

单词 instruments
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Dobro〕A trademark used for stringed musical instruments, specifically guitars and banjos.多拨柔:尤见于吉他和班卓琴的一种弦乐器商标名美国传统〔HELP〕The dentist had her assistant sterilise the instruments. 那位牙医请助手给器械消毒。朗文写作活用〔Hancock〕American musician and composer of jazz and popular music. He is noted for his work with piano and electronic keyboard instruments.汉考克,荷伯特·杰佛瑞:美国音乐家、爵士乐及流行音乐的作曲家。以其钢琴和电子琴作品闻名美国传统〔INTERESTING〕The exhibition includes some interesting old musical instruments. 展品包括一些很有趣的古老乐器。朗文写作活用〔Iceland spar〕A doubly refracting transparent calcite used in optical instruments.冰洲石:一种双折射透明方解石,用于光学仪器美国传统〔Jubal〕In the Old Testament, a descendant of Cain who is said to have invented musical instruments.犹八:《圣经·旧约》中该隐的后代,据说是他发明了乐器美国传统〔RICH〕Unless you've got money to burn, these expensive guitars are not the instruments to get you started. 除非你钱多得没地方用,这些昂贵的吉他可不是供初学者用的。朗文写作活用〔TOOL〕I sat in the dentist's chair and looked at the row of instruments beside me. 我坐在牙医诊所的椅子上,看着在我旁边的一排器械。朗文写作活用〔TOOL〕The company specializes in the manufacture of high quality writing instruments. 这家公司专门生产高质量的书写工具。朗文写作活用〔USE〕Even small children were used as instruments of the regime, encouraged to spy on and report their parents. 甚至小孩子也成了这个政权的工具,被鼓励监视和举报自己的父母。朗文写作活用〔actinometer〕Any of several radiometric instruments, such as a pyrheliometer, used chiefly for meteorological measurements of terrestrial and solar radiation.日射强度表:一种微辐射探测仪,如直接日射强度计,主要用于对地球及太阳辐射的气象测量美国传统〔activity〕The instruments are used to detect volcanic activity on the island.这些仪器是用来探测岛上火山活动情况的。韦氏高阶〔althorn〕Any of several upright, valved brass wind instruments used especially in bands.中音萨克号:乐队中所用的几种直型阀门式铜管乐器美国传统〔armamentarium〕The complete equipment of a physician or medical institution, including books, supplies, and instruments.全套设备:一个医生或医疗机构的全套配备,包括图书,药品和器械美国传统〔arrangement〕An adaptation of a composition for other instruments or voices or for another style of performance.乐曲改编:为其他乐器或歌者或另外一种风格的演出而对作品进行的改编美国传统〔arrange〕Music To reset (a composition) for other instruments or voices or for another style of performance.【音乐】 改编:重新谱写(某作品)以供其他乐器或歌者(演唱)或以另外一种风格演出美国传统〔asepticize〕Surgical instruments are asepticized by boiling them.外科器械经煮沸消毒。英汉大词典〔authority〕Charles was an authority on antique musical instruments.查尔斯是位古乐器专家。麦克米伦高阶〔barrack〕At the 1965 Newport Folk Festival Bob Dylan was barracked for using electric instruments.在 1965 年的纽波特民间音乐节上,鲍勃‧迪伦因为使用电子乐器而被喝倒彩。朗文当代〔barre〕A fingering technique used with fretted stringed instruments in which a finger is laid across the fretboard to stop all or several strings at once.按弦弹拨法:带音品弦乐器的弹拨技巧,将一根手指放在音品板上按住所有的弦或几根弦美国传统〔be where it's at〕In the classical music world these days, authentic instruments are where it's at.在当今的古典音乐界,原生乐器非常受青睐。