

单词 inflammation
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Hashimoto's disease〕An autoimmune disorder marked by goiter, chronic inflammation of the thyroid, and often hypothyroidism.桥本氏病,慢性甲状腺炎:某种以甲状腺肿大、慢性甲状腺感染、及常常导致甲状腺机能减退等为特征的自我免疫失调症美国传统〔Riggs' disease〕Inflammation of the tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth.里格斯氏病,牙周炎:围绕或支持牙齿组织的发炎美国传统〔Tietze's syndrome〕Inflammation of the cartilage of the rib cage, causing pain in the chest similar to angina pectoris.蒂策综合症:一种引起类似心绞痛的胁骨区软骨发炎美国传统〔adenitis〕Inflammation of a lymph node or gland.淋巴腺炎:淋巴结或淋巴腺的炎症美国传统〔analgesic〕Aloe may have an analgesic effect on inflammation and minor skin irritations.芦荟可能对发炎以及轻微的皮肤炎症具有镇痛作用。柯林斯高阶〔anti-inflammatory〕Preventing or reducing inflammation.消炎的:预防或减轻发炎症状的美国传统〔antiphlogistic〕Reducing inflammation or fever; anti-inflammatory.消炎的:减轻炎症或高烧的;抗发炎的美国传统〔appendicitis〕Inflammation of the vermiform appendix.阑尾炎美国传统〔arteritis〕Inflammation of an artery.动脉炎美国传统〔arthritis〕Inflammation of a joint or joints resulting in pain and swelling.关节炎:由于一组或多组关节发炎而导致的疼痛和肿胀美国传统〔articular〕Inflammation can limit joint function, and destroy bone, cartilage, and other articular structures.发炎可能限制关节功能并损伤骨骼、软骨和其他关节组织。剑桥高阶〔barley water〕Drink barley water to soothe inflammation.喝点大麦水舒缓一下炎症。外研社新世纪〔blepharitis〕Inflammation of the eyelids.眼睑炎:眼睑发炎美国传统〔brain fever〕Inflammation of the brain or meninges, as in encephalitis or meningitis.脑(膜)炎:大脑或脑膜的炎症、如脑炎或脑膜炎美国传统〔bronchitis〕A disease marked by this inflammation.支气管炎:以这种感染为特征的疾病美国传统〔bronchitis〕Chronic or acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tubes.支气管感染:支气管粘膜的慢性或急性感染美国传统〔bronchopneumonia〕A pneumonia involving inflammation of the lungs that spreads from and after infection of the bronchi.支气管肺炎:由于支气管感染扩散而导致肺部感染的肺炎美国传统〔bursitis〕Inflammation of a bursa, especially in the shoulder, elbow, or knee joint.滑囊炎:滑囊的炎症,尤其指肩、肘或膝关节的液囊炎症美国传统〔canker〕An inflammation or infection of the ear and auditory canal, especially in dogs and cats.动物的中耳发炎:耳和耳道的发炎或感染,尤指在狗或猫的感染美国传统〔canthitis〕Inflammation of the canthus.角膜炎美国传统〔carditis〕Inflammation of the muscle tissue of the heart.心(脏)炎:心肌组织的炎症美国传统〔catarrh〕Inflammation of mucous membranes, especially of the nose and throat.黏膜炎:黏膜的发炎,尤指鼻子和喉咙的黏膜发炎美国传统〔cellulitis〕A spreading inflammation of subcutaneous or connective tissue.蜂窝织炎:一种皮下组织或相连组织的扩散性发炎美国传统〔cerebrospinal meningitis〕Inflammation of the meninges of both the brain and the spinal cord.脑脊髓膜炎:脑和脊髓的脑(脊)膜发炎美国传统〔cervicitis〕Inflammation of the cervix of the uterus.子宫颈炎美国传统〔chemokine〕Any of various cytokines produced in acute and chronic inflammation that mobilize and activate white blood cells.趋化激素:由急性和慢性炎症所产生的任一种细胞激素,能趋动并活化白血球美国传统〔chilblain〕An inflammation followed by itchy irritation on the hands, feet, or ears, resulting from exposure to moist cold.