

单词 irregularity
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔X-ray〕The X-ray showed a slight irregularity in one lung.X光照片显示有一叶肺有点不正常。剑桥高阶〔arrhythmia〕An irregularity in the force or rhythm of the heartbeat.心律失常:不规则的心跳强度或节奏美国传统〔bias〕A weight or irregularity in a ball that causes it to swerve, as in lawn bowling.斜路线:如在草地保龄球等运动中导致球转弯的球重或不规则路线美国传统〔congenital〕The irregularity in my backbone is probably congenital.我的脊椎畸形很有可能是先天的。韦氏高阶〔continuous〕Mathematics Of or relating to a line or curve that extends without a break or irregularity.【数学】 连续的:没有中断或不规则变化地延伸直线或曲线的,或与之有关的美国传统〔irregularity〕Even the slightest surface irregularity will show.即使是表面上最轻微的不平整都会显现出来。麦克米伦高阶〔irregularity〕He is suffering from irregularity.他患有便秘。韦氏高阶〔irregularity〕Investigators found no evidence of financial irregularity.调查人员没有发现金融违规行为的证据。牛津搭配〔irregularity〕Judges cannot permit irregularity in carrying out justice.法官不允许在执法时不统一。英汉大词典〔irregularity〕The irregularity of (= the lack of rules for) English spelling means that it is easy to make mistakes.英语拼写没有规律可循意味着很容易拼错。剑桥高阶〔irregularity〕The paint will cover any irregularity in the surface of the walls.油漆会遮盖住墙壁上任何不平整的地方。牛津高阶〔irregularity〕The west of the island is famous for the irregularity of its coastline.岛的西部因其曲折的海岸线而著名。剑桥高阶〔limp〕To walk lamely, especially with irregularity, as if favoring one leg.跛行:尤指不规则地一瘸一拐地走,犹如偏重用一条腿美国传统〔ruffle〕An irregularity or a slight disturbance of a surface.起皱:表面上的不规则或轻微波动;起伏不平美国传统〔tumultuary〕Marked by haste, confusion, disorder, and irregularity.草率的,混乱的:具有仓促、混乱、无秩序或不规则的特点的美国传统After three years we had got used to the irregularity of her visits.三年以后,我们习惯了她来访的无规律性。剑桥国际It is a slight irregularity in the motion of the Moon which makes it look as if it is wobbling.是月亮运动的轻微不规则使其看起来像在摇摆。剑桥国际The irregularity of (=The lack of rules for) English spelling means that it is easy to make mistakes.英语拼写缺乏规则意味着很容易犯错误。剑桥国际The X-ray showed a slight irregularity in one of the heart's valves. X 光照片显示出心脏的一个瓣膜中有些轻微的不正常。剑桥国际The west of the island is famous for the irregularity of its coastline.岛的西部因其曲折的海岸线而著名。剑桥国际We can't use the lens in the camera if it has even a single irregularity.即使这个镜头只有一点不平整,我们也不能将其用在照相机里。剑桥国际




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