剑桥高阶〔bhangra〕A popular style of music combining traditional bhangra drumming with modern Western instruments and rhythms.旁遮普音乐风:融合旁遮普鼓乐和现代西方乐器、节奏的流行音乐风格美国传统〔bioinstrumentation〕The instruments so used.用于生物检测的仪器美国传统〔bird's-eye maple〕A form of wood, chiefly of the sugar maple, that is patterned with small rounded figures and is especially popular for making musical instruments.细粒槭树:一种木材,主要指糖槭,有小圆形图案,尤其用于制作大众化乐器美国传统〔black bag〕A bag in which physicians traditionally carry instruments and a stock of drugs, as on a house call.黑手提包:传统上医生携带的装有医疗器具和常备药剂的袋子,如医生出诊时携带的袋子美国传统〔black cherry〕The close-grained, reddish-brown wood of this tree, used especially for furniture, cabinets, and musical instruments.黑樱桃木:该种树的纹理细密、红褐色木材,尤其用于制家具、橱柜和乐器美国传统〔bow〕Music A rod having horsehair drawn tightly between its two raised ends, used in playing instruments of the violin and viol families.【音乐】 小提琴的拉弓:两端凸起并由马鬃拉紧的琴弓,用于演奏小提琴及弦乐器美国传统〔box〕The hard, light yellow wood of these plants, used to make musical instruments, rulers, inlays, and engraving blocks.黄杨木:这类植物的坚硬而轻质黄色木头,用于制作乐器、尺子、镶嵌物和雕刻板美国传统〔brass band〕A band composed of brass and sometimes percussion instruments.铜管乐:由铜管乐器有时也与打击乐器一起演奏的乐曲美国传统〔brass〕Brass instruments or their players considered as a group.黄铜乐器或铜管乐队美国传统〔brass〕The free concert will feature woodwind, brass, string, and keyboard instruments.这场免费音乐会主要用木管乐器、铜管乐器、弦乐器和键盘乐器演奏。外研社新世纪〔bridge〕A thin, upright piece of wood in some stringed instruments that supports the strings above the soundboard.琴马:某些弦乐器上的细而直的木片,支撑着共鸣板上的琴弦美国传统〔bridge〕Any of various instruments for measuring or comparing the characteristics, such as impedance or inductance, of a conductor.电桥:用来测量、比较导体的特征的仪器,如电阻、感应器美国传统〔broken consort〕An ensemble whose instruments are not all from the same family.使用不同类乐器的合奏队美国传统〔calculate〕These instruments calculate distances precisely.这些仪器计算距离非常精确。朗文当代〔cast〕Harry cast his eyes over the bewildering array of instruments on the control panel.哈里把目光投向控制盘上那堆令人不知所措的仪器。麦克米伦高阶〔catchall〕The room was a catchall for harness and tools and instruments.这房间是放马具和各种工具、仪器的。英汉大词典〔category〕Flutes form a separate category of wind instruments.长笛是管乐器中独立的一个类别。牛津搭配〔chain〕Abbr. chA unit of measurement equal to the length of either of these instruments.缩写 ch测量单位:等于这两种工具长度任一种的一个测量单位美国传统〔change〕They are prepared to change the plant over to production of precision instruments.他们准备把这家工厂改为生产精密仪器的工厂。英汉大词典〔charanga〕A style of popular Cuban dance music characterized by the use of violins and flutes along with percussion instruments, piano, bass, and vocals.贾浪卡舞曲:古巴民间舞曲,以运用小提琴、长笛与打击乐器及钢琴、贝斯及和声著称美国传统〔colorimeter〕Any of various instruments used to determine or specify colors, as by comparison with spectroscopic or visual standards.色度计:比照色谱或视觉标准确定色彩的仪器美国传统〔comparator〕Any of various instruments for comparing a measured property of an object, such as its shape, color, or brightness, with a standard.