

单词 incision
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CUT〕The surgeon began by making an incision about six inches long. 外科医生首先划开一个大约6英寸长的刀口。朗文写作活用〔UNCONSCIOUS〕Once the patient was fully anesthetized, the surgeon made a small incision in his chest. 病人一旦完全麻醉后,外科医生就在他胸部切开一个小口。朗文写作活用〔arthroscopy〕Examination of the interior of a joint, such as the knee, using a type of endoscope that is inserted into the joint through a small incision.关节内窥镜检查:使用通过一小的切口插入关节的一种内窥镜对关节内部,如膝盖进行的检查美国传统〔arthrotomy〕Surgical incision into a joint.关节切开(术):切开关节的外科手术美国传统〔bistoury〕A long, narrow surgical knife for minor incisions.外科手术刀:用于细微切割的一种外科用细长刀美国传统〔capsulotomy〕Incision into a capsule, especially that of the crystalline lens of the eye, as to remove cataracts by surgery.囊切开术,晶状体切开术:指被膜或囊的切割,尤指眼球晶状体的切割,如通过外科手术摘除白内障美国传统〔cesarean section〕A surgical incision through the abdominal wall and uterus, performed to deliver a fetus.剖腹产手术:切开腹腔壁和子宫取出胎儿的一种外科手术美国传统〔close〕The surgeon closed the incision neatly.外科医生把切口缝得很整齐。朗文当代〔craniotomy〕Surgical incision into the skull.通过手术切开头颅骨美国传统〔cut〕Doctors begin by cutting a small incision in the chest.医生在病人的胸部开了一个小口开始手术。韦氏高阶〔distended〕Through this incision, the abdominal cavity is distended with carbon dioxide gas.二氧化碳气体通过这个切口进入,造成腹腔肿胀。柯林斯高阶〔enterotomy〕Surgical incision into the intestine.肠切开术:对肠实施的外科切开术美国传统〔episiotomy〕Surgical incision of the perineum during childbirth to facilitate delivery.外阴切开术:分娩时切开外阴以助生产的手术美国传统〔eviscerate〕To protrude through a wound or surgical incision.伤口或外科切口处突出美国传统〔femoral〕The stent is inserted into a femoral artery through an incision in the groin.通过血管穿刺,支架从腹股沟处植入股动脉中。剑桥高阶〔gastrotomy〕A surgical incision into the stomach.切腹术:一种进入胃内部的医学术美国传统〔hysterotomy〕Surgical incision of the uterus, as in a cesarean section.子宫切开术:对子宫的外科切除手术,比如在剖腹产术中美国传统〔incision〕Make a small incision below the ribs.在肋骨下方切开一个小口。牛津高阶〔incision〕Make the first incision here.第一刀从这里切开。外研社新世纪〔incision〕Make the first incision here.第一刀在这里切开。英汉大词典〔incision〕The surgeon made a small incision in the patient's cornea.外科医生在病人的角膜上切开一个小口。牛津搭配〔incision〕The surgeon makes a small incision into which a tube is inserted.外科医师切开一个小口子把管子插了进去。剑桥高阶〔incision〕The technique involves making a tiny incision in the skin.这项技术需要在皮肤上切一个小口。柯林斯高阶〔incision〕The technique involves making a tiny incision in the skin.这项技术需要在皮肤上切开一个小口。外研社新世纪〔invasive〕Of or relating to a medical procedure in which a part of the body is entered, as by puncture or incision.侵入的:属于或关于身体的部位被侵入,例如被穿刺或切口穿入之医疗过程的美国传统〔keloid〕A red, raised formation of fibrous scar tissue caused by excessive tissue repair in response to trauma or surgical incision.瘢痕瘤:一种红的、隆起的纤维状疤痕组织,是在治疗损伤中由于过度的组织修补或外科伤口而引起的美国传统〔keratotomy〕Surgical incision of the cornea.角膜切开术:外科中对角膜的切开美国传统〔laparotomy〕Surgical incision into the abdominal wall, especially into the flank.剖腹术:切开腹壁尤其是侧腹的外科手术美国传统〔lower〕A small incision is made in the lower abdomen.在下腹部切了一个小口。外研社新世纪〔nephrotomy〕Surgical incision into the kidney.肾切开术:肾切开手术美国传统〔ovariotomy〕Surgical incision into an ovary, as to perform a biopsy or remove a tumor.卵巢切开术:切开卵巢的外科手术,如为施行活体检查或切除瘤美国传统〔pleurotomy〕Surgical incision of the pleura.胸膜切开术:胸膜的外科切开术美国传统〔resectoscope〕A surgical instrument for performing a resection without an opening or incision other than that made by the instrument.前列腺切除器:一种外科手术器具,进行切割手术时,除了用该器具切割的刀口外没有其它开口或切割美国传统〔retractor〕Medicine A surgical instrument used to hold back organs or the edges of an incision.【医学】 牵开器:一种手术仪器,用于将器官或切开的边缘撑住美国传统〔roulette〕Short consecutive incisions made between individual stamps in a sheet for easy separation.缝孔,排孔:整版邮票上单张邮票之间便于分开邮票的连续切孔美国传统〔sclerotomy〕Surgical incision of the sclera.巩膜切开术美国传统〔score〕A notch or an incision, especially one that is made to keep a tally.刻痕:一种刻痕或切口,尤指用于记分美国传统〔smart〕The incision on my leg smarts.我脚上的伤口剧烈地疼痛着美国传统〔surgeon's knot〕Any of several knots, especially one similar to a square knot, used in surgery for tying ligatures or stitching incisions.外科结:一种结,特别是外科手术用在缝合线上或者缝合切口时用的方结美国传统〔suture〕The surgeon sutured the incision.外科医生把切口缝合。韦氏高阶〔thoracotomy〕Surgical incision of the chest wall.胸廓切开术:切开胸壁的手术美国传统〔tonsillotomy〕Surgical incision of a tonsil.扁桃体切开术美国传统〔transverse〕The surgeon made a transverse incision across her abdomen.外科医生将她的腹部横向切开。韦氏高阶After the operation, the incision was carefully sutured.刀口在手术后被小心翼翼地缝合起来。剑桥国际The incision on my leg smarts. 我腿上手术的伤口会痛。译典通The new technique involves surgeons making small incisions in the skin into which tubes are inserted.这项新技术要求外科医师在皮肤上开一个插入管子的切口。剑桥国际The surgeon closed the incision with stitches. 外科医生缝合了伤口。译典通The surgeon used a laser to make a small incision into the brain / into the boy's brain.外科医生用激光将大脑 / 男孩的大脑开了一个小切口。剑桥国际




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