

单词 achieving
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔STOP〕a problem that prevents you from achieving something 阻止你做成某事的问题朗文写作活用〔WAY〕a way of achieving success, happiness etc 得到成功、快乐等的方法朗文写作活用〔beam〕the beaming face of a 41-year-old man on the brink of achieving his dreams.即将实现自己梦想的41岁男人的笑脸柯林斯高阶〔dialogue〕achieving constructive dialogue with all political elements.同所有政治家进行了富有建设性的对话美国传统〔equality〕the task of achieving equality for gay men 为男同性恋者争取平等的这项任务牛津搭配〔fairness〕a way of achieving fairness to the accused 为被告求得公正的方法牛津搭配〔first〕the first step towards achieving a peace agreement 达成和平协议的第一步朗文当代〔giant〕a giant step towards achieving independence 朝着独立迈出的巨大的一步牛津高阶〔intimacy〕a means of achieving intimacy with another person.与别人建立亲密关系的途径柯林斯高阶〔intimacy〕a means of achieving intimacy with another person与他人亲近的方法外研社新世纪〔legitimate〕legitimate means for achieving success 取得成功的合法途径韦氏高阶〔means〕the means for achieving happiness 获得快乐的方法牛津搭配〔mean〕a means toward achieving social equality. 为实现社会均等而采取的手段 美国传统〔parity〕new methods of achieving economic parity 获得经济平等的新方法麦克米伦高阶〔practical〕a practical way of achieving greater efficiency 达到更高效率的切实有效的方法朗文当代〔reappraise〕reappraise the goals and the means for achieving them 重新估计目标以及达到这些目标的手段英汉大词典〔recommendation〕recommendations aimed at achieving a more equitable admissions policy 旨在实现更公正的录取政策而提出的建议牛津搭配〔repackage〕repackage the products with the aim of achieving greater eye appeal 为使装潢更具视觉吸引力而重新包装产品 英汉大词典〔resolution〕the likelihood of achieving a satisfactory resolution to the problem 妥善解决该问题的可能性牛津搭配〔teamwork〕achieving our success through effective teamwork 我们通过有效的团队合作取得成功牛津搭配achieving brand leadership in a highly competitive market 在竞争激烈的市场上获得品牌领袖的地位牛津商务achieving external equity in pay 在薪水方面实现外部公平牛津商务a strategy for achieving zero defects in construction 实现建筑工程零瑕疵的策略牛津商务the aim of achieving falling unemployment and low wage inflation 实现减少失业和降低工资膨胀的目标牛津商务the goal of achieving comparable worth for women 达到妇女同值同酬的目标牛津商务




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