精密度测量器:一种仪器,用于比较物体的可度量性质,例如按标准度量它的形状、颜色或亮度美国传统〔concerted〕Music Arranged in parts for voices or instruments.【音乐】 编成合奏曲的:按声音与乐器分声部的美国传统〔concerto grosso〕A composition for a small group of solo instruments and a full orchestra.大协奏曲:由一乐队小组与整个乐队演奏的乐曲美国传统〔concerto〕A composition for an orchestra and one or more solo instruments, typically in three movements.协奏曲:由交响乐队与一个或多个独奏乐器演奏的乐曲,一般分为三个乐章美国传统〔conduct〕She conducted an orchestra of forty instruments.她在一个拥有40种乐器的管弦乐队里当指挥。21世纪英汉〔conjunto〕A dance band, especially in Latin America, featuring brass, percussion, and rhythm instruments.以铜管乐器、打击乐器和节拍乐器为特征的舞蹈乐队,尤指拉丁美洲地区的美国传统〔consort〕A group of instruments of the same family.乐器组:一组同类乐器美国传统〔control〕Often controls An instrument or set of instruments used to operate, regulate, or guide a machine or vehicle. 常作 controls 控制器:一种用来操纵、控制或驾驶机械或交通工具的器械美国传统〔control〕The main instruments are in the centre of the control panel.主要仪器安放在控制板的中心。剑桥高阶〔cutlery〕Cutting instruments and tools.刀具:切割裁剪的用具或工具美国传统〔cutler〕One who makes, repairs, or sells knives or other cutting instruments.刀剪匠:制造、修理或出售刀或其它切割用具的人美国传统〔damper〕A device in various keyboard instruments for deadening the vibrations of the strings.制音器:在各种键盘乐器中,一种用来消除琴键震动的装置美国传统〔damper〕A mute for various brass instruments.减音器:各种铜管乐器中的一种减音器美国传统〔density〕These instruments are used for measuring the density of the atmosphere.这些仪器是用来检测大气密度的。韦氏高阶〔determination〕The new instruments allow for more precise determination of the size of the tumor.新仪器能对肿瘤的大小做出更精确的测定。韦氏高阶〔direction〕The instruments will register every change of direction or height.这些仪器将会记录下每一个方位或高度的变化。柯林斯高阶〔disinfect with〕The dental surgeon disinfected dental instruments with alcohol.牙医用酒精给牙科医疗器械消毒。21世纪英汉〔display〕The museum has a fine display of old medical instruments.博物馆有一个不错的古代医疗器械展。牛津搭配〔dynamometer〕Any of several instruments used to measure mechanical power.测力计:任一种用来测量机械力的仪器美国传统〔ear〕She had an ear for music, and could play 5 instruments.她非常有乐感, 能够演奏5种乐器。外研社新世纪〔equal temperament〕Modification of the intervals of just intonation in the tuning of instruments of fixed intonation to permit the modulation of harmony.平均律:对纯律的音程略加改变以适应乐器调音和转调的和谐美国传统〔fanfare〕Music A loud flourish of brass instruments, especially trumpets.【音乐】 号曲:响亮的铜管乐声,尤指号角美国传统〔finely〕These instruments are very finely tuned.这些仪器都调得十分精确。朗文当代〔fine〕All the instruments are working fine.所有仪器运行良好。柯林斯高阶〔fine〕All the instruments are working fine.所有仪器运转正常。外研社新世纪〔flute〕Any of various similar reedless woodwind instruments, such as the recorder.竖笛,横笛:一种类似无簧片木管的乐器,例如直笛等美国传统〔function〕All the instruments were functioning normally.所有的仪器都在正常工作。牛津搭配〔gamelan〕An Indonesian orchestra composed mainly of tuned percussion instruments such as bamboo xylophones, wooden or metal chimes, and gongs.佳美兰:一支印度尼西亚乐队,主要包括固定间高的打击乐器(例如竹的木琴)、木制或金属制的钟和铜锣美国传统〔glow〕The instruments glowed in the bright orange light.