冻疮:因暴露在寒冷潮气中而引起生于手、脚或耳朵上的一种炎症,伴有痒和疼痛美国传统〔cholecystitis〕Inflammation of the gallbladder.胆囊炎美国传统〔cirrhosis〕Chronic interstitial inflammation of any tissue or organ.硬化,硬变:任何组织或器官的慢性间质炎症美国传统〔conjunctivitis〕Inflammation of the conjunctiva, characterized by redness and often accompanied by a discharge.结膜炎:结膜发炎,症状是出现红肿并伴有眼泪美国传统〔contact dermatitis〕An acute or chronic skin inflammation resulting from contact with an irritating substance or allergen.接触性皮炎:一种由于与刺激性物质或变就原相接触而引起的急性或慢性皮肤炎症美国传统〔corneitis〕Inflammation of the cornea.角膜炎:眼角膜的炎症美国传统〔counterirritant〕An agent that induces local inflammation to relieve inflammation in underlying or adjacent tissues.对抗刺激剂:用导致局部发炎来减轻体内较深部位或附近组织的发炎的药剂美国传统〔coxitis〕Inflammation of the hip joint.髋关节炎:髋关节的发炎美国传统〔cystitis〕Inflammation of the urinary bladder.膀胱炎:泌尿膀胱的发炎美国传统〔dermatitis〕Inflammation of the skin.皮炎:皮肤炎症美国传统〔dermatosis〕A skin disease, especially one that is not accompanied by inflammation.皮肤炎:一种皮肤病,尤指那种不会伴有炎症的皮肤病美国传统〔diverticulitis〕Inflammation of a diverticulum or of diverticula in the intestinal tract, causing fecal stagnation and pain.憩室炎:憩室炎或肠道憩室炎,引起粪便积滞和疼痛美国传统〔encephalitis〕Inflammation of the brain.脑炎:大脑的炎症美国传统〔encephalomyelitis〕Inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.脑脊髓炎美国传统〔endarteritis〕Inflammation of the inner lining of an artery.动脉内膜炎:动脉内层膜的炎症美国传统〔endocarditis〕Inflammation of the endocardium.心内膜炎:心内膜的炎症美国传统〔enteritis〕Inflammation of the intestinal tract, especially of the small intestine.肠炎:肠道发炎,尤其是小肠美国传统〔enterocolitis〕Inflammation of both the small intestine and the colon.小肠结肠炎:小肠与结肠同时发炎美国传统〔epicondyle〕Inflammation of the epicondyle of the radius caused by overuse of the forearm is sometimes called tennis elbow.因为前臂的过度使用而引起的桡骨上髁发炎有时被称为网球肘。剑桥高阶〔epicondylitis〕An inflammation of an epicondyle or of the tissues adjacent to it.上髁炎:上髁或临近组织发炎美国传统〔erythema〕Redness of the skin caused by dilatation and congestion of the capillaries, often a sign of inflammation or infection.红斑:由毛细血管的膨胀和充血导致,通常是发炎或感染的信号美国传统〔fever〕Inflammation is frequently accompanied by fever.炎症常常伴有发烧。牛津搭配〔fire〕A fever or bodily inflammation.发烧或身体发炎美国传统〔folliculitis〕Inflammation of a follicle, especially of a hair follicle.毛囊炎:小囊尤其是毛囊的炎症美国传统〔gastritis〕Chronic or acute inflammation of the stomach, especially of the mucous membrane of the stomach.胃炎:慢性或急性的胃的炎症,尤其指胃粘膜的炎症美国传统〔gastroenteritis〕Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.胃肠炎:胃粘膜和肠的炎症美国传统〔gingivitis〕Inflammation of the gums, characterized by redness and swelling.龈炎:龈组织的炎症,特征是又红又肿美国传统〔gleet〕Inflammation of the urethra resulting from chronic gonorrhea and characterized by a mucopurulent discharge.