

单词 kill
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔DANGEROUS〕to do something that may hurt or kill you 做可能伤害你或导致你死亡的事朗文写作活用〔KILL〕able to kill you 足以致命的朗文写作活用〔KILL〕to kill an animal 杀死动物朗文写作活用〔KILL〕to kill someone 杀死某人朗文写作活用〔KILL〕to kill yourself 自杀朗文写作活用〔PUNISH〕kill someone as a punishment 处决某人朗文写作活用〔affirm〕affirm life by refusing to kill 以拒绝杀生来维护生灵英汉大词典〔bare〕fight and kill sb. with (one's) bare hands 徒手与某人殴斗并把他杀死英汉大词典〔calf〕a time to kill the fatted calf, crack open a few bottles, have a dance, and get sloshed设宴欢庆、开几瓶酒、尽情跳舞然后一醉方休的时光外研社新世纪〔cold〕to kill sb in cold blood 残忍地杀害某人牛津高阶〔complicity〕her complicity in a plot to kill the president 她参与到刺杀总统的密谋中牛津搭配〔disable〕a disease that can kill or disable the young 会使年轻人丧命或留下残疾的疾病麦克米伦高阶〔end〕kill no end of people 杀人如麻 英汉大词典〔fit〕be dressed up fit to kill 盛装打扮英汉大词典〔fly〕a new spray to kill flies and mosquitoes 消灭蚊蝇的新型喷剂麦克米伦高阶〔kill〕kill a bottle of brandy.喝光一瓶白兰地美国传统〔kill〕kill a congressional bill.否决一项国会议案美国传统〔kill〕kill a newspaper story 将一则新闻搁置不用英汉大词典〔kill〕kill capabilities 杀伤力英汉大词典〔kill〕kill odour 消除臭气英汉大词典〔kill〕kill off a few leisure hours in the park 在公园里消磨掉几小时的空闲时间 英汉大词典〔kill〕kill off sb.'s interest 使某人兴味索然英汉大词典〔kill〕kill range; kill probability.射杀范围;杀伤率美国传统〔kill〕a disease that can kill 致命的疾病韦氏高阶〔kill〕a measure designed to kill or cure.孤注一掷的措施 英汉大词典〔kill〕a plentiful kill 大量猎获物英汉大词典〔kill〕be indicted for a kill in the downtown of the city 因在市中心区杀人而被提起公诉英汉大词典〔kill〕lions feeding on their kill 正在吃猎物的狮子牛津高阶〔kill〕politicians on the kill in an election year 在竞选年中为达到目的而不择手段的政客们 英汉大词典〔kill〕taking drugs to kill the pain 吃药止痛韦氏高阶〔kill〕the excitement of the kill 捕杀猎物的快感麦克米伦高阶〔kill〕the worst fish kill in recorded history 有历史记载以来最严重的鱼难牛津搭配〔kill〕to kill a rumour 平息谣言牛津高阶〔kill〕to kill one's appetite倒胃口21世纪英汉〔kill〕to kill the animal for food宰杀动物为食21世纪英汉〔kill〕to kill the light关闭电灯21世纪英汉〔kill〕to kill the pain止痛21世纪英汉〔kill〕use morphine to kill the pain 用吗啡止痛英汉大词典〔kill〕vultures sensing a fresh kill 察觉到新鲜猎物的秃鹫牛津搭配〔knowingly〕knowingly kill 蓄意杀人文馨英汉〔latch onto〕antibodies that latch onto the virus and kill it依附于病毒并将其杀死的抗体外研社新世纪〔note〕a suicide note (=a note telling someone that you are going to kill yourself) 绝命书朗文当代〔off〕kill off the mice.杀光老鼠美国传统〔outright〕kill sb. outright 当场把某人杀死英汉大词典〔pact〕a suicide pact(= an agreement by two or more people to kill themselves at the same time) 自杀协议(两人或多人约定同时自杀)牛津高阶〔poison〕a box of rat poison (=poison to kill rats) 一盒鼠药朗文当代〔prey〕birds of prey(= birds that kill for food) 猛禽牛津高阶〔repeated〕repeated attempts to kill him 再三企图杀害他朗文当代〔self-defense〕kill a person in self-defense 因正当防卫而杀人文馨英汉〔side effect〕the harmful side effects of using chemicals to kill insects 使用化学药剂杀虫的有害负效应韦氏高阶〔spray〕a can of insect spray(= used to kill insects) 一罐喷雾杀虫剂牛津高阶〔tormentor〕cases where women subjected to years of brutality lose control and kill their tormentors.一些多年遭受暴力的女性最终失控杀死折磨她们的人的案例柯林斯高阶〔treat〕to treat food to kill germs.把食物处理以杀细菌。牛津同义词〔weapon〕weapons of mass destruction(=weapons that can kill a very large number of people) 大规模杀伤性武器麦克米伦高阶〔wholesale〕kill each other wholesale 不分青红皂白地互相残杀英汉大词典〔wholesale〕kill off the pests by wholesale 大量消灭害虫英汉大词典〔wholesale〕a government which kills wholesale and guerrillas who kill selectively.实行大规模杀戮的政府和有选择地杀人的游击队柯林斯高阶〔wholesale〕a government which kills wholesale and guerrillas who kill selectively实行大规模杀戮的政府和有选择地杀人的游击队外研社新世纪〔wound〕intend only to wound, not to kill 只打算打伤而不是打死英汉大词典〔zone〕the kill zone (埋有地雷等的)杀伤区英汉大词典




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