乐器在明亮的橘红色灯光下熠熠生辉。外研社新世纪〔glow〕The instruments glowed in the bright orange light.明亮的橙色灯光下,这些乐器闪闪发光。柯林斯高阶〔gut〕A thin, tough cord made from the intestines of animals, usually sheep, used as strings for musical instruments or as surgical sutures.羊肠线:一种由动物肠,通常是羊肠所制成的牢固的细线,用于乐器的弦或用于手术缝合美国传统〔handling〕Handling of delicate instruments requires deftness.使用精密仪器需要灵巧。英汉大词典〔harmolodic〕Relating to a style of modern improvisational music in which different, contrasting instruments are played in different keys or tempos.现代即兴创作音乐:有关一种不同或音质相反的乐器用不同的键或速度演奏的现代即兴创作的音乐风格的美国传统〔hedge〕Today's clever financial instruments make it possible for firms to hedge their risks.如今各种巧妙的金融手段使得各公司防范风险成为可能。外研社新世纪〔heterophony〕The simultaneous playing or singing of a single melody by two or more different instruments or singers.衬腔式复调音乐:由两个或更多的不同的乐器或歌唱者来同时演奏或演唱同一旋律的美国传统〔hygrometer〕Any of several instruments that measure atmospheric humidity.湿度计:测量大气湿度的几种器具的任何一种美国传统〔instrument flying〕Aircraft navigation by reference to instruments only.仪表飞行:飞机只借助仪表导航美国传统〔instrumental〕Music A composition for one or more instruments, usually without vocal accompaniment.【音乐】 器乐曲:为一种或多种乐器所写的曲子,通常是没有伴声的美国传统〔instrumentation〕Instruments for a specific purpose.具有特定用途的仪器美国传统〔instrumentation〕A list of instruments used in an orchestration.管弦乐器:管弦乐中所用乐器美国传统〔instrumentation〕The application or use of instruments.仪表的应用或使用美国传统〔instrumentation〕The study and practice of arranging music for instruments.为乐器改编音乐的研究和实践美国传统〔instrument〕All the instruments are made from glass capillary tubing.所有仪器都是用玻璃细管制成的。牛津搭配〔instrument〕Internet polls are considered to be better instruments than telephone polls.网络调查被认为是比电话调查更好的方法。牛津搭配〔instrument〕More effective instruments of oversight are needed.需要更加有效的监督手段。牛津搭配〔instrument〕She plays three musical instruments.她会演奏 3 种乐器。牛津搭配〔instrument〕The environment itself will at the same time be measured by about 60 scientific instruments.同时环境本身将由大约60种科学器械来测量。柯林斯高阶〔instrument〕The government has a number of policy instruments it can use for this purpose.政府有许多可用的政策手段来实现该目的。麦克米伦高阶〔instrument〕Your compass and clock are the most essential instruments in sailing.指南针和时钟是航海时最基本的测量仪表。麦克米伦高阶〔jug band〕A group that uses unconventional or improvised instruments, such as jugs, kazoos, and washboards.即兴坛罐乐队:使用罐子、玩具笛、或洗衣板等反传统的或即兴采用的乐器的乐队美国传统〔keyboard〕Music Any one of various instruments played by means of a set of pianolike keys, often connected to a synthesizer or an amplifier.【音乐】 键盘乐器:具有象钢琴键一样装置的乐器,通常与电子合成音响或扬声器相连接美国传统〔kilohertz〕Their instruments detected very faint radiowaves at a frequency of 3 kilohertz.他们的仪器检测到一个3千赫的微弱无线电波。柯林斯高阶〔koa〕The light-to-dark brown or reddish wood of this tree, used for furniture, crafts, cabinetry, and musical instruments.柯阿金合欢木:此种树木由深至浅的棕色或是浅红色的木材,用以制作家具,手工艺品,精致家具及乐器美国传统〔labyrinth〕The cockpit was a labyrinth of instruments and controls.