慢性淋病性尿道炎:慢性淋病性尿道炎,症状为排出粘膜液体美国传统〔gleet〕The discharge that is characteristic of this inflammation.粘膜液体排出物:具有这种炎症特征的排出物美国传统〔glomerulonephritis〕A form of nephritis characterized by inflammation of the renal glomeruli.肾小球性肾炎:肾炎的一种,以肾脏小球腺部位发炎为特征美国传统〔glossitis〕Inflammation of the tongue.舌炎:舌的炎症美国传统〔hepatitis〕Inflammation of the liver, caused by infectious or toxic agents and characterized by jaundice, fever, liver enlargement, and abdominal pain.肝炎:肝部发炎,由传染性或有毒性因素引起。症状为黄疸、发烧、肝部肿大和腹疼美国传统〔ileitis〕Inflammation of the ileum.回肠炎:回肠部位发生的炎症美国传统〔inflame〕To be affected by inflammation.发炎:受发炎影响美国传统〔inflame〕To produce inflammation in (a tissue or an organ).使发炎:使(组织或器官)发炎美国传统〔inflammation〕Aspirin reduces pain and inflammation.阿司匹林可缓解疼痛和炎症。剑桥高阶〔inflammation〕Steroids often help reduce the inflammation and itching in the skin.类固醇常常有助于减轻炎症和皮肤瘙痒。牛津搭配〔inflammation〕The drug can cause inflammation of the liver.该药会引起肝脏炎症。柯林斯高阶〔inflammation〕The drug can cause inflammation of the liver.这种药物会引起肝脏炎症。外研社新世纪〔inflammation〕The drug is used to reduce inflammation.这种药用于消炎。韦氏高阶〔inflammatory〕Characterized or caused by inflammation.炎性的,发炎的:以发炎为特征的,由发炎引起的美国传统〔inguinal〕Inflammation of the inguinal nodes can be often linked to cancers in the genital tract or anal canal.腹股沟淋巴结发炎通常可以与生殖器道和肛管癌症联系起来。剑桥高阶〔inhibition〕The therapy provides inhibition of inflammation.这种治疗抑制了发炎。剑桥高阶〔iritis〕Inflammation of the iris of the eye.虹膜炎:虹膜的感染发炎美国传统〔irritation〕Pathology A condition of inflammation, soreness, or irritability of a bodily organ or part.【病理学】 发炎,疼痛,或过敏:身体某个器官或部位发炎,疼痛,或过敏等状况美国传统〔irritation〕This is an irritation and inflammation of the edge of the eyelid.这是眼睑边缘红肿发炎的症状。柯林斯高阶〔itchiness〕The chemical causes itchiness and inflammation if it gets on your skin.这种化学品如果弄到皮肤上,会造成瘙痒和发炎。韦氏高阶〔keratitis〕Inflammation of the cornea.角膜炎:角膜发炎美国传统〔laryngitis〕Inflammation of the larynx.喉炎美国传统〔leukocytosis〕An abnormally large increase in the number of white blood cells in the blood, often occurring during an acute infection or inflammation.白血球增多:血液中白血球数量不正常地大量增多,经常出现于急性感染或炎症美国传统〔liable〕Steroids are used to reduce the inflammation, which makes the muscles of the airways liable to constriction.类固醇用于消除可能导致气道肌肉收缩的炎症。柯林斯高阶〔lymphadenitis〕Inflammation of one or more lymph nodes.淋巴结炎:一个或多个淋巴结发生的炎症美国传统〔lymphocytosis〕A condition marked by an abnormal increase in the number of lymphocytes in the bloodstream, usually resulting from infection or inflammation.淋巴结胞增多症:一种以血液内淋巴细胞异常增多为特征的症状,一般是感染或发炎导致的美国传统〔mastitis〕Inflammation of the breast or udder.乳房炎,乳腺炎美国传统〔mastoiditis〕Inflammation of the mastoid process and mastoid cells.乳突炎,乳突小房炎美国传统〔meningoencephalitis〕Inflammation of the brain and meninges.脑膜脑炎:脑子和脑膜的炎症美国传统〔mesenteritis〕Inflammation of the mesentery.