

单词 indiscretions
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IGNORE〕The President could no longer turn a blind eye to the indiscretions of his Chief of Staff. 总统再也不能对参谋长的不检点行为熟视无睹了。朗文写作活用〔exposé〕The show aired an exposé on the candidate's financial indiscretions.这个节目播放了那位候选人在经济上失检的报道。韦氏高阶〔faithless〕Disloyal staff members exposed the senator's indiscretions to the press.不忠实的工作人员把参议员们不慎重的行为暴露给新闻刊物。美国传统〔game〕The press considered the candidate's indiscretions to be game.大众媒体把候选人不检点的言行当作攻击目标美国传统〔indiscretion〕She committed a few minor indiscretions.她有几处言行略微失当。韦氏高阶〔indiscretion〕She was careful not to mention the indiscretions of her early life.她小心翼翼不提及她早年生活中有失检点的行为。英汉大词典〔indiscretion〕We should forgive him a few youthful indiscretions.我们应该原谅他作为年轻人一些有失检点的行为。剑桥高阶〔overlook〕I'm prepared to overlook his indiscretions.我准备原谅他有失检点的行为。麦克米伦高阶〔wont〕Both have committed their indiscretions, as human beings are wont to do.两人都有失慎重,此乃人之常情。柯林斯高阶They were just youthful indiscretions (=acts of bad behaviour, esp. bad sexual behaviour) -- perhaps we should forgive them.那些只是年轻人有失检点的行为----也许我们应该原谅。剑桥国际




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