

单词 internally
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IN/INSIDE〕He was bleeding internally and had to be operated on immediately. 他在内出血,必须立刻动手术。朗文写作活用〔IN/INSIDE〕The job will only be advertised internally. 这份工作只在公司内部招聘。朗文写作活用〔ballistic missile〕A projectile that assumes a free-falling trajectory after an internally guided, self-powered ascent.弹道导弹:在内部导向、自备动力的上升后假设为自由落体的弹道美国传统〔consistent〕His argument is not even internally consistent (= different parts of the argument contradict each other).他的观点本身甚至也自相矛盾。牛津搭配〔contradictory〕The argument is internally contradictory (= contradicts itself).论据本身自相矛盾。牛津搭配〔dislocate〕An estimated 50,000 internally displaced East Timorese were dislocated by ten months of militia violence.据估计, 东帝汶境内有5万难民因10个月的民兵动乱而流离失所。外研社新世纪〔distillation column〕A tall metal cylinder internally fitted with perforated horizontal plates used to promote separation of miscible liquids ascending in the cylinder as vapor.分馏柱:一种高大的金属制圆柱体,内有打孔的水平底,用于提高圆柱体内如蒸汽的上升可溶混合液体的提取美国传统〔dump〕Computer Science To transfer (data stored internally in a computer) from one place to another, as from a memory to a printout, without processing.【计算机科学】 转储,转出:将(储存在计算机内中的数据)未经处理而从一处转入另一处,如从存储器转入打印输出美国传统〔endocrine〕Secreting internally.内部分泌的美国传统〔external〕The building has been restored externally and internally.这栋建筑内外均已修复。牛津高阶〔external〕The job should be advertised internally and externally.这份工作应该内外征聘。朗文当代〔inconsistent〕Her argument is internally inconsistent.她的论据本质上是相互矛盾的。牛津搭配〔internally〕Internally, however, the two computers are so different that programs cannot be switched from one to the other.但是,这两台计算机内部配置迥异,以至于程序不能从其中一台转到另一台里面。柯林斯高阶〔internally〕Internally, the two computers are completely different.从内部讲, 这两台计算机是完全不同的。外研社新世纪〔internally〕Evening primrose oil is used on the skin as well as taken internally.夜来香油既可外敷于皮肤也可以内服。柯林斯高阶〔internally〕He was bleeding internally after falling from his horse.他从马上跌落后, 体内出血。外研社新世纪〔internally〕Our principle is to recruit internally whenever possible.我们的原则是尽可能在公司内招聘。外研社新世纪〔internally〕The state is not a unified and internally coherent entity.该国不是一个统一的、内部团结的实体。外研社新世纪〔internally〕The state is not a unified and internally coherent entity.该国不是一个统一的、内部团结的实体。柯林斯高阶〔internally〕This medicine is not to be taken internally.此药不可内服。文馨英汉〔internal〕The matter will be dealt with internally.这件事将在内部解决。朗文当代〔internal〕The new posts were only advertised internally.新职位仅限于内部招聘。牛津高阶〔internal〕The posts have been advertised internally.这些职位的宣传已经深入人心。麦克米伦高阶〔internal〕This medicine must not be taken internally.此药不得内服。朗文当代〔mezereon〕The dried bark of this plant, formerly used externally as a vesicant and internally for arthritis.瑞香皮:这种植物晒干的树皮,从前曾外用作发疱剂,内服治疗关节炎美国传统〔paregoric〕A camphorated tincture of opium, taken internally for the relief of diarrhea and intestinal pain.复方樟脑酊,止痛剂:一种用于缓解腹泻和肠痛的含樟脑的内服鸦片酊剂美国传统〔remedy〕A great deal has been done internally to remedy the situation.已经做了很多内部工作对这种情形进行补救。柯林斯高阶〔take〕Not to be taken internally.(药瓶等标签用语)非内服药。英汉大词典〔willow〕A textile machine consisting of a spiked drum revolving inside a chamber fitted internally with spikes, used to open and clean unprocessed cotton or wool.打棉机:一种由装刺的鼓组成的纺织机器,鼓在内部装有大钉的密闭空间内转动,用于打开和清理未加工的棉花或羊毛美国传统〔wing〕A structure attached to and connected internally with the side of a main building.侧厅,边厢:附属在主建筑上且与主建筑的一侧在内部相连的结构美国传统It is too early to say whether the positions will be filled internally or externally.要说这些职位是从内部招聘还是从外部招聘还为时过早。牛津商务It's cheaper to develop our software internally (=in our own company) than to pay another company to do it.公司内部自行开发软件比付费让另一家公司开发要便宜。剑桥国际The latest nose reshaping techniques allow treatment to be carried out internally, thus avoiding any possibility of external marks.最新的鼻子整形术可以在体内进行,因此避免了在外面留下痕迹的可能性。剑桥国际This medicine is for external use only and should not be taken internally.这药只供外用,不能内服。剑桥国际




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