肠系膜炎症美国传统〔metritis〕Inflammation of the uterus.子宫炎美国传统〔milk leg〕A painful swelling of the leg occurring in women after childbirth as a result of clotting and inflammation of the femoral veins.乳色腿:妇女产后腿部出现的疼痛浮肿,由股静脉充血和发炎引起美国传统〔myelitis〕Inflammation of the spinal column.脊髓炎:脊髓的炎症美国传统〔myocarditis〕Inflammation of the myocardium.心肌炎:心肌层的炎症美国传统〔myositis〕Inflammation of a muscle, especially a voluntary muscle, characterized by pain, tenderness, and sometimes spasm in the affected area.肌炎:肌肉的炎症,尤指随意肌,症状是感染区的疼痛、敏感和有时痉挛美国传统〔nephritis〕Any of various acute or chronic inflammations of the kidneys, such as Bright's disease.肾炎:任何一种肾脏的急性或慢性炎症,如肾小球性肾炎美国传统〔neuritis〕Inflammation of a nerve or group of nerves, characterized by pain, loss of reflexes, and atrophy of the affected muscles.神经炎:神经或神经组的一种炎症,其表现为疼痛、失去反应、受伤肌肉萎缩美国传统〔ophthalmia〕Inflammation of the eye, especially of the conjunctiva.眼炎,尤指结膜炎美国传统〔ophthalmitis〕Inflammation of the eye.眼炎:眼睛的发炎美国传统〔orchitis〕Inflammation of one or both of the testes, often occurring as a result of mumps or other infection, trauma, or metastasis.睪丸炎:单一或两颗睪丸发炎,通常由于腮腺炎或其它感染、外伤或癌细胞转移美国传统〔osteitis〕Inflammation of bone or bony tissue.骨炎:骨或骨状组织的发炎美国传统〔osteomyelitis〕Inflammation of bone and bone marrow.骨髓炎:骨和骨髓的炎症美国传统〔otitis media〕Inflammation of the middle ear, occurring commonly in children as a result of infection and often causing pain and temporary hearing loss.中耳炎:中耳炎症,在儿童中发病率较高,由感染引起且经常引起疼痛和短暂性耳聋美国传统〔otitis〕Inflammation of the ear.耳炎美国传统〔palliate〕The drugs palliate pain but have no effect on inflammation.这些药品可减轻痛苦但对炎症没有效果。剑桥高阶〔pancreatitis〕Inflammation of the pancreas.胰腺炎:胰腺的炎症美国传统〔paronychia〕Inflammation of the tissue surrounding a nail.甲沟炎:指甲周围组织的发炎美国传统〔parotitis〕Inflammation of the parotid glands, as in mumps.腮腺炎:腮腺肿大,如腮腺炎美国传统〔pericarditis〕Inflammation of the pericardium.心包炎美国传统〔periostitis〕Inflammation of the periosteum.骨膜炎:骨膜炎症美国传统〔peritonitis〕Inflammation of the peritoneum.腹膜炎美国传统〔pharyngitis〕Inflammation of the pharynx.咽炎:咽的炎症美国传统〔phenomenon〕Fever and inflammation are phenomena of disease.发烧和炎症是疾病的症状。英汉大词典〔phlebitis〕Inflammation of a vein.静脉炎:静脉的炎症美国传统〔phlogistic〕Medicine Of, relating to, or inducing inflammation or fever; inflammatory.【医学】 炎症的:炎的,有关炎症的,引起炎症或发烧的;炎性的美国传统〔phrenitis〕Inflammation of the diaphragm.膈炎:膈的发炎美国传统〔pleuropneumonia〕Inflammation of the pleura and lungs; pneumonia aggravated by pleurisy.胸膜肺炎:胸膜和肺部发炎;由胸膜炎恶化的肺炎美国传统〔pleuropneumonia〕An infectious febrile disease of cattle, caused by a mycoplasma and characterized by inflammation of the pleura and lungs.牛胸膜肺炎:由支原菌引起的牛传染性发烧的炎症,症状为胸膜和肺部发炎美国传统〔pneumonitis〕Inflammation of lung tissue.局部急性肺炎:肺部组织的炎症美国传统〔proctitis〕Inflammation of the rectum or anus.直肠炎:肛门或直肠的炎症美国传统〔prostatitis〕Inflammation of the prostate gland.