

单词 infml
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句Am infml It was already broiling (= very hot weather) by breakfast time.早餐时天气已经很热了。剑桥国际Br and Aus infml It's a very nippy (= can change speed and direction easily) little car.它是辆很小巧(可以轻易地改变速度和方向)的轿车。剑桥国际Give me a call/ring/(Br infml also) bell (= telephone me) when you get back from holiday.当你度假回来时,给我打个电话。剑桥国际Her behaviour was very suspicious (Aus infml suss).她的行为很可疑。剑桥国际We asked the superintendent (also Am infml super) (= the person responsible for keeping a building in good condition) to have the broken window in our apartment repaired.我们请大楼管理员叫人修好我们房间的碎玻璃窗。剑桥国际




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