

单词 jessie
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-person〕Jessie Marshall, a contemporary craftsperson.杰西·马歇尔,当代手工艺人柯林斯高阶〔BEHAVE〕Bye now, Jessie. Be good. 再会啦,杰茜。乖点啊。朗文写作活用〔CONFIDENT/NOT CONFIDENT〕Jan says her twin babies are completely different: Kelly is a real extrovert while Jessie is quiet and thoughtful. 简说她生的双胞胎完全不一样:凯莉性格十分外向,而杰茜文静、体贴。朗文写作活用〔LIKE〕Jessie adored being the centre of attention. 杰西非常喜欢成为别人注意的焦点。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕I've heard Jessie play a number of times, and I think he's great. 杰西的演奏我听过几次,我觉得他很出色。朗文写作活用〔after〕Jessie seemed very small after (= in comparison with) Michael's children.与迈克尔的孩子们比起来,杰西显得很矮小。剑桥高阶〔corner〕Jessie sat on the corner of her bed.杰茜坐在自己的床角。朗文当代〔courtesy〕Jessie J appears courtesy of Universal Records.承蒙环球唱片的支持,洁西J应邀出席。剑桥高阶〔diddly-squat〕Jessie doesn't know diddly-squat about breastfeeding.杰西对母乳喂养一无所知。英汉大词典〔droop〕Jessie drooped her head.杰茜垂下头。朗文当代〔explode〕Jessie practically exploded with laughter.杰西突然爆发出一阵大笑。牛津搭配〔heart〕Jessie couldn't find it in her heart to refuse them.杰茜不忍心拒绝他们。外研社新世纪〔rash〕Please Jessie, don't do anything rash.求你了,杰西,不要草率行事。朗文当代〔snatch〕Jessie snatched at the bag but I pulled it away.杰西伸手抓袋子,但我把它拉开了。朗文当代〔sweep〕Jessie was swept along by the angry crowd.杰西被愤怒的人群裹着向前走。朗文当代〔work〕Jessie has worked wonders with some of these kids.杰西在其中的一些孩子身上创造了奇迹。麦克米伦高阶Jessie seemed very small after (=in comparison with) Michael's children.杰西与迈克尔的孩子在一起显得非常矮小。剑桥国际




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