前列腺炎:前列腺的炎症美国传统〔pyelitis〕Acute inflammation of the pelvis of the kidney, caused by bacterial infection.肾盂炎:由细菌感染引起的肾盂的严重发炎美国传统〔pyelonephritis〕Inflammation of the kidney and its pelvis, caused by bacterial infection.肾盂肾炎:由细菌感染所引起的肾部以及相应的骨盆组织的发炎美国传统〔pyorrhea〕Purulent inflammation of the gums and tooth sockets, often leading to loosening of the teeth.牙槽脓溢:牙龈和牙床的化脓性发炎,经常导致牙齿的松动美国传统〔quinsy〕Acute inflammation of the tonsils and the surrounding tissue, often leading to the formation of an abscess.扁桃体周围脓肿:扁桃体及其周围组织所患的急性炎症,通常导致脓肿的形成美国传统〔razor bump〕A small swelling that develops when the sharpened point of a razor-cut hair shaft grows back into the skin, sometimes resulting in inflammation and infection.剃刀突块:当被刮胡刀刮过的毛杆的削尖点,又开始长出皮肤时,所产生的小突起,有时候会引起发炎和感染美国传统〔resolution〕Medicine The subsiding or termination of an abnormal condition, such as a fever or an inflammation.【医学】 消退:异常情况(如发烧或炎症)的消退或终止美国传统〔resolvent〕A resolvent substance, especially a medicine that reduces inflammation or swelling.消散药:有消散能力的物质,尤指消减炎症或肿胀的药品美国传统〔resolve〕Medicine To cause reduction of (an inflammation, for example).【医学】 减轻,使消退:使(例如炎症)减退美国传统〔resolve〕The inflammation resolved without suppuration.炎症没有化脓就消退了。英汉大词典〔retinitis〕Inflammation of the retina.视网膜炎症美国传统〔revulsion〕Medicine Counterirritation used to reduce inflammation or increase the blood supply to the affected area.【医学】 诱导法:用以减少炎症或增加感染区的血液供应的对抗刺激美国传统〔rheumatoid arthritis〕A chronic disease marked by stiffness and inflammation of the joints, weakness, loss of mobility, and deformity.类风湿性关节炎:一种慢性疾病,症状为关节僵硬及发炎、脆弱、丧失可动性及畸形美国传统〔rhinitis〕Inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes.鼻炎:鼻粘膜炎症美国传统〔rhinopharyngitis〕Inflammation of the nasal and pharyngeal mucous membranes.鼻咽炎:鼻及咽粘膜的炎症美国传统〔roup〕An infectious disease of poultry and pigeons characterized by inflammation of and mucous discharge from the mouth and eyes.鸟痘,家禽白喉:一种家禽和鸽子得的嘴和眼睛肿大并流出粘液的传染病美国传统〔salpingitis〕Inflammation of the fallopian or eustachian tube.输卵管炎或咽鼓管炎美国传统〔scleritis〕Inflammation of the sclera.巩膜炎美国传统〔serositis〕Inflammation of a serous membrane.浆膜炎:浆膜发炎美国传统〔serous〕Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum, the serous membrane which lines part of the abdominal cavity.腹膜炎是腹膜,也就是部分包裹腹腔的血清膜发生的炎症。剑桥高阶〔shin splints〕Any of various painful conditions of the shins caused by inflammation of the surrounding muscles, frequently occurring among joggers and runners.外胫炎:各种由周围肌肉发炎而引起的胫部疼痛中的任何一种,在慢跑者和赛跑运动员中较为常见美国传统〔sialadenitis〕Inflammation of a salivary gland.唾液腺发炎美国传统〔siderosis〕Chronic inflammation of the lungs caused by excessive inhalation of dust containing iron salts or particles.肺铁末沉着病,铁尘肺:由于过度吸入含铁盐铁或颗粒的粉尘而引起的慢性肺部炎症美国传统〔signal〕Inflammation is a signal of infection.