

单词 inflection
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Esperanto〕An artificial international language with a vocabulary based on word roots common to many European languages and a regularized system of inflection.世界语:一种人造的国际辅助语,其单词是建立在许多欧洲语言基础上,具有规定统一的音调变化系统美国传统〔absolutive〕An absolutive inflection.主动格屈折变化美国传统〔accidence〕The section of morphology that deals with the inflections of words.词形变化,词法:词法学中处理词的词形变化部分美国传统〔cadence〕A falling inflection of the voice, as at the end of a sentence.声音降落,降句调:发音时下降的音调美国传统〔cadence〕General inflection or modulation of the voice.抑扬:声音的一般性的起伏与变化美国传统〔case〕A pattern of inflection of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives to express different syntactic functions in a sentence.词形变化形式:名词、代词和形容词在一个句子中表示不同的句法功能的词形屈折变化的形式美国传统〔comparison〕Grammar The modification or inflection of an adjective or adverb to denote the positive, comparative, and superlative degrees.【语法】 词尾变化:形容词或副词的修改或词尾变化,以表示原级、比较级和最高级美国传统〔conjugation〕The inflection of a particular verb.某一特定动词的变形美国传统〔critical point〕A maximum, minimum, or point of inflection of a curve.临界点:某条曲线的最大、最小或回折点美国传统〔critical〕Mathematics Of or relating to a point at which a curve has a maximum, minimum, or point of inflection.【数学】 临界的:属于或关系到曲线最大、最小或回折点的一个点的美国传统〔declension〕A class of words of one language with the same or a similar system of inflections, such as the first declension in Latin.词形变化中的一组静词:一种语言中的一类词,它们有相同或相似的词形变化系统,如拉丁语的第一词形变化美国传统〔declension〕In certain languages, the inflection of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives in categories such as case, number, and gender.词形变化:某些语言中,名词,代词和形容词在格,数和性等方面的词形变化美国传统〔desinence〕A grammatical ending; an inflection.词尾,后缀:语法的结尾;屈折变化美国传统〔ergative〕An ergative inflection.动者格屈折变化美国传统〔formative〕Linguistics Relating to the formation or inflection of words.【语言学】 造字的:与构词或词的屈折变化有关的美国传统〔grammar〕The system of inflections, syntax, and word formation of a language.语法,文法:一种语言的字尾变化,句法和单词构成的体系美国传统〔indeclinable〕Of, relating to, or being a word that lacks grammatical inflection though belonging to a form class whose members are usually inflected.无词形变化的:无语法形态变化的词或与其有关的,尽管通常该词所属类型的其他词都要发生语法形态的变化美国传统〔indeclinable〕Without grammatical inflection.无语法形态变化的美国传统〔inflection〕A pattern of forming paradigms, such as noun inflection or verb inflection.词形变化的规则:形成词形变化的种类,如名词屈折变化、动词屈折变化美国传统〔inflection〕English has fewer inflections than many other languages.英语的屈折成分比许多语言少。韦氏高阶〔inflection〕He concluded his statement in a voice which he strove to divest of a triumphant inflection.他竭力以不流露胜利喜悦的声调结束了他的发言。英汉大词典〔inflection〕He was speaking without inflection or expression.他用缺少抑扬变化的声调毫无表情地讲着话。英汉大词典〔inflection〕His voice was low and flat, with almost no inflection.他的嗓音低沉平淡,语调几乎没有什么变化。剑桥高阶〔inflection〕If you add the plural inflection "-s" to "dog" you get "dogs".在 dog 这个词后面加上复数的屈折成分 -s,就成为 dogs。剑桥高阶〔inflection〕Most English adjectives do not require inflection.大多数英语形容词没有屈折变化。韦氏高阶〔inflection〕She read the lines with an upward/rising inflection.她用上扬的语调念台词。韦氏高阶〔inflection〕She spoke with no inflection.她讲话没有语调变化。韦氏高阶〔inflection〕The man's voice was devoid of inflection.那人的声音缺少抑扬变化。外研社新世纪〔inflection〕The man's voice was devoid of inflection.那人的声音缺少抑扬变化。柯林斯高阶〔inflect〕Grammar To alter (a word) by inflection.【语法】 变化字尾:通过词尾变化改变(一词)美国传统〔inflect〕To be modified by inflection.以词尾变化改变美国传统〔modulation〕A change in stress, pitch, loudness, or tone of the voice; an inflection of the voice.变音:在语调、音高、音量或音调上的变化;声音的一种转调美国传统〔modulation〕An instance of such a change or an inflection.此种变化或转调的例子美国传统〔monotony〕Uniformity or lack of variation in pitch, intonation, or inflection.单调:音调、语调或音调抑扬变化上始终一致或缺少变化美国传统〔morphology〕Linguistics The study of the structure and form of words in language or a language, including inflection, derivation, and the formation of compounds.【语言学】 形态音位学:语言或某一语言中对于单词的结构和形式的研究,包括词尾变化、派生和合成词的构成美国传统〔number〕Grammar The indication, as by inflection, of the singularity or plurality of a linguistic form.【语法】 数:如通过屈折变化对语言形式单数或复数的标示美国传统〔person〕Any of the different forms or inflections expressing these distinctions.表示某人称的词形:表示这些区别的不同的形式或变化美国传统〔regular〕Grammar Conforming to the usual pattern of inflection, derivation, or word formation.【语法】 规则变化的:符合词尾变化、衍生词及构词正常规则的美国传统〔singsong〕A monotonously rising and falling inflection of the voice.平板的声调:嗓音单调地升降起伏美国传统〔singsong〕Monotonous in vocal inflection or rhythm.单调的:嗓音或节奏单调的美国传统〔such〕Children do not use inflections such as are used in mature adult speech.孩子们说话时的语调不像成年人那样抑扬顿挫。柯林斯高阶〔such〕Children do not use inflections such as are used in mature adult speech.孩子们说话的语调不像成年人那样抑扬顿挫。外研社新世纪〔tone〕To give a particular tone or inflection to.定调:给予一个确定的音调或声调美国传统〔upward〕Her words had an upward inflection.她的话语带着升调。英汉大词典His voice was low and flat, with almost no inflection.他的嗓音低而平,几乎没有语调的变化。剑桥国际Last spring we hit an inflection point.去年春天,我们达到拐点。牛津商务She uses her remarkable voice to create a wide range of accents, mannerisms and inflections in her one-woman show.她在自己的单人表演中用她出色的嗓音演出了多种腔调、风格和抑扬变化的语调。剑桥国际The software industry is at an inflection point.软件产业正处于拐点。牛津商务




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