

单词 indicating
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Mass card〕A card sent to a bereaved person or family indicating that the sender has arranged for a Mass to be said in memory of the deceased.弥撒通知单:即将为死者举行弥撒而发给丧失亲人的人或家属的通知单美国传统〔R-value〕A measure of the capacity of a material, such as insulation, to impede heat flow, with increasing values indicating a greater capacity.R值:度量材料(如绝缘体)的拉热流能力的单位,R值越大,说明拉热流能力越强美国传统〔Scotch verdict〕Law A verdict permissible in certain criminal cases indicating only that guilt is not proven.【法律】 苏格兰式判决:在某些刑事案件中允许只判犯罪未证实的判决美国传统〔TIME〕I later received confirmation of my new job in a letter indicating the start date. 后来我收到一封我新工作的确认信,信中写明了我开始上班的日期。朗文写作活用〔V sign〕A hand sign indicating victory, solidarity, or approval, formed by holding the raised index and middle fingers in the shape of a V.胜利手势:表示胜利、团结或赞许的手势,由举起V形的食指和中指形成美国传统〔Venn diagram〕A diagram using circles to represent an operation in set theory, with the position and overlap of the circles indicating the relationships between the sets.维恩图:在集合论中用圆圈代表运算的图表,圆圈的位置和重叠表示了集与集之间的关系美国传统〔acquittance〕A written release from an obligation, specifically a receipt indicating payment in full.清欠书,豁免书:书面证明不再负有责任,尤指完全付清欠款美国传统〔active〕Indicating that the subject of the sentence is performing or causing the action expressed by the verb. Used of a verb form or voice.主动的,主动语态的:表示句子主语完成或导致动词表达的动作的。用于动词形态或语态美国传统〔albuminuria〕The presence of albumin in the urine, sometimes indicating kidney disease.蛋白尿:尿中存在的蛋白,有时表明肾脏病况美国传统〔algebraic〕Indicating or restricted to a finite number of operations involving algebra.代数运算的:在代数运算中指定或限制在一个有限数的运算之内的美国传统〔anal〕Indicating personality traits that originated during toilet training and are distinguished as anal-expulsive or anal-retentive.肛门性格的:在大小便训练过程中产生的性格特征,可分为肛门排泄型和肛门克制型美国传统〔anemometer〕An instrument for indicating and measuring wind force and velocity.风速计:表示及测量风力和风速的仪器美国传统〔aorist〕A form of a verb in some languages, such as Classical Greek, that expresses action without indicating its completion or continuation.不定过去时:某些语言中动词的一种形式,如古希腊语中,其不表明动作是否已完成或正在继续美国传统〔arrowhead〕Something, such as a mark indicating a limit on a drawing, that is shaped like the head of an arrow.箭头:形状像箭头的东西,如图中指示范围限制的符号美国传统〔blank〕A mark, usually a dash (—), indicating the omission of a word or of a letter or letters.省略符号:一标记,通常为破折号(—),指一个单词或字母的省略美国传统〔block signal〕A fixed signal at the entrance to a railroad block, indicating whether or not trains may enter.火车行止信号:火车站入口处,指示火车是否可以进站的固定信号美国传统〔branding iron〕An iron that is heated and used for indicating identity or ownership.烙铁:用于表示身份或所有权的加热的铁块美国传统〔brand〕A mark indicating identity or ownership, burned on the hide of an animal with a hot iron.烙印:标明身份或所有权的烙印,用热铁在动物皮上烧成美国传统〔breakeven〕Marked by or indicating a balance, especially between investment and return.收支平衡的:(尤指投资与回报之间)以平衡为标志的或表示平衡的美国传统〔bundle scar〕A small mark on a leaf scar indicating a point where a vein from the leaf was once connected with the stem.叶柄标记:叶柄痕上的一个小标记,表示叶脉曾在此与茎相连美国传统〔cancellation〕A mark or a perforation indicating canceling.取消记号:表示取削的标记或孔洞美国传统〔chronogram〕An inscribed phrase in which certain letters can be read as Roman numerals indicating a specific date.题字:题字,某些字母可以读作罗马数字,表示特定的日期美国传统〔clef〕A symbol indicating the pitch represented by one line of a staff, in relation to which the other pitches of the staff can be determined.