

单词 instrumental
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Commissioner〕As baseball commissioner, Chandler was instrumental in making Jackie Robinson the first black player in the major leagues.杰基·罗宾逊成为职业棒球联赛中首位黑人选手,作为棒球协会总干事的钱德勒功不可没。柯林斯高阶〔Dixieland〕A style of instrumental jazz associated with New Orleans and characterized by a relatively fast two-beat rhythm and by group and solo improvisations.迪克西兰爵士乐:以新奥尔良城为代表的乐器爵士乐,以较快的两拍节奏及团体和个人的即兴演奏为特征美国传统〔IMPORTANT〕Mary had been instrumental in securing my release from jail. 我从监狱获释,玛丽帮了很大的忙。朗文写作活用〔IMPORTANT〕Women's organizations have been instrumental in promoting women's rights. 妇女组织在提倡女权方面发挥了重要作用。朗文写作活用〔a cappella〕Without instrumental accompaniment.无器乐伴奏地美国传统〔absolute music〕Instrumental music that depends solely on its rhythmic, melodic, and contrapuntal structures.绝对音乐,纯音乐:仅靠节奏、旋律和对位结构来表意的器乐美国传统〔accompaniment〕Music A vocal or instrumental part that supports another, often solo, part.【音乐】 伴唱,伴奏:伴随其他部分(如独唱)的声部或器乐部美国传统〔alto〕A vocal or instrumental part written for a voice or an instrument within this range.中音乐曲:为这个音域的歌手或乐器创作的声乐或器乐曲部分美国传统〔aria〕A solo vocal piece with instrumental accompaniment, as in an opera.曲调:有器乐伴奏的独唱曲,如在一歌剧中美国传统〔aubade〕Music A song or instrumental composition concerning, accompanying, or evoking daybreak.【音乐】 晨歌,朝曲,晨曲:关于、伴随或唤醒黎明的歌曲或乐章美国传统〔bass〕The lowest part in vocal or instrumental part music.低音部分:音调或乐器的部分音阶中最低的部分美国传统〔cantata〕A vocal and instrumental piece composed of choruses, solos, and recitatives.康塔塔,清唱曲:一段声音和器乐的乐段,由合唱、独唱和宣叙调组成美国传统〔capriccio〕Music An instrumental work with an improvisatory style and a free form.【音乐】 随想曲,幻想曲:具有即兴风格和自由形式的一个器乐作品美国传统〔commissioner〕As baseball commissioner, Chandler was instrumental in making Jackie Robinson the first black player in the major leagues.杰基•罗宾森成为棒球大联盟的首位黑人球员, 作为棒球大联盟执行长的钱德勒功不可没。外研社新世纪〔instrumentality〕The state or quality of being instrumental.助益:起作用的状态或性质美国传统〔instrumental〕A word in the instrumental case.工具格中的一个词美国传统〔instrumental〕After a couple of brief instrumentals, he puts his guitar down.弹完几首简短的乐曲后, 他放下了吉他。外研社新世纪〔instrumental〕Bartók's greatest instrumental works巴托克最杰出的器乐作品外研社新世纪〔instrumental〕Grammar The instrumental case.【语法】 工具格美国传统〔instrumental〕He saw the Minister of Defense instrumental in the formation of a military dictatorship.他明白这位国防部长在军事独裁形成过程中是起了推动作用的。英汉大词典〔instrumental〕He was instrumental in bringing about an end to the conflict.他在终止冲突的过程中起了重要作用。牛津高阶〔instrumental〕He was instrumental in bringing about the negotiations.谈判得以开始多亏他从中斡旋。英汉大词典〔instrumental〕He was instrumental in developing links with European organizations.他对建立与欧洲组织之间的联系起了重要作用。朗文当代〔instrumental〕He was instrumental in getting the legislation passed.在他的推动下, 该法律得以通过。外研社新世纪〔instrumental〕He was instrumental in organizing the club. = He played an instrumental part/role in organizing the club.俱乐部得以组建多亏了他。韦氏高阶〔instrumental〕He's created a purely instrumental score.他已经编写出一首纯器乐的乐谱。牛津搭配〔instrumental〕Her influence was instrumental in bringing the painting to the museum.这幅藏画得以移交博物馆,她的影响力发挥了巨大作用。韦氏高阶〔instrumental〕His uncle was instrumental in getting him the position.他获得那个职位得力于他叔父的帮忙。文馨英汉〔instrumental〕I was instrumental in getting things changed.情况得以改变过来,是我促成的。牛津同义词〔instrumental〕In his first years as chairman he was instrumental in raising the company's wider profile.他任董事长的最初几年为提升公司的知名度起到了积极的推动作用。柯林斯高阶〔instrumental〕Jesse Jackson was instrumental in the release of some of the hostages.其中一些人质得以获释多亏了杰西·杰克逊。柯林斯高阶〔instrumental〕Jesse Jackson was instrumental in the release of the hostages.杰西•杰克逊促成了人质的释放。外研社新世纪〔instrumental〕Most of the music in the concert was instrumental.音乐会上的大部分作品是器乐曲。英汉大词典〔instrumental〕She was instrumental in bringing about the prison reform act.监狱改革条例得以出台多亏她大力促成。剑桥高阶〔instrumental〕The album was entirely instrumental.这张专辑全部都是器乐作品。