.装胶卷时要小心,别使胶片扭结。柯林斯高阶〔lading〕The act of loading.装货:装货的行动美国传统〔landing〕A site for loading and unloading passengers and cargo.登陆处:装卸旅客或货物的地方美国传统〔liftgate〕A closure at the rear of a vehicle that can be raised during loading and unloading.提升式车门:车尾的闭合装置,装卸货物时可提起美国传统〔load up on sth〕The tourists started loading up on perfume and cosmetics.游客们开始大量购买香水和化妆品。剑桥高阶〔loading〕A photographer from the newspaper was loading his camera with film.那家报纸的一名摄影师正往相机里装胶卷。柯林斯高阶〔loading〕The 2% loading for using the card abroad has been removed.在国外使用此卡的 2% 附加费已经取消。牛津高阶〔loading〕The back of the car drops to make loading less of a back-breaking exercise.汽车后部降低了一些, 这样装卸东西会省些力。外研社新世纪〔loading〕Very few planes fly with 100 per cent loadings.百分之百载荷飞行的飞机寥寥无几。外研社新世纪〔loadmaster〕An aircraft crew member in charge of loading and unloading cargo or heavy weapons.舱中理货员:主管装卸货物或重武器的飞机机组人员美国传统〔load〕A photographer from the newspaper was loading his camera with film.一位报社的摄影师正在给他的照相机装胶卷。外研社新世纪〔load〕Down at the docks, ships were loading and unloading.下面码头上,船舶正在装货和卸货。麦克米伦高阶〔load〕Have you finished loading up? 你装完货了吗?朗文当代〔load〕I usually took off my coat when I was loading.我装货时通常脱掉上衣。英汉大词典〔load〕Men were loading up a truck with timber.工人正在把木料装上卡车。牛津高阶〔load〕People were loading up on bottled water.人们带了足够的瓶装水。朗文当代〔load〕The bus is loading.这辆公共汽车在上客。英汉大词典〔load〕The ship was still loading.那条船还在装货。牛津高阶〔load〕The three men seemed to have finished loading the truck.三个人似乎已经把东西往卡车上装载完毕。外研社新世纪〔load〕The workmen have finished loading.工人们已装货完毕。英汉大词典〔load〕They are loading the truck now.他们此时正在给卡车装货。麦克米伦高阶〔load〕We finished loading and set off.我们装完货物就出发了。牛津高阶〔load〕Were there any problems loading the cargo onto the boat? 把这些货物装到船上有困难吗?麦克米伦高阶〔load〕Workers were loading and unloading the ships as they came into port.船驶进港口时,工人们正在装卸货物。韦氏高阶〔load〕Workers were loading cargo on/onto the ships.工人们当时正把货物装上船。韦氏高阶〔logger〕A machine, such as a crane or tractor, that is used for hauling or loading logs.运机:用于拖曳或装载原木的机器,如起重机或拖拉机美国传统〔onto〕I've been having problems loading this software onto my computer.我一直没办法把这套软件装到我的计算机上。剑桥高阶〔port〕A place on a waterway with facilities for loading and unloading ships.港口:水上具有可供船只装卸货物的设施的地方美国传统〔ramp〕The loading dock has a ramp.货运码头有一个坡道装置。韦氏高阶〔semiautomatic〕Ejecting a shell and loading the next round of ammunition automatically after each shot has been fired; autoloading. Used of a firearm.(枪、炮)半自动的:自动发射且在每次发射后自动将子弹或炮弹从弹仓中装填入膛;自动装填的用于火器美国传统〔ship〕The dockers were loading the cargo onto the ship.码头工人正往船上装货。牛津搭配〔skid road〕A track made of logs laid transversely about five feet apart that is used to haul logs to a loading platform or a mill.供木材滑下的滑道:摆放木材的滑道,将木材横向摆放相隔约五米,以便将木材运上平台或加工厂美国传统〔skid〕A pallet for loading or handling goods, especially one having solid sideboards and no bottom.货盘:用于装载或搬运货物的垫子,尤其是具有边板并没有底座的美国传统〔specific〕For specific instructions on loading the software, please refer to the guide.关于安装软件的详细说明请参阅指南。麦克米伦高阶〔stevedore〕One who is employed in the loading or unloading of ships.码头装卸工人:受雇给船装货或卸货的人美国传统〔stevedore〕To load or unload the cargo of (a ship) or to engage in the process of loading or unloading such a vessel.装(卸)货:给(船)装货或卸货或从事给船装货或卸货的过程美国传统〔supervise〕He was directly responsible for supervising the loading of the containers.他直接负责监督集装箱的装货。牛津搭配〔supervise〕His job was to supervise the loading of the ship.他的工作是监督装船。麦克米伦高阶〔talk〕Trevor talked me through loading the software.特雷弗向我仔细讲解了如何安装这个软件。朗文当代〔tipple〕A place for screening coal and loading it into trucks or railroad cars.倒煤场:一种筛煤并把煤装上卡车或火车车厢的地方美国传统〔turnaround〕The process of or time needed for loading, unloading, and servicing a ship, an airplane, or other vehicle.周转,停航时间:轮船、飞机或其它交通工具装货、卸货及维修的过程成所需时间美国传统〔verify〕Please verify that there is sufficient memory available before loading the program.请在核实有足够的内存后再安装程序。牛津高阶A cargo manifest must be submitted 24 hours before loading.载货清单必须在装货前 24 小时提交。牛津商务Front-end loading puts all the charges onto the early years of the policy. 保单的前端收费集中在最初几年收费。牛津商务Hay is baled before loading. 装车前,干草被打成一捆一捆的。译典通He finished loading and drove off.他装完货就把车开走了。牛津商务I've been having problems loading this software onto my computer.我对把这套软件装到我的计算机上一直有些困难。剑桥国际If you are a young or inexperienced driver, a loading will be added to your insurance premium.如果你是一位年轻的或无经验的司机,你的保险费要外加附加费。牛津商务In a field we saw a farmer loading his cart with food for the cattle.在田野里,我们看到农民往手推车里装牛饲料。剑桥国际It's always interesting to watch the cranes loading at the docks.看码头上的吊车装卸货物总是很有趣的。剑桥国际Men were loading up a truck with timber.工人正把木料装上卡车。牛津商务Repeated loading and unloading will eventually cause some contortion of the structure.反复的装上卸下最终会导致这个结构变形。剑桥国际The 2% loading for using the card abroad has been removed.在国外使用信用卡收取 2% 额外费用的规定已被取消了。牛津商务The dockers are loading the ship with coal. 码头工人正把煤装上船。译典通The dockers had begun loading the ship.码头工人已开始装船。牛津商务The ship is loading freight. 船正在装货。译典通The tankers were still loading.这些油轮仍在装货。牛津商务Vertical loading challenges employees to grow in their jobs.垂直工作负荷对员工发出挑战,使他们在工作中成长。牛津商务




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