

单词 jester
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bauble〕Archaic A mock scepter carried by a court jester.【古语】 丑角手杖:古时宫廷小丑所持的模拟权杖美国传统〔clown〕A buffoon or jester who entertains by jokes, antics, and tricks in a circus, play, or other presentation.小丑,丑角:在马戏、戏剧或其它演出中通过玩笑、滑稽动作及骗局娱乐的小丑美国传统〔clown〕To behave like a buffoon or jester.举动似小丑美国传统〔clown〕To perform as a buffoon or jester.扮演小丑美国传统〔cockscomb〕The cap of a jester, decorated to resemble the comb of a rooster.小丑的帽子:小丑的帽子,装饰得像公鸡的肉冠美国传统〔court〕Like a court jester in a medieval palace, he tried to amuse his rulers.他像中世纪宫殿中的宫廷弄臣一样,想方设法让统治者开心。牛津搭配〔fool's cap〕A gaily decorated cap, usually with a number of loose peaks tipped with bells, formerly worn by court jesters and clowns.滑稽帽,小丑帽:装饰有趣的帽子,通常有许多缀有小铃铛很松散的帽舌,以前是宫廷弄臣或小丑戴的美国传统〔fool〕A member of a royal or noble household who provided entertainment, as with jokes or antics; a jester.弄臣,宫廷小丑:一些皇室或贵族家庭成员,他们提供娱乐如讲笑话或表演滑稽动作;小丑美国传统〔fool〕The fool, jester or clown occupies the humblest place in the court.弄臣或小丑在宫廷中地位最低下。外研社新世纪〔joker〕Games A playing card, usually printed with a picture of a jester, used in certain games as the highest-ranking card or as a wild card.【游戏】 纸牌中之王牌:通常印有逗乐小丑图画的纸牌,在某些游戏中用作最大王牌或百搭牌美国传统〔motley〕The parti-colored attire of a court jester.宫廷小丑穿的杂色彩衣美国传统〔vice〕A jester or buffoon.取笑者或丑角美国传统He was a jester and a parcel poet. 他是一个小丑,也是个业余诗人。译典通In medieval times, kings and queens often employed court jesters.中世纪时国王和王后常常雇用宫廷弄臣。剑桥国际




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