

单词 lack
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔EXPERIENCED/NOT EXPERIENCED〕lack of experience 缺乏经验的朗文写作活用〔accountability〕the apparent lack of accountability of the security forces 安全部队的明显缺乏责任感牛津搭配〔acumen〕a lack of business/financial acumen 缺乏商业/经济头脑韦氏高阶〔ambition〕a lack of ambition 胸无大志朗文当代〔amenity〕houses that lack basic amenities (=basic things that people need, such as heat and running water) 缺乏基本生活设施的房屋朗文当代〔beleaguer〕the lack of funds that beleaguers schools 让许多学校备受困扰的资金短缺问题韦氏高阶〔bemoan〕an article bemoaning the lack of sports facilities in the area 责怪本地区缺少运动设施的一篇文章朗文当代〔blanket〕a blanket lack of sympathy for anybody 对任何人都缺乏同情心英汉大词典〔charisma〕a lack of charisma 缺乏个人魅力牛津高阶〔clarity〕a lack of clarity in the law on property rights 产权法律的不明确朗文当代〔co-ordination〕the lack of co-ordination between the civilian and military authorities民政部门和军事部门之间缺乏协调外研社新世纪〔coherence〕a lack of coherence between the policy and the speech 政策与演说的不一致牛津搭配〔coherence〕theories which lack ideological coherence 缺乏思想体系连贯性的理论牛津搭配〔coherent〕lack coherent political goals 缺乏一致的政治目标英汉大词典〔collection〕a lack of collection points for waste paper 缺少废纸收集点牛津搭配〔communication〕a lack of communication between old and young people 青老年之间的思想交流隔阂英汉大词典〔concomitant〕hunger, a lack of education, and other concomitants of poverty 饥饿、教育匮乏以及其他伴随贫困而来的现状。韦氏高阶〔consensus〕a lack of consensus about the aims of the project 在该计划的目标上缺乏共识朗文当代〔consummate〕his consummate lack of tact 他对策略的一窍不通朗文当代〔contrivance〕its tendency towards contrivance, archness, and lack of substance它变得越来越做作、讨巧而且缺乏实质外研社新世纪〔cooperation〕the lack of effective co-operation between industry and higher education 工业界与高等教育界缺少有效的合作朗文当代〔coordination〕a lack of coordination in conservation policy 环保政策的不协调牛津高阶〔daring〕lack the daring to do sth.缺乏做某事的胆量英汉大词典〔decipher〕decipher the reciprocal relationship between unemployment and lack of enthusiasm 阐释失业和缺乏热情之间的相互作用关系英汉大词典〔diet〕the effects of poor diet and lack of exercise 不良饮食和缺乏锻炼的后果朗文当代〔discernment〕their lack of discernment and acceptance of inferior quality.他们不识货,接受了劣质品柯林斯高阶〔distribute〕surplus milk and cheese doled out to the needy) but more often suggests lack of generosity: 剩余的牛奶和奶酪都分给了穷人),但更常表示不慷慨大方: 美国传统〔droop〕drooped from lack of sleep.因睡眠不足而萎靡不振美国传统〔flabby〕muscles flabby from lack of physical labour 由于缺乏体力劳动而松软的肌肉英汉大词典〔hollow〕hollow-eyed from lack of sleep 因缺乏睡眠而双眼凹陷的牛津高阶〔inertia〕her inertia, her lack of energy.她的怠惰和缺乏活力柯林斯高阶〔insight〕show a lack of historical insight 显得缺乏历史眼光英汉大词典〔jaded〕jaded by lack of success.因未获成功而感到沮丧。牛津同义词〔lack〕lack of money 缺钱英汉大词典〔lack〕a lack of experience 经验的缺乏韦氏高阶〔lack〕a lack of food.缺乏食物。牛津同义词〔lack〕a lack of food/money/skills 缺乏食物╱金钱╱技能牛津高阶〔lack〕a lack of protein in one's diet 饮食中的蛋白质不足英汉大词典〔lack〕comments based on a total lack of information 全无根据的评论朗文当代〔occupation〕be bored for lack of occupation 因无所事事而感厌烦英汉大词典〔order〕a lack of order and discipline 法纪缺失韦氏高阶〔outcry〕a national outcry about the lack of gun control laws 对枪支管理无法可依的全国性抗议朗文当代〔overcrowding〕overcrowding and lack of facilities for patients病房过度拥挤, 医疗设施不足外研社新世纪〔raspy〕be raspy from lack of sleep 因缺少睡眠而心情烦躁英汉大词典〔regard〕a lack of regard for public safety 对公众安全缺乏关注牛津搭配〔regrettable〕a regrettable lack of funds; regrettable remarks.令人遗憾的资金缺乏;令人遗憾的评论美国传统〔road〕poor driving standards and lack of road manners 开车技术差且不懂驾车礼貌牛津搭配〔school leaver〕the lack of job opportunities, particularly for school-leavers.工作机会少,尤其是对应届毕业生而言柯林斯高阶〔seeming〕his seeming lack of judgement他表面上的不具备判断力外研社新世纪〔self-assertion〕her silence and lack of self-assertion.她的沉默和缺乏主见柯林斯高阶〔selfish〕a lack of greed and selfishness 没有贪婪和自私朗文当代〔space〕some work which we couldn't include because of lack of space in this issue.由于这期篇幅有限,我们无法收纳进来的一些文章柯林斯高阶〔stiff〕a stiff collar); with reference to persons it often suggests a lack of ease, cold formality, or fixity, as of purpose: 硬领); 指人时常指缺乏轻松的、僵硬的礼节或目标的固定: 美国传统〔striking〕a striking lack of confidence 明显的信心不足英汉大词典〔thereof〕his belief in God — or the lack thereof.他对上帝的信仰——或者不信仰柯林斯高阶〔unfortunate〕an unfortunate lack of good manners.可惜缺乏好方法美国传统〔unhygienic〕unhygienic conditions and a lack of clean water 条件不卫生而且缺乏干净的水剑桥高阶〔venture〕children who lack the confidence to venture into libraries 缺乏自信、不敢进图书馆的儿童朗文当代〔woeful〕a woeful lack of information 信息极其匮乏朗文当代lack of vision 缺乏洞察力牛津商务




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