谱号:一个标明五线谱一行所代表的音高,由此五线谱的其它音高标准可以确定美国传统〔content word〕A word, such as a noun, verb, or adjective, that has a statable lexical meaning, rather than indicating a syntactic function, as a function word does.实词:有可陈述的语汇意义,例如名词、动词或形容词,而不是如同虚词一样地指示句法功能的字美国传统〔cotidal〕Indicating coincidence of high tides or low tides.表示低潮与高潮同时的美国传统〔cutoff〕Music A conductor's signal indicating a stop or break in playing or singing.【音乐】 切断手势:在演奏或歌唱中指挥示意停止或中断的手势美国传统〔dele〕A sign indicating that something is to be removed from typeset matter.删去符号:表示要从排好字的印刷品上删去某物的符号美国传统〔dele〕To mark with a sign indicating deletion.用删去符号标记出来美国传统〔dial tone〕A low, steady tone in a telephone receiver indicating that a number may be dialed.拨号音:电话接受器指示一串数字被拨的低的沉稳的音调美国传统〔diarrhea〕Excessive and frequent evacuation of watery feces, usually indicating gastrointestinal distress or disorder.腹泻:过多过频排泄水状粪便,通常表现肠胃疼痛或紊乱美国传统〔direction〕Music A word or phrase in a score indicating how a passage is to be played or sung.【音乐】 乐谱上的指引文字:在乐谱中指引一节乐曲如何演奏或演唱的词或短语美国传统〔dot〕Music A mark after a note indicating an increase in time value by half.【音乐】 顿音标记,附点:音符后面的标记,表明增加半拍美国传统〔double-stop〕The notes indicating these tones.双音音符:用来指示双音的音符美国传统〔double〕A bid in bridge indicating strength to one's partner; a request for a bid.叫双倍:桥牌中向搭档表明自己力量的叫牌;叫牌美国传统〔downtrend〕The increase slowed to 0.4 percent, possibly indicating the start of a downtrend.增长幅度降到了 0.4%,可能意味着下降的开始。柯林斯高阶〔equative〕Of, relating to, or being a form of an adjective or adverb indicating identity of degree of comparison.对等状态的:一种指出比较性程度定义的形容词或动词形态的,或与其相关的美国传统〔f-system〕A method of indicating the relative aperture of a camera lens based on the f-number.f制:一种用f表达照相机镜头光圈大小的方法美国传统〔feeble〕Indicating weakness.表现软弱的美国传统〔fermata〕The sign indicating this prolongation.延长号:标示这种延长的记号美国传统〔file〕He filed a story incorrectly indicating that the strike was over.他发了一篇报道,错误地指出罢工已经结束。韦氏高阶〔full stop〕A period indicating the end of a sentence.句号:标示一句话结束的句点美国传统〔functional〕Of, relating to, or indicating a mathematical function or functions.函数的:一个或多个数学函数的、与此有关的或精于此的美国传统〔grade〕A mark indicating a student's level of accomplishment.成绩等级,分数:指示一个学生成绩水平的标记美国传统〔graduation〕A mark indicating the boundary of such an interval.刻度线,分度线:指示这种间隔的界限的标记美国传统〔hallmark〕A mark indicating quality or excellence.纯正标记:一种指明质量或品质的标记美国传统〔hallmark〕To stamp (gold and silver articles) with a mark indicating purity.标纯度:给(金、银制品上)标上指明纯度的标记美国传统〔high-water mark〕Abbr. HWMA mark indicating the highest level reached by a body of water.缩写 HWM高水位线:表示水体最高水位的标志美国传统〔highball〕A railroad signal indicating full speed ahead.一种示意列车可全速前进的铁路信号美国传统〔hilum〕The scar on a seed, such as a bean, indicating the point of attachment to the funiculus.种脐:种子(如豆)上的疤痕,系胚珠于胚珠柄的痕迹美国传统〔ill-mannered〕Lacking or indicating a lack of good manners; rude.无礼的:缺少礼貌或显得缺乏礼貌的;粗野的美国传统〔indicate〕Both sides are indicating their willingness to restore diplomatic relations.双方都暗示愿意恢复外交关系。麦克米伦高阶〔indicate〕The black car was indicating to turn left.那辆黑色小汽车亮起指示灯表示将要向左转弯。英汉大词典〔indicate〕The two corporations were already indicating interest.这两家公司已表示有兴趣。英汉大词典〔indication〕The act of indicating.表示:指点、指示的行为美国传统〔instrument panel〕They had failed to recognise signs on their instrument panel indicating a serious problem in the left engine.他们没有意识到仪表板上的指示信号表明左引擎出现了严重问题。