

单词 adequate for
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕The heating system would only be adequate for a much smaller house. 这供暖设备只够一所小得多的房子使用。朗文写作活用〔adequately〕The western diet should be perfectly adequate for most people.西方的日常饮食应该完全适合于大多数人。柯林斯高阶〔adequate〕Are the parking facilities adequate for 50 cars? 停车设施是否够 50 辆车停放?朗文当代〔adequate〕It's not a big salary but it's adequate for our needs.工资虽不优厚,但足以满足我们的需要了。剑桥高阶〔adequate〕The big house is perfectly adequate for just the two of us.对于就我们这两人来说,这大房子绰绰有余了。麦克米伦高阶〔adequate〕The chairs we have put out should be adequate for the number of guests we are expecting.我们拿出来的椅子应该足够我们正在等的来客用。外研社新世纪〔adequate〕The food was more than adequate for the six of us.这些食物供我们六个人吃绰绰有余。韦氏高阶〔adequate〕The old software is still perfectly adequate for most tasks.这一款旧软件仍然足以应付大部分工作。牛津搭配〔adequate〕The quality of the product is quite adequate for local purposes.这产品的质量可以充分满足本地的需求。英汉大词典〔adequate〕The space available is not adequate for our needs.现有的空间不能满足我们的需要。牛津高阶〔adequate〕The western diet should be perfectly adequate for most people.西方的日常饮食应该完全能满足大多数人的要求。外研社新世纪〔approximation〕Mathematics An inexact result adequate for a given purpose.【数学】 近似值:适用于给定目标的不精确结论美国传统〔common〕A ballpoint pen is adequate for most ordinary purposes.原珠笔适合最普通的用途。美国传统〔hide〕An old English measure of land, usually the amount held adequate for one free family and its dependents.海得:旧的英国土地测量单位,一般指赡养一家自由农民所必需的土地美国传统〔sea room〕Space at sea adequate for maneuvering a ship.宽广海面:航海船舶能自由行驶的海中区域美国传统It's not by any means a brilliant salary but it's adequate for our needs.这薪水决不丰厚,但足够我们所需了。剑桥国际




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