

单词 join in with
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SING〕Everyone joined in with the singing. 大家都跟着一起唱起来。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕As a child, I was too shy to join in with the other children's games. 小时候我太害羞,不敢加入其他小孩玩的游戏。朗文写作活用〔consonant〕Consonant voices join in with the member of the congregation who shouts 'Hallelujah!'.教会会友高喊“哈利路亚”, 引来其他人的随声附和。外研社新世纪〔join in (sth)〕At the end of this verse, we'd like everyone to join in with the chorus.这段末尾处我们希望大家一起合唱。剑桥高阶〔join in with〕My aunt asked me to join in with her on her holidays abroad.我姨妈请我跟她一起去国外度假。21世纪英汉〔join〕Everyone joined in with the singing.所有人都一块儿唱起了歌。牛津搭配〔join〕I decided to join in with him to take the risk.我决定与他共担风险。21世纪英汉〔join〕I wish he would join in with the other children.但愿他能和其他孩子一起玩。牛津搭配〔join〕I wish he would join in with the other children.但愿他能跟别的孩子一块玩。牛津高阶〔join〕My aunt and uncle asked me to join in with them on their holiday abroad.我姨妈和姨夫请我跟他们一起去国外度假。英汉大词典〔join〕We may have to join in with the other college in building the library.我们可能不得不与另一个学院合资建造图书馆。英汉大词典At the end of this verse, we'd like everyone to join in with the chorus.在这首歌的末尾我们希望每个人都加入合唱。剑桥国际The band played the first few bars, and then everyone joined in with the singing.乐队演奏了开头几小节,然后大家都加入了演唱。剑桥国际They have spent six months organising the carnival, and thousands of people are expected to join in with the jollifications.他们花了6个月的时间组织这次狂欢节,预计有几千人参加欢庆活动。剑桥国际




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