牛津搭配〔instrumental〕The general was instrumental in helping both sides to reach a compromise.这位将军对促成双方达成和解起到了重要作用。麦克米伦高阶〔instrumental〕The last track on the CD is an instrumental.CD 上的最后一支曲目是一首器乐曲。柯林斯高阶〔instrumental〕The last track on the CD is an instrumental.这张激光唱片的最后一首是器乐曲。外研社新世纪〔instrumental〕The songs are largely instrumental.这些歌曲以器乐为主。牛津搭配〔instrumental〕They played instrumental music at the wedding.他们在婚礼上演奏器乐曲。韦氏高阶〔instrumental〕They were highly instrumental in bringing the business to Newtown.在把业务引入纽敦过程中他们发挥了重大作用。牛津搭配〔intermezzo〕An independent instrumental composition having the character of such a movement.独立的器乐短曲:具有上述乐章特点的独立的器乐作品美国传统〔major league〕Chandler was instrumental in making Jackie Robinson the first black player in the major leagues.在杰基·罗宾逊成为职业棒球联合会第一名黑人球员的过程中,钱德勒起到了重要作用。柯林斯高阶〔ministerial〕Acting or serving as an agent; instrumental.代理的,工具性的:作为代理的;工具性的美国传统〔musician〕One who composes, conducts, or performs music, especially instrumental music.音乐家:作曲、指挥或者演奏音乐的人,特别是器乐美国传统〔music〕Vocal or instrumental sounds possessing a degree of melody, harmony, or rhythm.乐音:有节奏、旋律或和声的人声或乐器音响美国传统〔musique concrète〕Electronic music composed of instrumental and natural sounds often altered or distorted in the recording process.具体音乐:用弦乐的声音和自然的声音组成的电子音乐,这些声音在录制过程中常被改变或失真美国传统〔nocturne〕Music An instrumental composition of a pensive, dreamy mood, especially one for the piano.【音乐】 小夜曲,梦幻曲:忧虑、梦幻风格的器乐曲,尤指为钢琴演奏而作的曲美国传统〔overture〕An instrumental composition intended especially as an introduction to an extended work, such as an opera or oratorio.器乐前奏曲:一种器乐乐曲,尤被用作长作品(如一部歌剧或圣乐的导言部分)美国传统〔partita〕An instrumental piece composed of a series of variations, as a suite.一种组曲:由一系列变奏曲组成的乐曲篇章,作为一个整体美国传统〔pastorale〕Music An instrumental or vocal composition with a tender melody in a moderately slow rhythm, suggestive of traditional shepherds' music and idyllic rural life.【音乐】 田园曲:有柔和的旋律和不紧不慢的节奏的器乐或声乐作品,具有传统的牧羊曲意味且表现田园式的乡村生活美国传统〔ritornello〕An instrumental interlude recurring after each stanza in a vocal work.过门:在声乐作品中,每一段之后重复出现的、用乐器演奏的间奏美国传统〔romance〕Music A lyrical, tender, usually sentimental song or short instrumental piece.【音乐】 浪漫曲:一种抒情,轻柔且通常伤感的歌曲或短小乐曲美国传统〔serenade〕Music An instrumental composition written for a small ensemble and having characteristics of the suite and the sonata.【音乐】 小夜曲:为小型乐队写的具有组曲和奏鸣曲特征的器乐曲美国传统〔suite〕Music An instrumental composition consisting of a succession of dances in the same or related keys.【音乐】 组曲:一组由一系列调子相同或相关的舞曲组成的器乐曲美国传统〔surgery〕The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of injury, deformity, and disease by manual and instrumental means.外科学:用手或器械来诊断和治疗受伤、畸形或疾病的一门医学美国传统〔symphony〕An instrumental overture or interlude, as in early opera.序曲,插曲:由乐器演奏的前奏曲或插曲,如在早期歌剧中美国传统〔symphony〕An instrumental passage in a vocal or choral composition.交响曲:与歌唱或合唱相配合的一段乐器演奏的音乐美国传统〔tessitura〕The prevailing range of a vocal or instrumental part, within which most of the tones lie.应用音域:人声或乐器绝大部分音调所在的主要音域美国传统〔vibrato〕A tremulous or pulsating effect produced in an instrumental or vocal tone by barely perceptible minute and rapid variations in pitch.颤音:一种颤动或振动效果,由可察觉的微小迅速的音阶变化在声音或乐器的调子中产生的美国传统〔visibility〕Abbr. vis.The greatest distance under given weather conditions to which it is possible to see without instrumental assistance.缩写 vis.视程:在的特定天气状况下不用仪器的帮助所能看到的最大距离美国传统〔vocal〕Music A popular composition for a singer, often with instrumental accompaniment.【音乐】 声乐作品:为歌手创作的通常有乐器伴奏的流行乐曲美国传统〔waltz〕An instrumental or vocal composition in triple time.一种三拍的器乐或声乐作品美国传统He composed both vocal and instrumental music. 他既谱写声乐曲也谱写器乐曲。译典通He was instrumental in the reunion of the two parties. 他对两党再次联合起到了促进作用。译典通Her help was instrumental in tracking down the criminal. 她的协助对追捕到罪犯起了相当作用。译典通She was instrumental in bringing about the prison reform act.监狱改革条例得以产生多亏她从中斡旋。剑桥国际




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