驾驶舱是一个有很多仪表和控制装置的迷宫。韦氏高阶〔measurement〕The instruments are used for taking measurements of atmospheric conditions.这些仪器用来测量大气状况。韦氏高阶〔measurement〕The instruments provide accurate measurement of atmospheric conditions.这些仪器能对大气状况进行精确的测量。韦氏高阶〔microsurgery〕Surgery on minute body structures or cells performed with the aid of a microscope and other specialized instruments, such as a micromanipulator.显微外科,显微手术:借助显微镜和其它专业仪器,如显微操纵器材等对微小的身体结构或细胞进行的手术美国传统〔motion〕Special instruments record the speed and motion of the atoms.特殊仪器记录原子的速度和运动。麦克米伦高阶〔musical instrument〕The drum is one of the oldest musical instruments.鼓是最古老的乐器之一。外研社新世纪〔musical instrument〕The drum is one of the oldest musical instruments.鼓是最古老的乐器之一。柯林斯高阶〔musical〕Joe's family all play instruments - they're very musical.乔的家人都会演奏乐器——他们都很有音乐天赋。剑桥高阶〔nonet〕A combination of nine instruments or voices.九重奏(或唱):九种乐器或声音的组合美国传统〔observation〕The act of noting and recording something, such as a phenomenon, with instruments.观测:用仪器注意到并记录下来,如某种现象美国传统〔octet〕A composition written for eight voices or eight instruments.八重的乐曲:为八个人演唱或八件乐器演奏而作的曲子美国传统〔omen〕Weapons are instruments of ill omen.武器是不祥之物。外研社新世纪〔optical〕Telescopes and microscopes are optical instruments.望远镜和显微镜是有助于视力的仪器。英汉大词典〔optical〕The company manufactures microscopes, telescopes, and other optical instruments.这家公司生产显微镜、望远镜以及其他光学仪器。韦氏高阶〔optician〕One that sells lenses, eyeglasses, and other optical instruments.眼镜商,光学仪器商:出售光学仪器、眼镜或其它光学仪器的人美国传统〔orchestra〕The instruments played by such a group.管弦乐器:这群乐器演奏者所使用的乐器美国传统〔order〕Only half of the spacecraft's six science instruments are still in working order.这个航天器的六件科学仪器中只有一半还在正常运转。外研社新世纪〔organ〕Any one of various other instruments, such as the electronic organ, that resemble a pipe organ either in mechanism or sound.电子风琴:任何一种在机械装置或声音上类似管风琴的其它各类乐器,例如电子风琴美国传统〔pack〕We arrived just as the musicians were packing up their instruments.我们到场时乐队已开始收拾乐器了。牛津高阶〔percussionist〕One who plays percussion instruments.演奏打击乐器的人美国传统〔percussion〕Drums, tambourines, and cymbals are all percussion instruments.鼓、铃鼓和铜钹都是打击乐器。剑桥高阶〔percussion〕Percussion instruments or their players considered as a group.把打击乐器或他们的演奏者看成一组美国传统〔perfectly〕You can buy perfectly good instruments for a lot less.你可以少花一大笔钱买到顶好的仪器。外研社新世纪〔perfectly〕You can buy perfectly good instruments for a lot less.你可以少花一大笔钱买到顶好的仪器。柯林斯高阶〔period〕The orchestra uses period instruments.这个管弦乐队使用的是古乐器。外研社新世纪〔piston〕Music A valve mechanism in brass instruments for altering the pitch.【音乐】 活塞阀键:一种铜管乐器上调节音量的活塞阀键美国传统〔plant〕The equipment, including machinery, tools, instruments, and fixtures and the buildings containing them, necessary for an industrial or manufacturing operation.工厂设备:工业或制造业生产所需的设备,包括机器、工具、仪器和固定装置,以及容纳它们的建筑物美国传统〔play〕The composer plays with the exotic sounds of Japanese instruments.作曲者运用了日本乐器的异国音调。