柯林斯高阶〔interpret〕I interpreted his behavior as indicating that he disliked me.我认为,他的行为表示他讨厌我。韦氏高阶〔isopiestic〕Marked by or indicating equal pressure; isobaric.等压的:具有等压特征的或显示等压的;等压的美国传统〔isothermal〕Of, relating to, or indicating equal or constant temperatures.恒温的:属于,关于,或显示相等或恒常温度的美国传统〔jointer〕A tool used to cut grooves indicating the joints in cement.涂缝镘,泥板:用来在水泥上刻槽以表示接缝的工具美国传统〔journal〕A book of original entry in a double-entry system, listing all transactions and indicating the accounts to which they belong.分录簿:复式簿记系统中登载原始账目的账本,记录下所有的交易,并表示出它们所归的专项分类帐美国传统〔lift up〕The boys lifted up their legs, indicating they wanted to climb in.男孩们抬起腿, 示意他们要爬进来。外研社新世纪〔lift〕The boys lifted up their legs, indicating they wanted to climb in.男孩们抬起腿,示意想要爬进来。柯林斯高阶〔ligature〕A curved line indicating such a phrase; a slur.连线:表示这个乐句的弧线;连线美国传统〔macrography〕Abnormally large handwriting, sometimes indicating a nervous disorder.写字过大症:书写字体异常偏大,有时是神经错乱的显示美国传统〔mark〕A notch in an animal's ear or hide indicating ownership.烙印:动物耳朵或臀部的烙印,表示所有权美国传统〔negative〕Medicine Not indicating the presence of microorganisms, disease, or a specific condition.【医学】 不存在的,阴性的:不表示微生物组织、疾病或一特定条件的存在美国传统〔neutral〕Color Of or indicating a color, such as gray, black, or white, that lacks hue; achromatic.【色彩】 中间色的:属于或表明一种缺乏色度的颜色的,如灰、黑或白色的;无色彩的美国传统〔no-fault〕Law Of, indicating, or being a type of divorce in which blame is assigned to neither party.【法律】 无责任的:属于、表示或为一种离婚类型的,指双方当事人均无过失的美国传统〔note〕A symbol for such a tone, indicating pitch by its position on the staff and duration by its shape.音符:以其形状并以其在谱表上的位置表示一定间高的符号美国传统〔objective〕Medicine Indicating a symptom or condition perceived as a sign of disease by someone other than the person affected.【医学】 客观的,他觉的:显示出由他人而非患者本人觉察出疾病迹象的症状或状态的美国传统〔orbital〕The wave function of an electron in an atom or molecule, indicating the electron's probable location.轨函数:描述原子或分子中某个电子运动波函数,它可指出电子的可能位置美国传统〔oscillate〕I checked to see if the needle indicating volume was oscillating.我查看了那根音量指针是否在摆动。柯林斯高阶〔oscillate〕I checked to see if the needle indicating volume was oscillating.我查看音量指针是否在摆动。外研社新世纪〔panel〕They had failed to recognise signs on their instrument panel indicating a serious problem.他们没有注意到仪表板上显示的重大故障信号。柯林斯高阶〔parallel〕A comparison indicating likeness; an analogy.类比,比较:一种指出相似之处的比较;类比美国传统〔parallel〕Printing A sign indicating material referred to in a note or reference.【印刷术】 平行符号:一种在备注或参考文字中标明所指内容的符号美国传统〔pause〕Music A sign indicating that a note or rest is to be held.【音乐】 延长号:表示音阶或停顿的符号,休止符美国传统〔personal〕Grammar Indicating grammatical person.【语法】 人称的:指语法上的人称的美国传统〔pip〕A dot indicating a unit of numerical value on dice or dominoes.点:表示骰子或骨牌上数值的点美国传统〔pip〕A mark indicating the suit or numerical value of a playing card.(纸牌)符号:纸牌上表示数值单位的点或符号美国传统〔pip〕Informal A shoulder insignia indicating the rank of certain officers, as in the British Army.【非正式用语】 星:英国军队中,表示一定军官等级的肩章符号美国传统〔pointer〕A long, tapered stick for indicating objects, as on a chart or blackboard.教鞭:用来指示图表或黑板上的物体的一根长的,一端尖细的棍子美国传统〔poste restante〕A notation written on a letter indicating that the letter should be held at the post office until claimed by the addressee.存局候领(写在邮件上的字样):写于信件上的字样,表明该信件须保存在邮局中,直到收信人去认领美国传统〔precursory〕Suggesting or indicating something to follow.预示的:表明或暗示某事将相继而来美国传统〔pressmark〕Chiefly British A notation in or on a book indicating where it should be placed in a library.