

单词 law enforcement officer
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔battering ram〕A very heavy metal bar used by firefighters and law enforcement officers to break down walls and doors.破墙槌:一种非常沉重的金属槌,是救火人员和执法官员用来捣破墙和门而用的美国传统〔body shield〕Any of variously configured devices used to protect the body of a corrections or law enforcement officer, as in a riot.挡身盾牌:用于保护管教人员和法律执行人员在骚乱时的身体安全而配置的防护器具美国传统〔gangbuster〕A law enforcement officer who works to break up organized criminal groups.扫荡集团犯罪者:取缔有组织犯罪团体的法律执行官员美国传统〔marshal〕A city law enforcement officer in the United States who carries out court orders.市司法官:美国市法律执行官员,负责实施法庭命令美国传统〔narc〕A law enforcement officer who deals with narcotics violations.处理贩毒案件的法律执行官员美国传统〔peace officer〕A law enforcement officer, such as a sheriff, who is responsible for maintaining civil peace.治安官:法官,如市、县的行政司法长官,负责维持市民安全美国传统〔pickup〕Slang An arrest by a law enforcement officer.【俚语】 逮捕:由法律执行官员进行的逮捕美国传统〔pinch〕Slang An arrest by a law enforcement officer.【俚语】 逮捕:被执法人员捕获美国传统〔rubber bullet〕A hard rubber bullet for a riot gun used especially by military personnel and law enforcement officers in crowd control.橡皮子弹:短筒防暴枪里的硬橡胶子弹,军事人员和执法官员尤其用它来控制人群美国传统〔sheriff〕The chief law enforcement officer for the courts in a U.S. county.县治安官:美国县级法院的主要的法律执行官员美国传统




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