牛津高阶〔plectrum〕A small, thin piece of metal, plastic, bone, or similar material, used to pluck the strings of certain instruments, such as the guitar or lute.拨子,拨弦片:用来弹拨某种乐器的小而薄的金属、塑料、骨制或类似材料的片子,如吉它或琵琶美国传统〔precise〕The dating of very old materials has become more precise with new instruments.新仪器让古老材料的年代测定变得更加精确了。韦氏高阶〔probe〕The Pioneer probes have on board ultraviolet instruments which are measuring light that we can't measure on the earth.“先驱者号”太空探测器上装有紫外线仪器,能够对在地球上探测不到的光进行测量。柯林斯高阶〔probe〕The surgeon would pick up his instruments, probe, repair and stitch up again.外科医生会拿起他的工具,探查、修复然后再重新缝合。柯林斯高阶〔quintet〕A composition for five voices or instruments.五重唱、五重奏:五声部演唱或五种乐器演奏的作品美国传统〔radiosterilization〕The doctor radiosterilized his instruments.医生对其所用器械进行辐射灭菌。21世纪英汉〔range finder〕Any of various optical, electronic, or acoustical instruments used to determine the distance of an object.测距仪:用来确定某物距离的各种视觉,电子或声觉仪器之一美国传统〔ray〕Their instruments were able to detect faint rays of radiation.他们的仪器能够探测到微弱的辐射线。麦克米伦高阶〔reed〕A flexible strip of cane or metal set into the mouthpiece or air opening of certain instruments to produce tone by vibrating in response to a stream of air.簧片:一节有弹性的置于某些乐器的吹口或通气口中的竹片或金属,随着气流振动而发声美国传统〔refractometer〕Any of several instruments used to measure the index of refraction of a substance.折射计:用来测量某物质折射度的几种仪器中任一种美国传统〔remote sensing〕It can translate data from maps or remote sensing instruments into images.它可以把从地图或遥感设备中得到的数据转化成为图像。柯林斯高阶〔replacement〕Rare instruments are usually insured for their full replacement value.珍贵的仪器通常都有全额更换保险。牛津搭配〔resource〕The school must be properly resourced with musical instruments and audio equipment.一定要为这所学校妥善配备乐器和音响设备。剑桥高阶〔rock crystal〕Colorless, transparent quartz, used in optical instruments and as a semiprecious gemstone.水晶:用于制造光学仪器及用作价格一般的宝石的无色透明石英美国传统〔saxhorn〕Any of a family of valved brass wind instruments that resemble the bugle and have a full, even tone and wide compass.萨克斯风:一种似喇叭的带栓塞的铜管乐器,声调丰富而平稳,音域宽广美国传统〔scan〕The spacecraft scans the Earth's oceans with radar instruments.航天器用雷达设备扫描地球上的大洋。麦克米伦高阶〔septet〕A composition for seven voices or instruments.七重奏(唱)或七重唱曲:使用七种声音或乐器的乐曲美国传统〔shawm〕Any of various early double-reed wind instruments, forerunners of the modern oboe.肖姆管:任一种早期双簧管乐器,是现代双簧管的前身美国传统〔sinfonietta〕A small symphony orchestra, especially one consisting of stringed instruments only.小交响乐团:一个小交响乐团,尤指只有弦乐器组成的美国传统〔sinfonietta〕A symphony that is shorter than usual or that calls for fewer than the usual number of instruments.小交响曲:一个比通常交响曲短的或需要的乐器比通常少的交响乐美国传统〔skiffle〕Jazz, folk, or country music played by performers who use unconventional instruments, such as kazoos, washboards, or jugs.噪音爵士乐:用非传统乐器,例如小笛、敲击板或罐子演奏的爵士乐、民间音乐或乡村音乐美国传统〔space probe〕A spacecraft carrying instruments intended for use in exploration of the physical properties of outer space or celestial bodies other than Earth.