发炎是感染的信号。韦氏高阶〔sinusitis〕Inflammation of the sinuses or a sinus, especially in the nasal region.窦炎:一个或多个窦的发炎,尤指鼻窦炎美国传统〔slough〕Medicine A layer or mass of dead tissue separated from surrounding living tissue, as in a wound, a sore, or an inflammation.【医学】 死肉:(伤口、溃疡或感染处)从周围活着的组织上分离出来的一层或一块死亡的组织美国传统〔sore throat〕Any of various inflammations of the tonsils, pharynx, or larynx characterized by pain in swallowing.咽喉痛:扁桃体、咽或喉的一种炎症,特征是吞咽时发生痛疼美国传统〔spondylitis〕Inflammation of the vertebrae.(医)脊椎炎:脊椎的炎症美国传统〔stomatitis〕Inflammation of the mucous tissue of the mouth.口腔炎:口腔中分泌粘液的组织的发炎美国传统〔sty〕Inflammation of one or more sebaceous glands of an eyelid.睑腺突,麦粒肿:眼睑上一个或多个皮脂腺的突美国传统〔sunburn〕Inflammation or blistering of the skin caused by overexposure to direct sunlight.晒斑,晒伤:因过度地接受太阳直射而引起的皮肤红肿或起泡美国传统〔swell〕Your arm has swollen by inflammation.你的手臂因感染已肿起来了。21世纪英汉〔sycosis〕A chronic inflammation of the hair follicles, especially of the beard, characterized by eruption of pimples and nodules.疮:毛发囊的慢性炎症,尤指胡须处的,症状为发丘疹与长小瘤美国传统〔synovitis〕Inflammation of a synovial membrane.滑膜炎:分泌滑液的粘膜的发炎美国传统〔tendinitis〕Inflammation of a tendon.腱炎:肌腱发炎美国传统〔tennis elbow〕A painful inflammation of the tissue surrounding the elbow, caused by strain from playing tennis and other sports.网球员肘病:由于进行网球或其它运动造成的拉伤而引起的肘部周围组织有痛感的炎症美国传统〔tenosynovitis〕Inflammation of a tendon sheath.腱鞘炎:肌腱的腱鞘发炎美国传统〔thoracolumbar〕The inflammation associated with this disease can lead to decreased spinal extension, particularly in the thoracolumbar junction.与这一疾病相关的炎症可能会导致脊椎,特别是胸腰部脊椎,伸张程度减弱。剑桥高阶〔thrombophlebitis〕Inflammation of a vein caused by or associated with the formation of a blood clot.血栓性静脉炎:由血栓形成引起或与血栓有关的静脉感染美国传统〔thyroiditis〕Inflammation of the thyroid gland.甲状腺炎:甲状腺发炎美国传统〔tonsillitis〕Inflammation of the tonsils.扁桃体炎美国传统〔tracheitis〕Inflammation of the trachea.气管炎:气管的炎症美国传统〔tylosis〕Inflammation of the eyelids, characterized by thickening and hardening of the edges.眼皮的发炎,其特征是边缘的变厚和变硬美国传统〔tympanitis〕Inflammation of the inner ear.中耳炎:内耳的发炎美国传统〔typhlitis〕Inflammation of the cecum of the large intestine.盲肠炎:大肠的盲端发炎美国传统〔typify〕Meningitis is typified by inflammation of the brain.以某物为典型部分(或特征)麦克米伦高阶〔urethritis〕Inflammation of the urethra.尿道炎美国传统〔uveitis〕Inflammation of the uvea.葡萄膜炎美国传统〔uvulitis〕Inflammation of the uvula.悬雍垂炎:悬雍垂的发炎美国传统〔valvulitis〕Inflammation of a valve, especially a cardiac valve.瓣炎:瓣炎,尤指心瓣炎美国传统〔vasculitis〕Inflammation of a vessel of the body.脉管炎:身体的脉管感染美国传统〔vulvitis〕Inflammation of the vulva.外阴炎:外阴部发炎美国传统〔vulvovaginitis〕Inflammation of the vulva and vagina.外阴阴道炎:外阴和阴道发炎美国传统Many babies develop a mild inflammation in the eyes a few days after birth. 许多婴孩出生几天以后眼睛会有轻微的发炎。译典通




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