

单词 inflict
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕Again, the tribe had raided a neighbouring village, inflicting many casualties. 该部落再一次袭击了邻村,造成许多伤亡。朗文写作活用〔ATTACK〕The special unit attacked at dawn, inflicting heavy losses. 特别小分队在黎明时分发动了进攻,使敌人遭受了惨重的损失。朗文写作活用〔CRIME〕The bill seeks to make it a criminal offence to inflict cruelty on any animal. 该法案建议将虐待动物定为刑事犯罪。朗文写作活用〔FORCE SB TO DO STH〕As time progressed, the king inflicted harsher and harsher measures on the people. 随着时间的推移,国王采取了越来越严厉的措施来对付人民。朗文写作活用〔FORCE SB TO DO STH〕The new policy means that even higher bills will be inflicted on the taxpayer. 新的政策意味着将强迫纳税人支付更昂贵的账单。朗文写作活用〔HURT/INJURE〕Inflicting pain as a means of teaching children discipline is wrong. 用体罚的办法来管教孩子是不对的。朗文写作活用〔HURT/INJURE〕Most drugs can be produced quite successfully without inflicting pain on helpless animals. 大多数药物均可以在无需折磨无助的动物的情况下成功研制出来。朗文写作活用〔Roman holiday〕A violent public spectacle or disturbance in which shame, degradation, or physical harm is intentionally inflicted on one person or group by another.骚乱的野蛮场面:一种某人或群体有意使另一人或群体遭受羞耻、耻辱或身体上的伤害的暴力的公开表演或骚乱美国传统〔afflict〕To inflict grievous physical or mental suffering on.折磨:予以…剧烈的肉体或心理打击美国传统〔aggrieve〕To inflict an injury or injuries on.侵害:使遭受伤害美国传统〔algolagnia〕Sexual gratification derived from inflicting or experiencing pain.性虐待,受虐狂,虐淫:从施虐或受虐中获得性满足美国传统〔barbarity〕He is accused of inflicting unimaginable barbarities on his own people.他被指控对自己的人民实施了种种令人难以想象的暴行。韦氏高阶〔battered child〕A child upon whom multiple, continuing, often serious nonaccidental injuries have been inflicted usually by parents, guardians, or other caregivers.受虐儿童:遭受多次的连续性伤害的儿童,通常为严重的非意外伤害,由其父母、监护人或其他看管者加诸给他们美国传统〔beat〕To inflict repeated blows.连续地敲击美国传统〔business end〕The part of a weapon or tool, usually at the front, that inflicts damage or performs work.工作端:通常在武器或工具的前端部分,可加重伤害或完成工作美国传统〔casualty〕A small group of rebels inflicted heavy casualties(=many people injured or killed) on the government forces.一小撮叛军使政府军伤亡惨重。麦克米伦高阶〔casualty〕The guerrillas inflicted heavy casualties on the local population.游击队使当地居民蒙受重大伤亡。牛津搭配〔cruelty〕How can you inflict such cruelty on a child? 你怎能如此虐待一个孩子?牛津搭配〔cruel〕Disposed to inflict pain or suffering.残暴的:倾向于强加痛楚或痛苦的美国传统〔cruel〕These adjectives mean showing a disposition to inflict violence, pain, or hardship, or to find satisfaction in the suffering of others.这些形容词的意思是显示强加暴力、痛苦或困难的倾向或在他人的痛苦中得到满足的倾向的。美国传统〔damage〕Adhering to the new rules meant inflicting serious damage on motor racing.遵守新的规定就意味着赛车比赛将遭受严重影响。柯林斯高阶〔damage〕They inflicted severe psychological damage on their opponents.他们给对手造成了极大的心理伤害。牛津搭配〔defeat〕The army inflicted a heavy defeat on rebel forces.军队大败叛军。