

单词 joint
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔account〕a joint account(= one in the name of more than one person) 联合账户牛津高阶〔bankroll〕a joint project bankrolled by the US space agency 美国太空署资助的合作项目剑桥高阶〔carpal〕a carpal joint 腕关节英汉大词典〔case〕case the joint [job] (盗贼)事先勘察目标(建筑物等)文馨英汉〔combine〕an announcement by Steetley and Tarmac of a joint venture that would combine their operations斯特尔里和塔马克两家公司合并业务成立合资公司的声明外研社新世纪〔consultation〕a joint consultation with doctors and patients 医生和病人的共同协商牛津搭配〔degenerative〕a degenerative joint disease 关节变性病英汉大词典〔dislocation〕dislocation of joint 关节脱位英汉大词典〔enterprise〕a joint enterprise 共同事业牛津高阶〔force〕a joint task force 联合特遣部队牛津搭配〔glenohumeral〕the glenohumeral joint 盂肱关节剑桥高阶〔grievance〕a joint labour-management committee to act on grievances 负责处理申诉的劳资联合委员会英汉大词典〔interline〕joint or interline rates 联运运价率英汉大词典〔intertarsal〕the intertarsal joint 跗骨关节剑桥高阶〔issue〕the issue of a joint statement by the French and German foreign ministers 法德两国外交部长联合声明的发布牛津高阶〔joint venture〕a joint venture between the film companies to produce TV shows.电影制片厂之间合作拍摄电视节目美国传统〔joint〕joint a boom on a crane.给吊车装上吊杆美国传统〔joint〕joint a chicken 把鸡切成带骨的大块英汉大词典〔joint〕joint authors (文章、书籍等的)合著者英汉大词典〔joint〕joint efforts 共同努力英汉大词典〔joint〕joint military maneuvers.联合军事演习美国传统〔joint〕a joint account(= a bank account in the name of more than one person, for example a husband and wife) 联合账户牛津高阶〔joint〕a joint bank account 共有银行账户剑桥高阶〔joint〕a joint bar 钢轨联接板英汉大词典〔joint〕a joint between two pieces of timber 两段木料的接缝英汉大词典〔joint〕a joint decision 共同的决定麦克米伦高阶〔joint〕a joint effort.共同的努力。牛津同义词〔joint〕a joint of beef 一块烤牛肉牛津高阶〔joint〕a joint of beef 一大块牛肉朗文当代〔joint〕a joint of beef/pork 一大块烤牛肉/烤猪肉剑桥高阶〔joint〕a joint venture 合资企业韦氏高阶〔joint〕a ball-and-socket joint 球窝关节(或杵臼关节) 英汉大词典〔joint〕a hamburger joint 汉堡包店朗文当代〔joint〕a music joint 名声不好的音乐酒吧英汉大词典〔joint〕a respectable joint 一个正派的公众场所英汉大词典〔joint〕a swollen knee joint 发肿的膝关节麦克米伦高阶〔joint〕an elbow/hip/knee joint 肘/髋/膝关节剑桥高阶〔joint〕inflammation of the knee joint 膝关节发炎牛津高阶〔joint〕the joint between the lower and upper parts of the arm 小臂与大臂之间的关节牛津搭配〔joint〕the elbow/knee/shoulder joint 肘/膝/肩关节韦氏高阶〔kink〕joint sessions with her to work out the kinks in the marriage和她会面来解决婚姻中的一些问题外研社新世纪〔mission〕a joint Anglo-American mission 英美联合任务牛津搭配〔pack〕pack the joint of a pipe 填封管子的接缝 英汉大词典〔partnership〕a joint partnership between the Department of Energy and the State of Illinois 能源部和伊利诺伊州之间的合作伙伴关系牛津搭配〔phalangeal〕the phalangeal joint 指骨关节剑桥高阶〔pubofemoral〕the pubofemoral joint 耻股关节剑桥高阶〔radiocarpal〕the radiocarpal joint 桡腕关节剑桥高阶〔renounce〕a joint declaration renouncing the use of violence 声明放弃使用暴力的联合宣言牛津高阶〔rheumatic〕a rheumatic joint 患风湿的关节文馨英汉〔sacroiliac〕the sacroiliac joint 骶髂骨关节剑桥高阶〔snug〕a snug joint 紧密的接缝英汉大词典〔socket〕a ball-and-socket joint like the hip joint 像髋关节似的球窝关节剑桥高阶〔sound〕to sound a joint statement发表联合声明21世纪英汉〔taskforce〕a joint task force of local, state, and FBI officers 一个由当地、州和联邦调查局官员组成的联合特别工作组牛津搭配〔team〕a joint team of European and North American economists 欧洲北美经济学家联合小组牛津搭配〔tenancy〕hold a joint (sole) tenancy of a flat 共同(单独)租用一套房间英汉大词典〔tenancy〕property held in joint tenancy 共同租赁的房产牛津搭配〔undertaking〕the first joint undertaking of the two societies 两个社团的第一次联手牛津搭配〔venture〕a joint venture between British and Italian authorities 英国和意大利官方办的合资企业麦克米伦高阶〔venture〕a Russian-American joint venture.一家俄美合资企业柯林斯高阶




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