【多用于英国】 书架号:书里或书面上表明该书在图书馆的放置位置的记号美国传统〔pressmark〕Printing A notation or figure in the margin of a printed sheet indicating the press on which it was printed.【印刷术】 印刷标识:在印刷纸张的边上的表明是何家印刷的标记或记号美国传统〔price tag〕A label attached to a piece of merchandise indicating its price.价格标签:附在货物上表明价格的标签美国传统〔prodrome〕An early symptom indicating the onset of an attack or a disease.前驱症状:显示某一疾病或疾病发作的开始的早期症状美国传统〔prognostic〕A sign or symptom indicating the future course of a disease.预后:显示疾病演变前景的现象或症状美国传统〔promissory〕Indicating how the provisions of an insurance contract will be carried out after it has been signed.约定支付的:签定保险合同后暗示其条件将怎么被执行的美国传统〔puff〕Genetics A localized region of swelling in certain chromosomes indicating the active synthesis of DNA and RNA.【遗传学】 染色体的结合部分:某些染色体上表明脱氧核糖核酸和核糖核酸活性成分的局部肿胀美国传统〔readily〕In a manner indicating or connoting ease; easily.无困难地:以一种表现出或带有简便的方式地;容易地美国传统〔relational〕Indicating or constituting relation.关系的:显示或构成关系的美国传统〔repeat〕A sign usually consisting of two vertical dots, indicating a passage to be repeated.反复记号:通常有两个竖直的附点组成的记号,指示应重复的节段美国传统〔rest〕The mark or symbol indicating such a pause and its length.休止符:表示这样的停顿和长度的标记或记号美国传统〔scale〕A calibrated line, as on a map or an architectural plan, indicating such a proportion.比例尺:在地图或建筑上表示这种比例的标有刻度的线段美国传统〔scarf〕A sash indicating military rank.肩章:表示军衔的肩带美国传统〔scar〕Botany A mark indicating a former attachment, as of a leaf to a stem.【植物学】 瘢痕:表明先前附着关系的标记,如叶柄上的叶子美国传统〔security〕A document indicating ownership or creditorship; a stock certificate or bond.有价证券:标明所有权和债权的文件;股票证书或证券美国传统〔semicolon〕A mark of punctuation (;) used to connect independent clauses and indicating a closer relationship between the clauses than a period does.分号:一种用来连接主句的标点(;),其显示的主句间的关系比句号连接的主句间的关系更密切美国传统〔show〕The discharge of bloody mucus from the vagina indicating the start of labor.现血(见红):表明分娩开始的从阴道中排放出的血色粘质美国传统〔smile〕A facial expression characterized by an upward curving of the corners of the mouth and indicating pleasure, amusement, or derision.微笑:一种面部表情,其特点是嘴角向上弯成曲线,表示舒服、高兴或嘲笑美国传统〔smile〕These nouns denote facial expressions, as those indicating amusement, in which the mouth is curved upward slightly at the corners.这些名词都指一种嘴角向上微翘,表示愉快的面部表情。美国传统〔speedometer〕An instrument for indicating distance traveled as well as rate of speed.里程计:表明行驶的路及及速率的仪器美国传统〔speedometer〕An instrument for indicating speed.速率计美国传统〔spot〕A playing card with a specified number of such marks on it indicating its value.纸牌数字:在其上具有特定标志的数字以示其价值的纸牌美国传统〔statoscope〕A device for indicating small changes in the altitude of an airplane.灵敏高度表:显示飞机高度微小变化的装置美国传统〔straw vote〕An unofficial vote or poll indicating the trend of opinion on a candidate or an issue.测验民意的模拟投票:非官方的投票或民意测验,以显示民意在一候选人或问题上的倾向美国传统〔straw〕There are straws in the wind indicating that peace is around the corner.有种种迹象表明和平即将来临。英汉大词典〔strike〕A pull on a fishing line indicating this.猛拉钓索:当显示鱼在咬诱饵时急拉钓线美国传统〔swell〕The sign indicating such a crescendo.抑扬符号美国传统〔syndrome〕A complex of symptoms indicating the existence of an undesirable condition or quality.症候群:表明不良情况或品质的存在的一组复杂症状美国传统〔take〕A physical reaction, such as a rash, indicating a successful vaccination.发痘:一种表明成功注射疫苗的身体反应,如出疹子美国传统〔technical〕Indicating or relating to a stock market in which prices are determined or affected by internal manipulation and speculation.