牛津搭配〔defeat〕They inflicted a heavy defeat on the Government's plans to tighten asylum controls.他们使政府对政治避难加强限制的计划遭到惨败。朗文当代〔destruction〕The terrorists inflicted [wreaked] wanton destruction on the town.恐怖分子对该镇恣意加以破坏。文馨英汉〔dumdum bullet〕A hollow-point small-arms bullet designed to expand upon impact, inflicting a gaping wound.达姆弹:一种头部挖空,用于小型武器的子弹,击中目标后膨胀,造成开裂伤口美国传统〔dumdum〕A hollow-point small-arms bullet designed to expand upon impact, inflicting a gaping wound.达姆弹:一种弹头内凹的小型武器的子弹,设计为遇冲击时会扩开,增大伤口大小美国传统〔excruciate〕To inflict severe pain on; torture.使痛苦:使受剧烈的痛苦;折磨美国传统〔fleet〕The damage inflicted upon the British fleet was devastating.英国舰队遭到了毁灭性的重创。外研社新世纪〔fleet〕The damage inflicted upon the British fleet was devastating.英国舰队遭到了毁灭性的重创。柯林斯高阶〔gallinipper〕A large mosquito or other insect capable of inflicting a painful bite.大蚊子:大蚊子或其能使人遭受疼痛叮咬的昆虫美国传统〔grievance〕The act of inflicting hardship or harm.苦难:使人受伤害或磨难的行为美国传统〔gunplay〕A shooting of guns with intent to inflict harm.开火:开枪,试图对对方造成伤害美国传统〔harm〕He was clearly intent on inflicting serious harm on someone.他显然是存心严重伤害他人。牛津搭配〔harrow〕To inflict great distress or torment on.使困苦,使苦恼:使遭受巨大的悲伤和折磨美国传统〔help〕Jerry and Lise know their romance inflicts hurt on others, but they can't help themselves.杰里和丽丝知道他们的恋情会对别人造成伤害,但他们情难自已。柯林斯高阶〔inflict ... on〕Don't inflict your ideas on me.请不要把你的思想强加给我。21世纪英汉〔infliction〕Rebels say they have inflicted heavy casualties on government forces.反叛武装称他们使政府军遭受重创。柯林斯高阶〔infliction〕The dog then attacked her, inflicting serious injuries.然后那条狗袭击了她,把她咬成重伤。柯林斯高阶〔inflict〕Detectives warned that the men could inflict serious injury.侦探们提醒说这些人可能会造成严重伤害。朗文当代〔inflict〕Do you have to inflict that music on us? 你非得逼我们听那种音乐吗?牛津高阶〔inflict〕He shows no regret for the suffering he has inflicted on/upon these innocent people.对于自己给这些无辜的人们所带来的苦难,他毫无悔意。韦氏高阶〔inflict〕Heavy casualties were inflicted on the enemy.敌人遭受了惨重伤亡。牛津高阶〔inflict〕I can't sing and haven't been tempted to inflict myself on the world.我不会唱歌, 也不打算强迫世人接受我的歌声。外研社新世纪〔inflict〕I try very hard not to inflict my values on them.我尽力不将自己的价值观强加给他们。英汉大词典〔inflict〕I won't inflict myself on you today. I can see you're very busy.你很忙,我今天不打扰你了。英汉大词典〔inflict〕It is many years since the death penalty was last inflicted on anyone in Britain.英国废止死刑以来已有多年了。英汉大词典〔inflict〕She inflicted her nephew on them for the weekend.她把姪儿打发到他们那儿去度周末,真是添乱。牛津高阶〔inflict〕Sorry to inflict myself on you again like this! 对不起,又这么打扰你了!牛津高阶〔inflict〕Such a policy would inflict severe hardship and suffering.这样的政策会造成巨大的苦难。麦克米伦高阶〔inflict〕The reporters had no idea of the anguish they could inflict with only one sentence.记者们根本没想到他们只消一句话就会给人带来痛苦。英汉大词典〔inflict〕The strikes inflicted serious damage on the economy.