

单词 large
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔FIGHT〕a fight involving a large number of people 许多人参与的打架朗文写作活用〔LOT〕a large number of things or people 很多人或物朗文写作活用〔SOME/SEVERAL〕some, but not a large number 一些,但数目不多的朗文写作活用〔amalgamation〕the amalgamation of several large businesses几家大公司的合并外研社新世纪〔amount〕a large number of mistakes 大量的错误韦氏高阶〔area〕the large number of community groups in the area.该地区大量的社团柯林斯高阶〔ball〕a large ball of string一个大线团外研社新世纪〔billing〕a large quantity of US dollar bills.大量的美钞柯林斯高阶〔body〕large bodies of unemployed workers 大批大批的失业工人英汉大词典〔body〕large bodies of water(= lakes or seas) 大片水域牛津高阶〔body〕a large body of material.大批材料。牛津同义词〔charge〕an artillery shell with a large powder charge 装药量大的炮弹英汉大词典〔circle〕a large circle of friends.众多的朋友。牛津同义词〔cone〕a large building shaped like a cone 圆锥形大楼麦克米伦高阶〔consult〕a retired executive who consults for several large companies.为几个大公司担任顾问的退休官员美国传统〔cooperation〕increased technical cooperation among large companies 大公司之间进一步的技术合作牛津搭配〔degree〕modernized their facilities to a large degree.使他们的设备做大规模的现代化美国传统〔department〕the children's department(= in a large store) 儿童用品部牛津高阶〔direct〕direct a large company 管理一家大公司英汉大词典〔disincentive〕housing disincentives for large families 对多子女家庭的住房限制英汉大词典〔domestic〕domestic service(= the work of a servant in a large house) (佣人的)家务服务牛津高阶〔expense〕a claim large enough to justify the expense of insurance policy premiums 索赔额高到足以证明保费的合理性牛津搭配〔faith〕a large decline in the number of people who have an active faith of any sort 有某种积极信仰的人的数量的大幅度下降牛津搭配〔family〕have a large (small) family 子女多(不多) 英汉大词典〔figure〕sold for a large figure.以高价出售美国传统〔finance〕the world of high finance(= finance involving large companies or countries) 高级金融界(关乎大公司或国家的金融)牛津高阶〔following〕a lecturer with a large following.具有大批崇拜者的演讲者美国传统〔font〕a large font of holy water一大盆圣水外研社新世纪〔fund〕a large fund of scientific knowledge大量的科学知识储备外研社新世纪〔great〕a Great Dane (= large type of dog) 大丹犬剑桥高阶〔gushing〕a large gushing female 装腔作势的大块头女人英汉大词典〔immensely〕an immensely large sum of money 庞大的金额文馨英汉〔incalculable〕an incalculably large amount of damage 无法估量的巨大损失韦氏高阶〔interior〕a large car with lots of interior room 内部空间宽敞的大型小轿车韦氏高阶〔land mass〕the country's large land mass of 768 million hectares.该国7.68亿公顷的广阔陆地柯林斯高阶〔large〕a large dog一条大狗外研社新世纪〔large〕a large glass of water 一大杯水韦氏高阶〔large〕a large office 一间宽敞的办公室英汉大词典〔large〕sail large 顺风航行英汉大词典〔manager〕the marketing manager for a large company 一家大公司的营销经理牛津搭配〔organized〕organized crime(= committed by professional criminals working in large groups) 有组织的犯罪牛津高阶〔output〕stars with large energy outputs 具有巨大能量输出的星球韦氏高阶〔pasture〕large areas of rough upland pasture 大片起伏的山地牧场朗文当代〔protest〕a large crowd protesting the war反对这场战争的一大群人21世纪英汉〔protuberance〕a large protuberance on your forehead你的前额上的一个大包外研社新世纪〔purge〕purging large numbers of workers from unprofitable businesses 把大批工人从无利可图的企业中清除出去麦克米伦高阶〔rake〕rake in large amounts of money 捞进大笔大笔的钱英汉大词典〔roam〕allow one's imagination to roam at large 让想象力自由翱翔 英汉大词典〔rock〕a large rock 巨大的岩石文馨英汉〔shed〕a road blocked where a large lorry had shed its load 因一辆大卡车掉落货物而造成堵塞的道路英汉大词典〔slovenly〕a large slovenly woman 一个身材高大、不修边幅的女人朗文当代〔speckled〕a large brown speckled egg.布满棕色斑点的大个儿鸡蛋柯林斯高阶〔spread〕prepare a large picnic spread 准备一顿丰盛的野餐饭菜 英汉大词典〔sum〕a large sum of money 一大笔钱牛津高阶〔suspicion〕large blooms of white with a suspicion of pale pink.一朵朵略带淡粉色的大白花柯林斯高阶〔suspiciously〕a suspiciously large sum of money大笔可疑资金外研社新世纪〔unmissable〕a large unmissable target 不可能击不中的大目标英汉大词典〔varisized〕varisized and varicoloured tatters torn at random from large billboards 从大型广告牌上随手撕下来的各种大大小小不同颜色的碎纸片英汉大词典〔waist〕a large (small) waist 粗(细)腰英汉大词典unusually large price jumps 非比寻常的大幅度涨价牛津商务




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