太空探测器:携带用于对地球外的太空和其他天体的物理性质进行探测的工具的航天器美国传统〔speculum〕A mirror or polished metal plate used as a reflector in optical instruments.反射镜:光学仪器中用作反射镜的镜子或抛光的金属盘美国传统〔steel band〕A band of Trinidadian origin, composed chiefly of tuned percussion instruments fashioned from oil drums.钢鼓乐队:特立尼达和多巴哥的一支乐队,主要使用由油鼓发展而来的旋律打击乐器美国传统〔stethoscope〕Any of various instruments used for listening to sounds produced within the body.听诊器:用于听体内产生声音的各种器具美国传统〔tamper〕He noticed that the instruments had been tampered with.他注意到仪器被人动过了。朗文当代〔telemeter〕Data from these instruments is telemetered to the laboratory.从这些仪器得到的数据用遥测仪传送到实验室。牛津高阶〔temperature〕These instruments can withstand temperatures of 180°C.这些仪器能承受 180 摄氏度的温度。牛津搭配〔the mass media〕The mass media has become one of the main instruments of political change.大众传媒已成为政治变革的主要工具之一。剑桥高阶〔theme〕Musical instruments are a recurrent theme in his still life paintings.反复出现的主题麦克米伦高阶〔tracer〕Any of several instruments used in making tracings or in imprinting designs by tracing.描绘工具:用于映描或通过映描进行印压设计的仪器美国传统〔treatment〕The instruments are sterilized by treatment with alcohol.这些器具通过酒精处理方式杀菌。韦氏高阶〔tune up〕All the musical instruments had been tuned up before the concert began.音乐会开始前,乐器都调好了。21世纪英汉〔tuning fork〕A small two-pronged metal device that when struck produces a sound of fixed pitch that is used as a reference, as in tuning musical instruments.音叉:一种有两个叉头的金属器具,敲击后发出持续的固定音,可用于乐器调音和确定标准音高美国传统〔tutor〕The old man was tutoring her in the stringed instruments.那个老人在教她弹弦乐器。柯林斯高阶〔tutor〕The old man was tutoring her in the stringed instruments.那个老人私下在教她弹弦乐器。外研社新世纪〔value-free〕Science and technology are not neutral or value-free but are instruments of political power.科学和技术不是中立的或纯客观的,而是政权的工具。英汉大词典〔vibration〕Their instruments can detect the slightest vibration.他们的仪器能探测出极微弱的振动。牛津搭配〔vocalize〕In India and Bali students learn to vocalize music before ever picking up instruments.在印度和巴厘岛,学生们在开始学习乐器之前要先学习唱歌。柯林斯高阶〔volumeter〕Any of several instruments for measuring the volume of liquids, solids, or gases.体积计:用于测量液体、固体或气体的各种仪器美国传统〔warm ... up〕Let's warm up the instruments.咱们调一下乐器吧。21世纪英汉〔wind instrument〕Saxophones and flutes are wind instruments.萨克斯管和长笛是管乐器。剑桥高阶〔wind〕Wind instruments or their players considered as a group.管乐器部:看作一个整体的管乐器或其演奏者美国传统〔woodwind〕The section of a band or an orchestra composed of woodwind instruments.木管乐队:乐队中的一部分或由木管乐器组成的管弦乐队美国传统〔woodwind〕Woodwind instruments or their players considered as a group.木管乐器或它们的演奏者看成是一个团体美国传统A dentist sterilizes his instruments. 牙科医生给他的器具消毒。译典通An instrumentalist believes that ideas are instruments of actions. 工具主义者认为思想是行为的工具。译典通Drums, tambourines and cymbals are all percussion instruments.鼓、铃鼓和铜钹都为打击乐器。剑桥国际Electric guitars dominated her last album, but for her latest one she has got back to basics and used only acoustic instruments.她的上一套唱片集几乎全用电吉他伴奏,而这一套则返朴归真,全部选用普通吉他伴奏。