

单词 jerky
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔REM〕The rapid, periodic, jerky movement of the eyes during certain stages of the sleep cycle when dreaming takes place.眼球速动期:快速的,周期性的,在睡眠周期的某个时期做梦时发生的痉挛性的眼睛的运动美国传统〔bob〕A quick, jerky movement of the head or body.摆动:头或身体的快速、忽动忽停的运动美国传统〔choppy〕The video appeared choppy and jerky.视频画面看上去既不连贯,又不停抖动。韦氏高阶〔jerkily〕Mr Griffin made a jerky gesture.格里芬先生急匆匆地做了个手势。柯林斯高阶〔jerky〕He made jerky movements.他一会儿动一会儿停的。韦氏高阶〔jerky〕His skin was dry and hot, his breathing rapid and jerky.他皮肤干燥灼热,呼吸急促。朗文当代〔jerky〕I enjoyed the concert, although the playing was kind of jerky at times.尽管演奏时有不稳,但我仍然很享受这场音乐会。剑桥高阶〔jerky〕Mr Griffin made a jerky gesture.格里芬先生做了个急促的示意动作。外研社新世纪〔jerky〕She lit a cigarette with quick, jerky movements.她动作急促地点燃了一支香烟。外研社新世纪〔jerky〕She was knitting with fast, jerky movements as if she were annoyed.她用急促的动作使劲儿打着毛衣,仿佛生气了。英汉大词典〔jerky〕She was knitting with fast, jerky movements as if she were annoyed.她用急猝的动作使劲地打著毛衣,仿佛生气了。文馨英汉〔jerky〕The bus came to a jerky halt.公共汽车颠簸着停了下来。朗文当代〔jerky〕The disease causes sudden jerky movements of the hands and legs.这种疾病会导致手腿突然痉孪。剑桥高阶〔jerky〕The movie was jerky and hard to watch.这部电影画面不流畅,难以正常观看。韦氏高阶〔jerky〕There are jerky passages, not wholly within the author's control.有些段落文体变化突兀,多少不大听命于作者的笔了。英汉大词典〔jiggle〕To move or rock lightly up and down or to and fro in an unsteady, jerky manner.抖动:以颠簸、不稳的状态前后上下轻微地摇晃或移动美国传统〔jolt〕To proceed in an irregular, bumpy, or jerky fashion.颠簸前进:不规律、崎岖不平或颠簸地前进美国传统〔jumpy〕Characterized by fitful, jerky movements.跳跃的,跳动的:具有一阵阵的跳动的特征的美国传统〔jumpy〕The story gets rather jerky and jumpy.故事变得相当突兀多变。英汉大词典〔limp〕An irregular, jerky, or awkward gait.跛:颠簸、不稳或别扭的步伐美国传统〔movement〕He lit a cigarette with quick, jerky movements.他以仓猝的动作点燃了一支烟。英汉大词典〔movement〕Tom lit a cigarette with quick, jerky movements.汤姆动作仓促地点了根香烟。外研社新世纪〔shake〕To cause to move to and fro with jerky movements.摇晃:使伴着不平稳的运动来回移动美国传统〔shake〕To move to and fro in short, irregular, often jerky movements.摇动:以短的、不规律的、常常急速的运动来回移动美国传统〔silky〕Some people moved in silky, liquid movements, others were jerky, probably drunk.一些人动作平稳流畅,其他人则跌跌撞撞,大概是喝醉了。柯林斯高阶〔silky〕Some people moved in silky, liquid movements, others were jerky, probably drunk.有些人行动灵活自如, 有些人则踉踉跄跄, 也许是喝醉了。外研社新世纪Beef jerky is popular with people who want to lose weight, because it provides lots of iron but does not contain much fat.牛肉干很受想减肥的人欢迎,因为它能提供许多铁质,而不含很多脂肪。剑桥国际The disease causes sudden jerky movements of the hands and legs.这种疾病会引起手和腿的突然痉挛性动作。剑桥国际




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