股市内部操纵的:显示或关于价格被内部操纵和投机决定或影响的股票市场的美国传统〔telethermoscope〕An apparatus for indicating or recording the temperatures of distant or inaccessible locations.遥测温度计:显示或记录远处的或人所无法接近地点的温度的仪器美国传统〔tie〕Music A curved line above or below two notes of the same pitch, indicating that the tone is to be sustained for their combined duration.【音乐】 (音乐)连接线:同样音高的两个音符之上或之下的一条曲线,表示这个音调要拖长到它们共有的长度美国传统〔topography〕Graphic representation of the surface features of a place or region on a map, indicating their relative positions and elevations.地图:在地图上对某地方或地区的图形表述,显现出其相对位置和相对高度美国传统〔touch〕An official stamp indicating the quality of a metal product.印记:表明金属产品质量的官方印戳美国传统〔unconformity〕Geology A surface of erosion between rock layers of different ages indicating that deposition was not continuous.【地质学】 不整合面:位于不同地质年代的岩石层之间显示沉积作用非连续性的侵蚀面美国传统〔unearth〕Researchers have unearthed documents indicating her responsibility for the forced adoption of children.调查人员已经发现了证明她对强制收养儿童事件负有责任的文件。柯林斯高阶〔unearth〕Researchers have unearthed documents indicating her responsibility for the forced adoption of children.调查者已经起获了证明她对强制收养儿童事件负有责任的文件。外研社新世纪〔union label〕An identifying mark attached to a product indicating it has been produced by members of a trade union.联合标记:连接在产品上的识别标记,表示它是由贸易同盟成员生产的美国传统〔varietal〕Of, indicating, or characterizing a variety, especially a biological variety.变种的:变化了的,表明变化的,或以变化为特征的,尤其是生物变化美国传统〔vengeful〕Indicating or proceeding from a desire for revenge.报复的,复仇的:表明或出自复仇欲的美国传统〔vigia〕A warning on a navigational chart indicating a possible rock, shoal, or other hazard, the exact position of which is unknown.可疑礁滩,海图示警险区:标明存在可能的岩石、浅滩或其它危险且具体位置不明的航海图上的警告标志美国传统〔waft〕A flag used for signaling or indicating wind direction.风信旗:用于打信号或指示风向的旗子美国传统〔water gauge〕An instrument indicating the level of water, as in a boiler, tank, reservoir, or stream.水位表:显示水位高度的仪器,装在锅炉、水箱、贮水池或流水中美国传统〔water line〕A line or stain, as one left on a sea wall, indicating the height to which water has risen or may rise; a watermark.海迹线:海堤上留下的线或标记,表明水曾经达到或可能达到的高度;水迹美国传统〔water line〕Any of several lines parallel to this line, marked on the hull of a ship, and indicating the depth to which the ship sinks under various loads.船的水平线:几条平行于吃水线的线条之任一条,刻划在船壳上,表明承载不同贷物时船下到的深度美国传统〔watermark〕A line indicating the heights of high and low tide.潮位线:表示高、低潮高度的线美国传统〔weathervane〕A device for indicating wind direction.风标:用来显示风向的设施美国传统〔zero〕A cardinal number indicating the absence of any or all units under consideration.零:基数,表示在考虑下不存在的任一或所有的单位美国传统〔zero〕An ordinal number indicating an initial point or origin.零:序数中表示最初的点或原点美国传统He was indicating left but he turned right.他亮起指示灯向左转弯,但却向右转弯了。剑桥国际Some toothpaste tubes carry a logo indicating that the manufacturers’claims have been validated by a medical association.一些牙膏壳上有一个标记,表明该生产厂商的声明已经为一家医药协会所确认。剑桥国际The bed was all cobwebbed, indicating no one had slept in it for quite some time. 这张床上布满了蜘蛛网,表明很久没有人在上面睡过了。译典通The old man sat down slowly, indicating his feebleness. 老人慢慢地坐下,显出了他的虚弱。译典通The refugee's skin was ashen, indicating severe malnutrition.这个难民的皮肤毫无血色,显示了严重的营养不良。剑桥国际There is a straw in the wind indicating that peace is around the corner. 有迹象表明和平即将来临。译典通These bullets contain a special chemical which glows brightly as the bullets fly through the air, indicating the path they have taken.这些子弹含有特殊的化学成分使它们在空气中飞行时能闪闪发光以确定弹道。剑桥国际




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