剑桥国际Guitars and lutes are fretted musical instruments.吉他和诗琴都是装有品的乐器。剑桥国际He has to learn to navigate by electronic instruments. 他得学会用电子仪器导航。译典通He's one of the strings (= players of instruments with strings) in the school orchestra.他是校管弦乐队弦乐部一员。剑桥国际In musical instruments like the clarinet, notes are produced by the player's breath vibrating a thin piece of wood called a reed.在如同竖笛之类的乐器中,音调是通过演奏者的呼吸振动一小片叫作簧的木片而发出的。剑桥国际In the castle is a medieval torture chamber still furnished with the original instruments of torture, such as racks and thumbscrews.城堡中一间中世纪的拷问室里依然放着原先的拷打工具,如肢刑架和拇指夹。剑桥国际It seemed to me as if the violins were playing out of time (= at a different speed from the other instruments playing the same piece of music).在我看来,似乎小提琴的演奏没有合上拍子。剑桥国际Military bands usually play brass, woodwind and percussion instruments.军乐队通常使用铜管乐器、木管乐器和打击乐器演奏。剑桥国际New financial instruments, such as credit derivatives, are continually being created.新的金融工具正不断被创造出来,如信用衍生产品。牛津商务Saxophones and flutes are wind instruments.萨克斯管和横笛是管乐器。剑桥国际Scientific instruments have to be made with great precision. 科学仪器的制造必须非常精密。译典通Steel is often used nowadays instead of gut for the strings of musical instruments.钢丝现在常被用来代替肠线做乐器的弦。剑桥国际Steve only plays the piano/(fml) plays only the piano, and no other instruments.斯蒂夫只弹钢琴,不弹其它乐器。剑桥国际Stravinsky scored the piece for wind instruments.斯特拉文斯基为管乐器写总谱。剑桥国际Telescopes and microscopes are visual instruments. 望远镜和显微镜是光学仪器。译典通The clarinet, flute, saxophone and bassoon are all woodwind instruments.竖笛,横笛,萨克斯管及巴松管都是木管乐器。剑桥国际The clear (=not rough) sound of the flute could be heard above the other instruments.在众多的其他乐器声之上能够听见清亮的长笛的声音。剑桥国际The lightning had damaged the plane's instruments, and they weren't giving any readings.闪电损坏了飞机的仪表,仪表上没有任何指示。剑桥国际The main orchestral brass instruments are the horn, trumpet, trombone and tuba.管弦乐队用的主要铜管乐器有圆号、小号、长号和大号。剑桥国际The museum has a large collection of vicious medieval torture instruments.这家博物馆收藏了大量中世纪的酷刑刑具。剑桥国际The musicians keyed their instruments just before the concert began. 乐师们在音乐会快开始前为乐器调了音。译典通The orchestra uses modern instruments, but otherwise they remain faithful to the Renaissance style.这个管弦乐队使用现代乐器,除此以外他们仍然忠实地保留着文艺复兴时期的风格。剑桥国际The school must be resourced with musical instruments and audio equipment.必须向学校提供乐器和音响设备。剑桥国际The shop sells musical instruments, sheet music, tapes and CDs.这家店卖乐器、散页乐谱、盒带和激光唱片。剑桥国际The strings are a category of musical instruments. 弦乐器是乐器的一种。译典通Their instruments picked up pulsations coming from a distant galaxy.他们的仪器接受到了来自遥远星系的脉动。剑桥国际They shopped all morning for musical instruments. 他们整个上午都在买乐器。译典通We contracted with a Japanese firm for the purchase of electronic instruments. 我们与一家日本公司签约购买电子仪器。译典通We have had to replace our investments with lower-yielding instruments.我们必须用低收益率的票据取代我们的投资。牛津商务




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