罢工给经济造成了巨大损失。朗文当代〔inflict〕The suffering inflicted on these children was unimaginable.这些孩子遭受的痛苦无法想象。剑桥高阶〔inflict〕These insects are capable of inflicting a painful sting.被这些昆虫叮咬了会疼。韦氏高阶〔inflict〕These new bullets are capable of inflicting massive injuries.这些新型子弹可以造成重创。剑桥高阶〔inflict〕They inflicted a humiliating defeat on the home team.他们使主队吃了一场很没面子的败仗。牛津高阶〔inflict〕They inflicted a humiliating defeat on their rivals.他们令对手遭受了屈辱性的失败。牛津搭配〔inflict〕They inflicted serious injuries on the two burglars.他们使两名盗贼身受重伤。英汉大词典〔inflict〕They continue to inflict their strange ideas about nutrition on/upon their children.他们继续把有关营养的奇怪想法强加给自己的孩子们。韦氏高阶〔inflict〕They surveyed the damage inflicted by the storm.他们调查了暴风雨造成的损失。牛津高阶〔inflict〕They won't let any foreign power inflict any further blows on their national pride.他们不许任何外国再对他们的民族自尊心给予打击。英汉大词典〔inflict〕Was it really fair to her friends to inflict her nephew on them? 把她的外甥硬塞给她的朋友,这对她们真的公平吗?朗文当代〔inflict〕When someone deliberately inflicts damage, it is a matter for the police.故意搞伤害的人应由警方处理。牛津搭配〔injury〕Please help me before our dogs inflict serious injury on each other! 请帮帮我吧,别让我们的狗互相撕咬受伤!牛津搭配〔kick〕He got his kicks from inflicting pain on others.他以给别人造成痛苦为乐。麦克米伦高阶〔loss〕Fighter planes inflicted heavy losses on the enemy.战斗机使敌人遭受重大伤亡。牛津搭配〔martyr〕To inflict great pain on; torment.使遭受巨大痛苦,折磨美国传统〔mar〕To inflict damage, especially disfiguring damage, on.损坏:对…实施破坏,尤指那种损坏外形的破坏美国传统〔nemesis〕One that inflicts retribution or vengeance.受到惩罚或报复的人美国传统〔pain〕He had no idea of the pain he had inflicted on her.他对自己给她造成的痛苦浑然不觉。麦克米伦高阶〔pain〕It's wrong to inflict pain on any animal.伤害任何动物都是不道德的。牛津搭配〔pain〕She hated the thought of anyone inflicting pain on an animal.她很不愿意想到有人虐待动物。朗文当代〔pain〕Through her drug addiction she had inflicted a lot of pain on the family.因吸毒上瘾,她给家庭带来了巨大的痛苦。牛津搭配〔plaster〕To inflict heavy damage or injury on.使遭殃:在…上遭受沉重的破坏或创伤美国传统〔punishing〕The punishing authority should be aware of all the details before inflicting punishment.执法机关在进行处罚前应该注意所有细节。外研社新世纪〔punishment〕It is unlawful for a teacher to inflict corporal punishment on students.教师对学生进行体罚是违法的。牛津搭配〔punish〕To inflict a penalty for (an offense).施加处罚:因为(冒犯)而施加惩罚美国传统〔punitive〕Inflicting or aiming to inflict punishment; punishing.惩罚性的或目的在于惩罚的;惩罚的美国传统〔punitory〕Inflicting or intended to inflict punishment.惩罚性的或目的在于惩罚的美国传统〔reprisal〕Forcible seizure of an enemy's goods or subjects in retaliation for injuries inflicted.报复性掳掠:为报复所受伤害而用武力对敌方物品的掠夺美国传统〔reprisal〕Retaliation for an injury with the intent of inflicting at least as much injury in return.报复:对所受的伤害带有以牙还牙意图的回报美国传统〔revenge〕To inflict punishment in return for (injury or insult).复仇,报复:作为对(伤害或侮辱)的回报所施加的惩罚美国传统〔scourge〕A means of inflicting severe suffering, vengeance, or punishment.鞭笞:一种严酷折磨、报复或者惩罚的方式美国传统〔scourge〕A whip used to inflict punishment.鞭:用于实施惩罚的鞭子美国传统〔sentence〕A court judgment, especially a judicial decision of the punishment to be inflicted on one adjudged guilty.判决:法庭的判决,尤其指对已判决有罪的人加以处罚的法院的刑罚决定美国传统〔shake〕She must have shaken the baby very violently to inflict such severe injuries.她肯定是把宝宝晃动得很厉害才造成这么严重的伤害。牛津搭配〔smite〕To inflict a heavy blow on, with or as if with the hand, a tool, or a weapon.重打,猛击:使用或似乎使用拳头、工具或武器重重地击打美国传统〔spare〕To refrain from inflicting harm; be merciful or lenient.宽恕:免于受伤害;仁慈或宽厚的美国传统〔stab〕A wound inflicted with or as if with a pointed weapon.用或似用带尖武器刺的伤口美国传统〔stab〕To inflict a wound with or as if with a pointed weapon.用或似用带尖的武器刺伤美国传统〔strike〕To inflict (a blow).使遭受(一击)美国传统〔strike〕To dart or shoot suddenly forward in an attempt to inflict a bite or wound. Used of snakes and wild animals.咬:突然冲上前试图咬或使受伤,用于蛇和野兽美国传统〔tarantula〕Any of various large, hairy, chiefly tropical spiders of the family Theraphosidae, capable of inflicting a painful but not seriously poisonous bite.鸟蛛:任一种主要生长在热带地区的鸟蛛科的大型且体表多毛的蜘蛛,人被这种蜘蛛咬后会觉得很痛,但并无剧毒美国传统〔threat〕An expression of an intention to inflict pain, injury, evil, or punishment.恶兆:将要遭受痛苦、伤害、害祸或惩罚的征象美国传统〔torment〕The torture inflicted on prisoners under interrogation.刑罚:在审问过程中对犯人施用的折磨美国传统〔torture〕An instrument or a method for inflicting such pain.刑具:造成这种痛苦的工具或手段美国传统〔vengeance〕Angry protesters wanted to inflict vengeance on the killer.愤怒的抗议者想要对杀人犯进行报复。韦氏高阶〔willingly〕Why would anyone willingly inflict pain upon themselves?为什么有人会自愿让自己遭受痛苦呢?外研社新世纪〔work〕Slang To inflict severe physical damage on; beat up.【俚语】 痛打:给予严重身体伤害;痛打美国传统〔wound〕To inflict wounds or a wound on.伤害:使在伤口上施加痛苦美国传统〔wreak〕To inflict (vengeance or punishment) upon a person.施行报复:对某人施以(报复或惩罚)美国传统He inflicted severe penalties on the prisoners. 他对囚犯施加苛刑。译典通His forearms were covered in slash marks which he had inflicted on himself in prison.他的前臂布满了他在监狱时自己砍伤自己的瘢疤。剑桥国际I wish he wouldn't keep inflicting his views on me! 我希望他不要总是将他的意见强加于我!剑桥国际Psychologists were astounded to discover that volunteers in the experiment were often willing to inflict pain on others if they were told to.心理学家惊奇地发现,志愿参加实验者在受到指示时,竟往往很乐意将痛苦施加于他人。剑桥国际The suffering inflicted on these children is terrible to see.这些孩子遭受的苦难是不忍目睹的。剑桥国际The typhoon inflicted severe damage on the island. 台风给岛上造成重大损失。译典通The vast majority of people who enjoy SM fantasies do not inflict real pain on each other.大多数喜欢施虐受虐幻想的人并不真正互相加害。剑桥国际This weapon is capable of inflicting massive military and civilian casualties.这种武器可以造成大规模的军事及贫民伤亡。剑桥国际




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